Chapter Three: The Time Matrix and the Cult of Saturn: The Esoteric War on the Feminine

in #deepdives5 months ago (edited)


This is a #hive original article.

The Imposition of Will

Personally, the dissemination of facts without the comprehension of their occultic (historical) context, ideologies, strategies, and principles - is a narrative half-written. Although my current focus remains on the arcane nature of the deception. In a broader context (as per the nature of the subject matter) I am working toward a synthesis of the esoteric, and the verifiably journalistic. The cultivation of a perspective that traverses political (mind control paradigms) and ideological limitations. The purpose of my elucidation? To grant the reader an insight into the principles and ideals that galvanise the formation of one worldism. The all-encompassing age of synthesis

To understand the human story - you have to temporarily step away from your own.

As alchemical principles are considered to be universal, every thought, disagreement, structure, process, choice, decision, and institution, are considered ripe for manipulation. Indeed, there is a huge difference between applying these principles personally, and at a macro social scale. The latter alluding to an agenda that seeks to surreptitiously bring the collective psyche into a state of alignment with a premeditated ideological conviction. Concurrently, as the old order begins to crumble under the weight of its degeneracy, malfeasance, and corruption, we can also consider how this concept can be applied at a global scale.

Sefirot = Original idea
Shevirah = The shattering of the idea
Tikkun = Original idea reconstructed at a higher level of comprehension.

“Magick is the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will.”

Aleister Crowley, Magick in Theory and Practice.

From this perspective, the nature of black magick could be construed as the imposition of an external will that is subconsciously absorbed and subsequently relayed as an expression of the target's free will. Here we can begin to observe how (under the guise of social engineering & propaganda) the world is dominated by the principles of black magick. This monumental (industrial) scale of perceptual infiltration should not be underestimated. Hence, throughout later chapters - I am going to display the formative heritage of current social discourse and document the financial and institutional structures behind their dissemination. To reference the evolution of generationally defining ideas and conceptions.

If will is aligned with the flow of the natural order, it is productive. Whether violently or subversively, if you seek to assert your will as a means of control, it is oppression.

Mind War Page 128 - by psychological warfare operative and satanist Major Michael Aquino.


The Esoteric Principles of Gender

As dictated by the first law of thermodynamics, whilst energy can't be created or destroyed - it can be converted. I contend:

Behind the veil of collective comprehension humanity is engaged in a ritualistically manifested methodology of perceptual, alchemo-sexual, and biological alchemy. Consider a process of transmutation and dominion whose overt manifestation is preceded by the corrupted fragmentation of psychology, identity, and biology. This is dark artistry, a fractured doorway into the human psyche, tenets that intersect with an agenda that is focusing its attention on the confusion and desecration of childhood innocence.

I am discussing the utilisation (and inversion) of esoteric and alchemical principles and observing how they're being applied at an individual, societal, and global scale. Within this context, the alchemical ideal of turning lead (which has an alchemical correlation with Saturn) into gold (mercury/soul into sulphur/spirit through a body/salt) could be considered a reflective metaphor for the metamorphosis of humanity. I charge this is being carried out surreptitiously, and the luminosity of its outer shell conceals a very dark theology.


The Pythagorean schools of philosophy conceived divinity in the creative trinity of the father, mother, and child. Social engineering mechanisms like the tactical weaponisation of the dialectic (derived from the union of opposites), and the controlled polarities of institutional wealth production, are hijacked manipulations of nature's (duality/gender) principles.

Within the bond/sacred marriage of the masculine and feminine, as two become one the union of polarity speaks to the productive synthesis of opposites in the form of life, family, and community. Conversely, the age of gender confusion and the blurred boundaries of intersexuality speak to sterility and theft of our creative capacity. The socially engineered linguistic, psychological, biological/chemical corruption/destruction of the archetypal masculine and feminine, an intended precursor to the deconstruction of the family, the collapse of fertility, and the age of assisted evolution. Ancient occultism manifested in the age of genetic modification. An agenda that seeks to steal any form of self-sustenance.



The multifaceted manipulation of the duality system is the essence of their control mechanism. A two-step march towards an intended synthesis of biological sedition and energetic transmutation.


It's about sex! The infiltration of sexual perception speaks to the nature of alchemosexual manipulation. But let's first lend consideration to the esoteric principles of gender.

The foundation of all the schools of the Mysteries resides in sex. Conclusion: The treatise of Sexual Alchemy by Samael Aun Weor.

Derived from debased schools of mysticism, the esoteric/alchemical principle of gender is as follows; Masculine (right/above/light) relating to mercy, intellect, dominance, order, higher, active, good, and positive. Feminine (left/below/dark) relating to judgement, constraint, emotion, creativity, intuition, chaos, lower, passive, evil, and negative. This convoluted philosophy is an expression of a duality fallacy that is expressed through secret societies, and numerous schools of illumination. To add further confusion, from a hierarchal perspective, both the common man and woman are sometimes equated with the feminine principle.

Alongside the inherent masculine and feminine symbolism, fire and water are also symbolic of states of consciousness. Whilst our ruling entities consider themself to possess a higher degree of conscious awareness, in truth, intelligence is creative, compassionate, and harmonious with its surroundings. A cursory view of our world will reveal that whilst they may have a higher intellectual capacity, the parasite class is devoid of intelligence and creative ability.

Buried underneath layers of allegory - as we move toward the one-world system, at both the macro and micro scale we can observe the misguided formation of an attempted synthesis - a union of contradictions that can concurrently be observed in the (attempted) formation of a one-world order. A perspective that can be further correlated to the aforementioned allegorical/societal structures. The children of Cain (fire) and the children of Abel (water) - the synthesis of water and fire (perceived lead into gold) alluding to the alchemical nature of the doctrine. The age of synthesis indicative of a chaotic preliminary process that seeks to bring all impurities to the surface, in preparation for the great purification.

Concerning my previous (below) observations; of course, a lot of this is highly symbolic and allegorical - but at a base level, it gives an insight into both the ruling perspective and its associated social structure. The priest class of the old, evolved to become the legal and financial administrators of the new


Kabbalistically, the woman corresponds (in the elementary world) to the element water, and the serpent corresponds to the element fire. Eliphas Levi.

Relating the concept of synthesis to its inherent sexual symbolism; for the Kabbalist, sexual union (where two become one) symbolises a form of androgynous transcendency that should not be confused with the sacred marriage. In this instance, the feminine aspect is dominated, and sublimated, by the masculine principle. Thus, through the comprehension of our social manipulation, we can begin to comprehend the strategic nature of discombobulation and gender confusion. Indeed, eras of heightened carnality are synonymous with transgression, revolution, and liminality. The former preceding the latter, the sexual revolution, a prelude to the age of identity confusion and cultural rebellion.

Page 93: The Circle In The Square by Elliot Wolfson.


At a societal scale - under the guise of liberation, consider a (mis) guided evolution toward full sensory domination. The attempted proprietary control of creativity, self-sufficiency, ingenuity, and imagination, the harnessed (shepherded) misdirection of emotion, the intellectual usurpation of discernment and intuition, and the weaponisation of empathy through moral relativism.

Reason was perceived to regulate emotion and pacify inner conflict - enabling a reunion between the soul of the microcosm and the cosmological macrocosm.

For the dark artist, to liberate yourself from the chains of compassion is equated with an act of self-preservation. For the Kabbalist, absolute reason creates a universal equilibrium between the counterweights of liberty and necessity - of judgement (feminine) and mercy (masculine). Make no mistake - whilst reason is an integral component to comprehension, when you apply this statement at a hierarchal level of observation, evil is reasoned and justified by those who perceive themselves to be working toward a greater good.


Page 84: The Circle In The Square by Elliot Wolfson.

Of course, I am not decrying the value of reasoning. I am highlighting that there is a huge difference between the concept of direct personal salvation - and believing that (under the guise of some form of divine restoration) you have the right to make monumental decisions for the entirety of humanity - to judge them according to your self-perceived superiority.

The Esoteric War on the Feminine

In a society that they perceive is rebalancing in favour of the feminist, the notion of a war against the feminine will oft be greeted with incredulity by the masculine. Whilst I will elaborate on an equal and opposite war against men; the multi-layered decomposition of the feminine/the mother - speaks to a nuanced (esoteric) strategy whose elucidation will require several chapters of investigative dissemination. The documentation of how the metaphysical and the metaphorical are being applied in a literal sense. A juxtaposition that enables it to hide in plain sight, away from the prying eyes of those who are unable to see the wood for trees.

“The lower or passionate nature is always striving to imitate the actions of the higher, with this difference, that what is spiritual and pure it changes into the carnal and impure. The higher nature takes its origin from the right side of the sephirot tree of life, but the lower from the left side, and is embodied in the female and becomes unified in it. Zohar

In Kabbalistic terms, the creative attributes of the feminine should be noted with a small c. This is due to a very complex (frankly ridiculous) conception of gender, through which motherhood is perceived as symbolic of the masculine principle. Indeed, through the act of impregnation, the passive (negative) feminine is transformed into an active (positive) masculine. Thus it is the male who has gifted her his creative capacity.

The feminine can be productive only to the extent that she receives the overflow from the masculine and is thereby transformed from a passive receptacle to an active agent. Page 100: The Circle In The Square by Elliot Wolfson.

We can observe similar conceptions within the Sumerian allegories of Marduk (order) and Tiamat (chaos), the battle between order and chaos that equates Tiamat with the primordial she-dragon. Tiamat being just one of a million metaphors for the (alchemically articulated) perceived dynamics of reality and the intrinsic nature of femininity. Again, alongside a multitude of esoteric doctrines, elements of the Kabbalah surreptitiously identify the masculine with all that is good and the feminine with all that is evil. A concept that is further re-iterated through Zurvaian occultism.

Chapter 11: The Dawn and Twilight of Zoroastrianism by R. C. Zaehner

“the conception underlying the cabalistic tree, of the right side being the source of light and purity, and the left the source of darkness and impurity traces back “ultimately to old Chaldea.” Jewish Encyclopedia



The androgynous god (ein sof) of the Kabbalah is conceived as a unity of opposites, one that comprises attributes of both the masculine and the feminine - the masculine (great face) of which is superior to the feminine (small face).

Page 81: The Circle In The Square by Elliot Wolfson quoting a Kabbalistic commentary (P. Megillah 4:1, ed. Venice, 74d.) on the thoughts of 13th century Kabbalist Joseph of Hamadan.

“The essence of the Creator is Yesod for the Nugba? is only a receptacle that receives the semen that Yesod gives her, and she is the speculum that does not shine.” Shibbolet shel Leget - arranged by Moses Zacuto:

As highlighted in previous articles - kabbalistic philosophy is highly influential within Western occultism and its associated "secret societies".


The positive (good/masculine) and negative (evil/feminine) binary connotations within schools of mysticism and phallicism, allude to a deceptively spellbinding implication. Speaking to the nature of the strategy; it is indicative of an attempt to (initially) fracture division and engineer the complementary toward an adversary. This could be considered as phallic interpretation of the same ancient esoteric doctrine; the attraction and interaction of positive (masculine) and negative (female) polarities relating to bio-electrical charges - a stimulating activity that interacts with a generative force. The combination of which would later become associated with protons/electrons and the formation of atomic structure. As I noted in chapter one:

Physical matter was conceived as being the result of two opposing forces (positive/above - masculine and negative/below - feminine) that equalise on the plane of inertia.

"Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes." The Kybalion



Positive (masculine) and negative (feminine) polarities are associated with a continuous flow of energy - i.e. life. That said, I contend that we're dealing with a death cult that perceives life as death - and the death of our human capacity as a return to a contrived form of divinity. The war against the feminine, justified by the observation that she perpetrates the cycle of life. That said, I contend that there is a deception that exists beyond the grasp of the (parasite class-funded) narcissists who believe they're engineering humanity toward some form of collective apotheosis. A kind of cosmic problem (we're transcending a gender prison) reaction, solution, that alludes to the potentiality that we're being sleepwalked into enslavement.

When discussing the masculine and feminine I further allude to a belief in the manipulation of incredibly powerful (and primal) energies.



Pythagoras conceived a consonance of universal opposites. A complementary divine symphony where (as alluded to in chapter one) negative/feminine, and positive/masculine, were symbiotic polarities of the same cosmic process. Ultimately, by comprehending the totality of the doctrine, we can understand that the evil (left) and good (right) observations of this chapter are an inverted interpretation of the same base philosophy. Lend consideration to an alchemical process that (under the veiled guise of re-unification/transcension) is working toward the erosion of any form of distinction - climbing the rungs of a dialectic prison ladder toward a premeditated singularity.

The fact of the matter is that the duality prison speaks to the artificially constructed dialectic infiltration of the mind, not the body. Applying this duplicity to physicality speaks to the endgame of a highly nefarious ideology.

The differentials of gender are equated with enslavement and a fall from an androgynous/unified state of being. The restoration of which alludes to a sadistic drive to attain an unattainable state of perfection. The part revealing the totality of a strategy that is based upon the manipulation/corruption of nature's duality principle. The negative polarity assumes the role of bad cop (darkness) the positive the role of good cop (light). As both perspectives are increasingly controlled by the same ruling entities, the perceived eternal cyclical battle between good and evil (currently represented as a choice between a Great Reset or a Great Awakening) forms the foundation of the artificially manufactured duality prison. A singular duplicity deconstructed into two false dichotomies that are luring us toward the age of synthesis.

When the Mason learns that the key is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of the craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hand. Page 78: The Lost Keys of Freemasonry by Manley P Hall.

Whilst some may gravitate toward the darkness and others toward the false light - at all times, the controlling entity perceives themselves to be transcendent of both. Indeed, if you seek to become the lord of history/God, you must infiltrate and define the perception of polarity (of good and evil) and seize control of reproductive capacity - life. The darkness is within the light and the light is within the darkness, in unison they march us toward the apotheotic syncretism of shadow and illumination.

"Good is on the right, evil on the left, but supreme excellence is above both." Page 46: Transcendental Magick its Doctrine & Ritual by Eliphas Levi.


Although they might not embody the malevolence I'm discussing in this series, within many forms of archaic sexual alchemy the feminine principle is equated with animalistic desire. The negative pole of fornication - comprising demonic connotation. The addictive distortion of sexual energy envisioned as impeding the energetic flow of the body. Whilst there may be truth in that statement, its earliest anatomical interpretations were related to the polarities within an individual's body - not the collective denigration of femininity.

Human beings have their sexual energy divided. While the solar, masculine, positive current ascends, the lunar, feminine, negative sexual current descends. We must learn to control these feminine principles in order to achieve the birth of the Child of Gold of Sexual Alchemy. The treatise of Sexual Alchemy by Samael Aun Weor.

Within modernity the infiltration of human sexual perception is enabled through the manipulation of two opposing sexual principles - masculine desire, and the feminine desire to be desired. By virtue, if you wish to influence female sexual perception - you must first infiltrate the masculine. The intrinsic nature of this statement is apparent within the playboy/lad philosophy whose formative heritage was the sexual revolution. Staying with that thought; it's no mistake that another word for a magick spell is a charm. Thus, we should understand the implications of using our charms to manipulate people for our self-gratification.

Through the pascification of our desires we can lend consideration to the observation of a definitive methodology. I relay this not as a repressed moralist, but as an individual who has drank from the well of hedonism and dined upon the insatiable appetites of desire and desired. In all honesty, the intimacy of love is the only thing that has ever quenched my thirst.

Under the guise of liberation, the attempted transmogrification of love, responsibility, and commitment, into hollow carnality, and obsessive identity - alluding to the transgressive erosion of the nuclear family and the formative transmutation of our creative capacity.

Page 98: The Doctrine Of Transcendental Magic by Eliphas Levi.

From a tantric perspective, it should be noted that sex is not "just sex" - rather it is considered the metamorphic dance of creative divinity. Consider a doctrine that is working toward the collective conjuration and manipulation of primal energies that consolidate the fabric of both society and the broader nature of reality. Laws, processes, and (collective) energetic balances that exist beyond an individual perspective,

“The same deed for which a normal mortal would burn for a hundred million eons, through this same act an initiated yogi attains enlightenment.” Page 272 1985 editon: Yoga Immortality & Freedom by Mircia Eliade

For the tantra, the divine creative spark is harnessed and sublimated within the nano-seconds before ejaculation. Its fall into the material realm of the living equated with suffering and death, a spilled seed carrying connotations of hell and damnation. Whilst the Western mind has absorbed a highly romanticised version of the tantra - much like the inward-facing sanctums of the aforementioned secret societies - paradoxically, in alignment with the law of inversion and the aforementioned principle of unified contradictions - the higher you climb the degrees of enlightenment, the darker (and more Saturnian) the doctrine reveals itself to be. Indeed, at the denouement of illumination, they are revealed to be one, and the same.

Page 74: The Brotherhood of Saturn by Stephen Flowers


Returning to the observations of part one; I pause to highlight that when discussing this from an anatomical perspective, the right/left, masculine/feminine, intellect/creativity, and good/evil doctrines of ancient Babylon, are an inversion of our brain's hemispheres. Thus, their corresponding philosophical assumptions and binary classifications of dark vs light, exist on the axis of inversion. Whatever your perspective on the validity of these observations, concerning the Tree of Knowledge - it's an inversion of biblical truth. The attainment of godhood through knowledge and false illumination, a transgressive disconnection from the holistic divinity of creation.

In its modern incarnation - Satanism is oft equated with absolute materialism, an act of transgression against the divinity of spirit. Of course, materialism also has an esoteric association with the feminine.

Page 66: The Brotherhood of Saturn by Stephen Flowers

Destroying The Mother

I am not stating that women are victims, that males are a toxic micro-aggression waiting to happen, that some females aren't toxic, or that women can't live whatever life they want to. Derivative mindsets (and their associated emotionally reactive words and labels) only serve to shackle the mind and impede a broader comprehension. Hence they're disseminated into a society that to varying degrees is held captive within a prison of identities, personalities, spells, and symbols. Sexual symbolism propagating the art of deception and domination.

For your consideration, I point to a collective alchemical experiment that hybridises ancient doctrines and manifests them within the age of scientism. Social sculpting occultic processes, principles, and rituals, obscuring themselves behind the veil of a collective that questions the sanity of those who speak of them. My current focus being the flickering shadows of our idealisms. Why? Because obscured within the hierarchies of illumination resides the corruption of those who have become blinded by their perception of light.

Alchemically - feminine judgement = red/menses, masculine mercy = white/sperm.

All the books of Alchemy have been written in codes and whosoever does not know the codes of Sexual Magic cannot understand the books of Alchemy. The treatise of Sexual Alchemy by Samael Aun Weor.

The below mural resides in the House of the Temple in DC - which is a Scottish rite of Freemasonry. The lettering above states Fiat Lux - which means let there be light, whilst below it states ordo ab chao i.e order out of chaos.


Be mindful of emotional manipulation, as we shall observe, not only is a neo-feminist rebellion anticipated - it is a parasite class funded and esoterically encoded socially induced imperative that many women appear to be falling for.

Staying with alchemical purgation, the second stage of alchemical meditation is known as solutio, it involves the transmutation of sexual energy and the destruction of the individual into the intended integrated rebirth of the whole. This is mirrored within the sexual revolution and the subsequent deconstruction of societal archetypes. Our current focus being the controlled usurpation of a feminine principle that (in this instance) is symbolic of mother nature’s prima materia - the alchemist's prime material.

A world where a credit equals a debit
Evil equals virtue
Positive equals negative
Black equals white
Narcissism equals altruism
Enslavement equals freedom
Where two become one.

To facilitate a (ritualistic) law of inversion, where a negative becomes a positive and evil is expressed as a virtue, the manipulation of the binary system is an integral component. To that end, in the pursuit of social status and masculine ideals, we are abandoning and perverting the power, beauty, and symbology of the feminine. Neo-feminism, a veiled conformity to the values of the masculine.

The veiled destruction of the feminine principle is further symbolised in alchemy.


It is also apparent in the manipulation of spell-ings. Through the deconstruction/redefinition of language, sexual transmutation is driven by the careless re-iteration of weaponised words that have been chosen for a specific purpose. Double meaning utilised as a means of deception - where is the love - making?

"The process of destroying and reinventing language can be observed in the tantric poets." Page 251: Yoga, Immortality and Freedom by Mircea Eliade.


Speech has power. Words do not fade.
What starts as a sound, ends in a deed. Abraham Joshua Herschel.

At the cusp of the 4th industrial revolution, we can begin to glimpse the realisation of an ancient ideological conviction - the preparation for a future that is Motherless. The age of the feminine?? A carefully orchestrated strategy that seeks to destroy the nuclear family and steal the creative essence of femininity. Stay with me! As we shall observe; he that is perceived to obtain mastery of the feminine - correspondingly wrestles control over the path of evolution.

"The break-up of the 20th-century procreative family structure is a vital perturbation needed for the breakthrough of the 21st-century co-creative family structure. Rockefeller funded - Barbara Marx Hubbard: Conscious Evolution page 208. (1998)

I give credence to the views of Hubbard due to her interconnections and friendships with the upper echelons of the power structure. Her proclamations providing a spiritually justified counterbalance to the assisted evolutionary pretensions of the parasite class. For now, I will leave it there - but we shall return to Hubbard at a later date.


At the idealised end of the spectrum we can draw equations with communal living and we are oneism - this is a documentable deception. The proclaimed luminaries who narcissistically believe they've been charged with creating a brave new future - are simply regurgitating the grandiose visions of the past.

The law, I said, which is the sequel of this and of all that has preceded, is to the following effect, -- "that the wives of our guardians are to be common, and their children are to be common, and no parent is to know his own child, nor any child his parent." Plato's Republic

Now for the socially engineered realism; I recently watched a Ted talk that displayed how incest is the fastest-growing genre in pornography. Consider a viral contagion that seeks to dehumanise and deconstruct the foundational principles of society, and the family unit - to pervert the innocence of virtuous love. To chip away at the cement that binds social structure and dismantle the dance of spiritual intimacy, and the emotional bond. The corruption of sensitivity and innocence speaks to the fundamental essence of the human story. The "transcension" of love, family, marriage, and procreation through their self-perpetuating perversion and corruption. The purgation of all that is perceived to bind us to our mortal coil.

I have referenced official proclamations that extol the virtues of positive incest, is it a coincidence that incestuous themes and the word Daddy have now been brought into the realms of pornography and popular culture? Has anyone noticed the sleight of hand with which this most innocent of words has been perverted? Certainly, here in 2020 pornography has morphed into a powerful tool of social re-engineering. Perceptualflaws

As with many ancient philosophies and mythologies it is considered that it's the experience of sensuality that causes the fall of man. The loss of knowledge equated with the division of the sexes. Hence, why I once again allude to the inverted methodology of manufactured purgation. Indeed, the first stage of the alchemical process is known as the Negredo or the blackening; this is where all impurities are brought to the surface and purged in preparation for the new world. From this perspective, we are undergoing some form of initiation process - one that could very well turn genocidal.

Freemasonry is the subjugation of the Human that is in man by the Divine; the Conquest of the Appetites and Passions by the Moral Sense and the Reason; a continual effort, struggle, and warfare of the Spiritual against the Material and Sensual. That victory, when it has been achieved and secured, and the conqueror may rest upon his shield and wear the well-earned laurels, is the true Holy Empire. Albert Pike Moral & Dogma 32:78

Darkness is the symbol of initiation. It is intended to remind the candidate of his ignorance, which masonry is to enlighten, of his evil nature, which Masonry is to purify - Albert Mackay - The Symbolism of Freemasonry.

We must pass through darkness to reach the light - Albert Pike



Page 27: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Iserbyt (1999)

Although many will ridicule the notion that linguistic principles and alchemical rituals are sculpting and shaping the direction of society, what they fail to notice is that we have been incrementally/systematically participating in the objectified cult-ural deconstruction of the nurturing feminine archetype for several generations. Why? Alongside their desire to consume and possess her creative essence, the mother impedes the time lords' vision of elevating themselves to the position of gods - creators. Demi-gods who control the reproductive polarities of life.

In this video we can observe how algorithms manipulate (select biased/derogatory commentary) social media comment sections according to whether the observer is masculine or feminine.

As with the misanthropy that operates through philanthropy, the sepulchral underworlds of the illuminst and dark occultist obscure themself within the incomprehension of the mirrored layers within themselves. The superficially incomprehensible, cloaked beneath a maze of blurred literalism, sophisms, metaphors, and allegorical trapdoors. The point being? Albeit for different reasons - the shadow and illumination are marching us toward the same destination.


The formative heritage of the discussed (history shaping/society governing) occultic principles and alchemical rituals can be discerned within Sumeria, Ancient Egypt, the Magi of neo-Babylon/Chaldea, and Vedic India - the inner recesses of which allude to a ritualistic form of energetic transmutation, metaphysical manipulation, and spiritual cannibalism. Elements of this philosophy are obscured within the upper echelons of left-hand Indian occultism and Tibetan Tantrism. The unsanitised versions of which are oft diluted by academia, and seldom heard/acknowledged by Western idealists/apologists/sentimentalists/revisionists. The Western syncretism of positives creating an unbalanced perspective.

The Vedics equated the cycle of life with the mutual theft and absorption of energies - a cosmic sacrificial fest. An energy extraction matrix manifest as social Darwinism.

Within certain Buddhist sects, the negative connotations surrounding birth inform the notion that the Buddha was born from his mother's (Maya) hip. The belief that Maya died seven days after his birth, an allegory for the seven levels of the fallen world. The death of Maya, symbolic of the ideology that the mother must die before transcendence is attained, which when considering that the early Vedic concept of the eternal feminine was usurped by the masculine conception of transcension, is an interesting observation.

The clue is in the name, the feminine symbolically (simultaneously) equated with the illusionary world of the material (Maya), and the samsara cycle of death and rebirth. Captivating captors that capture the hearts of men and imprison them within a perpetual pirouette of suffering and reincarnation.


In truth, the interplay between the masculine and feminine exists as the living embodiment of the eternal and immutable dance of gender, culminating in the danuma of creation. We are the carpenters of creation alas we have been manipulated to work against the reality grain, counterintuitive to our best interests. Beguiled by a control mechanism that obscures itself within the shadows of the subconscious and the blind spots of human psychology.

Far from being the prison wardens of a fallen world, it is through his (healthy) relationship with the feminine that the female pacifies and transforms the animalistic aspects of the masculine, into the higher purpose of a man. The female is not a passive receptacle, she activates his higher potential. The transformative capacities and creative potentialities of the feminine are incredibly powerful. This is a power that the parasite class seeks to pervert, usurp, and possess. A bond they seek to break. Indeed, if you seek to take control of evolution, the mother impedes that realisation.

Chapter four coming soon! Until then, I will leave it to the reader to decide who has the perceptualflaws.

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Written by @perceptualflaws Banner Gifs create by @doze


we're being sleepwalked into enslavement.

Judging by the two very narrow paradigms that many of us already live in and by, I'd say most of us have already walked all the way in.

Good stuff. Keep it coming!

Judging by the two very narrow paradigms that many of us already live in and by, I'd say most of us have already walked all the way in.

In some ways, but if we ever allow these psychopaths to take control of the evolutionary process (which is verifiably what they want) then we will have the formation of a prison the likes of which can scarcely be imagined. That said, I don't think we will get to that stage - you can only bend natural law for so long, then it will snap back at you.

Thanks - it's difficult writing in a different (open-ended) format - but I like a challenge and have a clear idea about how all the different parts will eventually form a whole that is more than the sum of its parts. Or something like that lol

I've put it this way in my blogging: if humans think that Yaldabaoth (and the archons) didn't fcuk with his/their mother then they are indeed blind. And that they did not become like gods in the GOE story and that the human fusion with A.I. will make us less human and much less godly.
Equally as scary is that the Christian Right in America is perceiving this madness but because they worship Yahweh as the father of the Christ they will ALWAYS make matters worse. History have proved this over and over again. Project 2025 will be terrifying--even if the counter to it is civil war.

I've put it this way in my blogging: if humans think that Yaldabaoth (and the archons) didn't fcuk with his/their mother then they are indeed blind.

Yes, coming from a Christian gnostic perspective - I have no doubt you have plenty to say on that front. I think the Rosicrucian story that I shared in this post sheds some light on their thinking - they think they have some kind of divine right to rule, and thus want to be our Gods - hence they are constructing some form of techno-feudal prison. I think the whole left/right narrative is one they've played for thousands of years - it just now has a political veneer. In terms of the Christian nationalist/right - I think they're being maneuvered into a position where they are going to be equated with the far-right. One way or another, they want to project hatred toward them.