The Imposition of Will
Shevirah = The shattering of the idea
Tikkun = Original idea reconstructed at a higher level of comprehension.
“Magick is the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will.”
Aleister Crowley, Magick in Theory and Practice.

The Esoteric Principles of Gender

The foundation of all the schools of the Mysteries resides in sex. Conclusion: The treatise of Sexual Alchemy by Samael Aun Weor.

Kabbalistically, the woman corresponds (in the elementary world) to the element water, and the serpent corresponds to the element fire. Eliphas Levi.

The Esoteric War on the Feminine
“The lower or passionate nature is always striving to imitate the actions of the higher, with this difference, that what is spiritual and pure it changes into the carnal and impure. The higher nature takes its origin from the right side of the sephirot tree of life, but the lower from the left side, and is embodied in the female and becomes unified in it. Zohar
The feminine can be productive only to the extent that she receives the overflow from the masculine and is thereby transformed from a passive receptacle to an active agent. Page 100: The Circle In The Square by Elliot Wolfson.
“the conception underlying the cabalistic tree, of the right side being the source of light and purity, and the left the source of darkness and impurity traces back “ultimately to old Chaldea.” Jewish Encyclopedia

“The essence of the Creator is Yesod for the Nugba? is only a receptacle that receives the semen that Yesod gives her, and she is the speculum that does not shine.” Shibbolet shel Leget - arranged by Moses Zacuto:

"Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes." The Kybalion


When the Mason learns that the key is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of the craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hand. Page 78: The Lost Keys of Freemasonry by Manley P Hall.
"Good is on the right, evil on the left, but supreme excellence is above both." Page 46: Transcendental Magick its Doctrine & Ritual by Eliphas Levi.

Human beings have their sexual energy divided. While the solar, masculine, positive current ascends, the lunar, feminine, negative sexual current descends. We must learn to control these feminine principles in order to achieve the birth of the Child of Gold of Sexual Alchemy. The treatise of Sexual Alchemy by Samael Aun Weor.

“The same deed for which a normal mortal would burn for a hundred million eons, through this same act an initiated yogi attains enlightenment.” Page 272 1985 editon: Yoga Immortality & Freedom by Mircia Eliade

Destroying The Mother
All the books of Alchemy have been written in codes and whosoever does not know the codes of Sexual Magic cannot understand the books of Alchemy. The treatise of Sexual Alchemy by Samael Aun Weor.

Evil equals virtue
Positive equals negative
Black equals white
Narcissism equals altruism
Enslavement equals freedom
Where two become one.
"The process of destroying and reinventing language can be observed in the tantric poets." Page 251: Yoga, Immortality and Freedom by Mircea Eliade.
Speech has power. Words do not fade.
What starts as a sound, ends in a deed. Abraham Joshua Herschel.
"The break-up of the 20th-century procreative family structure is a vital perturbation needed for the breakthrough of the 21st-century co-creative family structure. Rockefeller funded - Barbara Marx Hubbard: Conscious Evolution page 208. (1998)

The law, I said, which is the sequel of this and of all that has preceded, is to the following effect, -- "that the wives of our guardians are to be common, and their children are to be common, and no parent is to know his own child, nor any child his parent." Plato's Republic
I have referenced official proclamations that extol the virtues of positive incest, is it a coincidence that incestuous themes and the word Daddy have now been brought into the realms of pornography and popular culture? Has anyone noticed the sleight of hand with which this most innocent of words has been perverted? Certainly, here in 2020 pornography has morphed into a powerful tool of social re-engineering. Perceptualflaws
Freemasonry is the subjugation of the Human that is in man by the Divine; the Conquest of the Appetites and Passions by the Moral Sense and the Reason; a continual effort, struggle, and warfare of the Spiritual against the Material and Sensual. That victory, when it has been achieved and secured, and the conqueror may rest upon his shield and wear the well-earned laurels, is the true Holy Empire. Albert Pike Moral & Dogma 32:78
Darkness is the symbol of initiation. It is intended to remind the candidate of his ignorance, which masonry is to enlighten, of his evil nature, which Masonry is to purify - Albert Mackay - The Symbolism of Freemasonry.
We must pass through darkness to reach the light - Albert Pike

Chapter four coming soon! Until then, I will leave it to the reader to decide who has the perceptualflaws.
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Written by @perceptualflaws Banner Gifs create by @doze

Judging by the two very narrow paradigms that many of us already live in and by, I'd say most of us have already walked all the way in.
Good stuff. Keep it coming!
In some ways, but if we ever allow these psychopaths to take control of the evolutionary process (which is verifiably what they want) then we will have the formation of a prison the likes of which can scarcely be imagined. That said, I don't think we will get to that stage - you can only bend natural law for so long, then it will snap back at you.
Thanks - it's difficult writing in a different (open-ended) format - but I like a challenge and have a clear idea about how all the different parts will eventually form a whole that is more than the sum of its parts. Or something like that lol
I've put it this way in my blogging: if humans think that Yaldabaoth (and the archons) didn't fcuk with his/their mother then they are indeed blind. And that they did not become like gods in the GOE story and that the human fusion with A.I. will make us less human and much less godly.
Equally as scary is that the Christian Right in America is perceiving this madness but because they worship Yahweh as the father of the Christ they will ALWAYS make matters worse. History have proved this over and over again. Project 2025 will be terrifying--even if the counter to it is civil war.
Yes, coming from a Christian gnostic perspective - I have no doubt you have plenty to say on that front. I think the Rosicrucian story that I shared in this post sheds some light on their thinking - they think they have some kind of divine right to rule, and thus want to be our Gods - hence they are constructing some form of techno-feudal prison. I think the whole left/right narrative is one they've played for thousands of years - it just now has a political veneer. In terms of the Christian nationalist/right - I think they're being maneuvered into a position where they are going to be equated with the far-right. One way or another, they want to project hatred toward them.