Chapter One: The Time Matrix & The Cult of Saturn

in #deepdives4 months ago (edited)


The Lord Of The Rings

Saturn has historical correlations with materialism, obstruction, control, authority, hierarchy, limitation, imprisonment, and perceptual inhibition. All of which can be observed within the control structures that govern society and warp our reality.

Page 50: The Cult of The Black Cube by Arthur Moros

The deeper we begin to look, the more we can start to comprehend that Saturnian occultism and symbolism, esoterically weave their way through doctrine, culture, and social structure. As Saturn returns to rule over the perceived golden age of Aquarius; consider an ancient doctrine shattered into a multitude of compartmentalised pieces that are now being reconstituted. A right of passage through which only those that are in alignment with the principles of the new age, are intended to make it through.

Saturn is esoterically referred to as the hidden god, "concealer of secrets", god of mysteries, "hidden councils", ritual magic, law, and alchemy. The dying king who whispers the promise of a golden age. The god of time and space, the grim reaper who promises to reap what you sow. His flickering shadows equated with evil, fear, chaos, death, and decay, the radiance of his illumination reflective of order, resurrection, and revelation.

From a mythological perspective; Chronos (Saturn) betrayed his father (also his half-brother), castrating him with a sickle and separating heaven and earth. He later married his sister who became the mother of his children. Fearing a prophesied betrayal, upon each birth Chronos would eat his own children. After the birth of his sixth son Zeus (Jupiter), his wife tricked him by giving him a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes. In adulthood, Zeus fed Chronos a poison that forced him to disgorge the contents of his stomach and free his children.

Death, rebirth and the devouring aspects of El (El-Saturn), the fires of Moloch, the storm deity Baal, the Islamic Zuhal, and the demiurge Jaldabaoth (Yald = son boath = chaos - son of chaos) are all associated with Saturn - as is Osiris, the biblical Nimrod and his mother/wife, Semiramis.


The Death Cult Of Saturn

The clock is ticking, the wheel is turning, who will become the lord of history/time? As both a science and theology; from the construction of the first clock to the cutting edge of technology - the esoteric comprehension and manipulation of time speaks to a forgone conclusion that draws us toward the age of automation and historical culmination. Herein is the story of the time lords.

Whilst the modern mind is largely uniformitarian, the parasite class follow a doctrine of cyclical catastrophism. Micro and macro cycles of change and reformation have close correlations with both the rise and fall of civilisation and disaster-fueled natural selection. The catastrophe cycle informing the foundational tenet of their ideology, the archetype that informs the alchemical axiom of "order out of chaos" (solve et coagule) - that is symbolised by the ancient Bennu bird and the Phoenix. Pertinently, consider a veiled ideology that is intent on attaining a perverted form of apotheosis that will arise from a dialectical singularity at the end of human history.

The essence of the control mechanism (ancient and modern) is the controlled merger of each polarity - a union of contradictions. The hate and the hope, the darkness and the light, the end and a new beginning, chaos as an overture to order.

Page 564: The Cult of the Black Cube by Arthur Moros.

Drawing upon latent memories of a cyclical catastrophe that is deep-rooted within the human psyche, we can observe how ancient priest classes utilised an advanced knowledge of eclipses, time, and astronomy, as a means of convincing the masses of their foresight and divinity - and cultivating a state of controlled anxiety. Mantras that are apparent in the doom-laden fears of modernity. At its extremities, I lend consideration to the construction of a time matrix that demanded human sacrifice as an appeasement to the gods. A predominant historical figure being the myriad expressions of the dark-time god Saturnus, who is symbolised by the planet Saturn.

As I'm delving into ancient doctrines (not a precise science) I'm well aware that some calculations will display a margin of error. Whether they have been tweaked to suit a theology will be left to the reader to ponder. Certainly, as with most occultic ideologies, there are elements of truth that have been moulded into a philosophy. Although I'm incrementally revealing a (potentially global) doctrine that alludes to the occult worship of time, that doesn't mean that I'm not going to shine a light upon the shadows of its deceptive potentiality and its broader implications for humanity. But let's first consider how the human body (microcosm) was considered to integrate itself into the universal laws of the macrocosm.


Saturnus by Crispijn van de Passe

Waveform Morality

Saturn is considered as the ruler of the material. The anatomical axiom of "as above so below" alluding to how the forces of the macrocosm rule the microcosm of the human body - the inner universe of the latter conceptualised as a mirrored representation of the former. Hence why, as much as anything else, the priests of the ancient world were anatomists. The polarity of that statement being a self-centered view of creation. The deceptive potentialities of which we shall discuss at a later date.


Page 218: The Secret Doctrine of The Rosicrucian's by Magus Incognito

As life is largely dependent on the photosynthesis of solar energy. Within ancient anatomism, mankind was often portrayed as an upturned tree or flower. Where the ascension of minerals through the flower's root system nourishes its leaves and branches, the spinal stem descending downwards to nourish the arms, legs, and bodily organs.

“Man’s physical-astral-causal body is like an upturned tree, with roots in the hair and brain, and in astral rays from the thousand-petaled lotus, and in causal thought emanations which are nourished by cosmic consciousness. The trunk of the tree of life in man is the physical-astral-causal spine. The branches of this tree are the physical nervous system, the astral nadis (channels or rays of life force), and thought emanations of the magnetic causal body. The hair, cranial nerves, medulla, cerebral astral rays, and causal thought emanations are antennae that draw from the ether life force and cosmic consciousness. Thus is man nourished not only by physical food, but by God’s cosmic energy and His underlying cosmic consciousness. God Talks with Arjuna by Paramahansa Yogananda: The Bhagavad Gita: Royal Science of God-Realization pages. 788-789

In the above quotation Yogananda is suggesting that human DNA is akin to the tree of life. A two-way transmitter-receiver that is both attuned and interacting with the bio-field of God. A statement that leads me to consider how we may have become out of tune with the holistic flow of life.

Certainly, the solar cycle has a modulating effect on the electromagnetic spectrum. The low frequency electromagnetic waves of the earths Schumann resonance manifesting themselves between the resonance chamber of the earth and the ionosphere. Creating a set of frequencies with an average base of 7.8 hz, and harmonics of approximately 14 Hz, 20 Hz, 26 Hz, 32 Hz... rhythms have a harmonious correspondence with human brainwaves.

Within ancient anatomism, physical matter is conceived as being the result of two opposing forces (positive/above - masculine and negative/below - feminine) that equalise on the plane of inertia.

"Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes." The Kybalion


An electrical charge in motion creates a magnetic field. Conversely, a changing magnetic field generates an electric current.

From magneto-sensing cryptochrome proteins (which also help to control our body clocks) to magnetite crystals and particles - we are bio-electric/magnetic entities of frequency. Our bodies akin to a (transmitting/receiving) vibrational tuning fork. Each human body considered as an electromagnetic field generator - i.e we are each (much like the earth's magnetosphere) cocooned within a electromagnetic energy/toroidal field whose sustenance is integral to health and well being. For healthy individuals, the toroidal field was considered a protective layer that heals the body and protects it from illness and infection.

Earth's invisible shield blocks killer electrons and can be found on the outer edge of the magnetosphere at approx (keep a note of the number) 7,200 miles in height.

Like every aspect of our being, to maintain its optimum, the field needs to be nourished - a key element within this sustenance pertains to maintaining a healthy moral compass and a positive state of mind. Once we stepped outside the laws of God, nature, and morality, it was perceived that we damage our magnetic flow and by virtue our physical and psychological health. Our thoughts and actions creating a chain reaction. Conversely, if the field is nurtured it offers protection from negative influences - hence why we live in a world of externally manufactured vice, fear, and anxiety.

This body is called the Field, because a man sows seeds of action in it, and reaps their fruits. Wise man say that the Knower of the Field is he who watches what takes place within this body. “The Field and its Knower,” Bhagavad-Gita

Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. Mathew 13:12

Fear, greed, selfishness, anxiety, infidelity, resentment, narcissism, and gluttony, erode our defenses, drain our vitality, impede regeneration, cultivate disease, and shorten life expectancy. Indeed, it shouldn't come as too much of a surprise that a society of antinomianism and social Darwinism - where pride, lust, envy, and greed become the positive social values that underpin the foundations of economic enterprise, is one that was hardwired to fail.

When all is said and done, will the meek inherit the earth?


-Matthew 5:3-11


Neurotransmitters are chemicals, but they carry an electrical charge. The electrical signals in our brains and bodies affect the way cells interact and function. Electrochemical messages are passed between brain cells. Similar signals are passed to every cell in the body. Each is studded with “receptor sites,” a kind of “mail-box” for these electrochemical messengers. “You have receptors on every cell in your body. They actually are little mini electrical pumps.” When the receptor is activated by a matching “molecule of emotion” the receptor passes a charge into the cell changing the cell’s electrical frequency as well as its chemistry. Dr Candice Pert

Human cells are specialised to conduct electrical currents. The elements of the body (i.e potassium , magnesium, sodium etc) contain a specific electrical charge. The vast majority of our cells use these charged elements to generate electricity, the cell membrane enabling the cell to generate electrical currents. Resting cells have a negative charge in their interior, whilst the exterior environment is positively charged. Within a stimulated cell, the interior becomes positively charged, which in turn generates currents that create electrical impulses. The electrochemical messages that are carried through our bodies alter our cells. Disrupting the body's electrical currents, and the cellular storage of negative information (stress/anxiety etc) leading to serious illness.

Those who can read it will concur that the heart resonates the truth.

Our acts modify our magnetic respiration (or magnetic radiation) in such a way that a seer can say, when approaching a person for the first time, if that person is innocent or guilty, and what their virtues or their crimes are. Eliphas Levi.

To the student of the esoteric, EL-ectricity is believed to be the (sensory) invisible lifeblood of the universe. Inwardly, the occultist considers that we are magnetised by that which equated as the astral light. An instrument of life that is affixed to the body's living centers, expressed through the resonance of the heart, and its interaction with the brain, genital organs, and the central nervous system. Through "lucid will" the magician seeks dominion over this "universal magic agent". The attainment of lucidity, gifting a communicative ability to manipulate the resonance of the chosen target. Through the influence of their vibrational magnetism, for better or worse/sickness or health, the goal is the infiltration of the person.

A narrative that has been both redefined, scientifically refined. Indeed, whilst modern biology focuses on the physical whilst refusing to entertain the possibility of a physically animating lifeforce, I ponder whether we're being targeted at a level we can neither detect nor (broadly) comprehend. Indeed, if we consider the holistic human body as a two-way transmitter and receiver we can acknowledge an agenda that is pursuing a conspiracy of disconnection. Here I pause to note the correlation between the EM fields of overhead power lines with depression and suicide rates.

The sun = fire, the moon = water. Sun radiating out = male - the moon as a magnetic attractor = female.

Therefore, in the astrosoph¬ ical doctrines of the FS, the effects of Saturn (= 3) are transmitted through the Moon (= 9)—the power of Saturn squared (3 2 ). Page 47 Doctrines of the Fraturnis Saturni: Fire & Ice: The Brotherhood of Saturn by Stephen Flowers.

Electromagnetic energy increases when the sun and the moon are aligned, this occurs when the moon reaches a new moon stage and the two rise and set together. Conversely, shaped by solar winds, the earth's electromagnetic field stretches out into what is known as a magnetotail. Each month, during its full moon phase, the moon passes through the magnetotail and becomes negatively charged. Its fluctuating electromagnetic resonance influencing the earth's electromagnetic field through a sophisticated feedback process.

When our right/left brain hemispheres are balanced/synchronised it corresponds with beneficial changes in hemispheric blood flow and electro-chemistry. The left (oft referred to as masculine) brain hemisphere is historically equated with science and logic, the right (feminine) with empathy and creativity. When both hemispheres are balanced, it was believed that the reciprocal intelligence of creativity and intellect become manifest. We can perhaps consider a battery that requires both polarities to operate correctly. Indeed, to the ancient anatomists the dual lobes of the brains cerebrum were known as Cain and Abel, in this instance Cain is equated with the curse of imbalance.

Whether or not you consider the brains hemispheres to have an anatomical correspondence with their esoteric associations - there is a deeper layer of observation that is worthy of further consideration.


The Gateway Experience

The elements that make up physical reality are bound together by resonance. The resonant field enabling both interaction and a corresponding exchange of information. The above and below (pun intended) images are taken from a 1983 CIA document, that was approved for release in 2003. Whilst it is noted as "declassified, " the information related to the patented Hemi-Sync project has always resided in the realm of public knowledge, Monroe even wrote a corresponding trilogy of books.


The gateway process uses sound to manipulate brainwaves, the individual surmounting the limitations of spacetime and entering a state of intuitive awareness. In essence, upon hearing a sound that emulates the resonance of human brain activity (theta/delta etc), the mind will attempt to mimic the frequency pattern by adjusting its brainwaves. As these barely audible sounds contain a left and right ear differential of 10 hz, rather than focus on one sound or the other, the brain selects the difference between them and in the process creates a coherence between the left and the right hemispheres.

This process places the body in such a deeply relaxed state that it has been compared to transcendental meditation. The resonance of the human heart reaches the fluid layer surrounding the brain and sets up a rhythmic pattern. The body and the mind now operating as a tuned vibrational system, transferring energy (within a range of 6.8 and 7.5 hz) into the aforementioned ionospheric cavity. The accompanying documentation alluding to a transient escape from the limitations of a material reality - where consciousness is filtered down through light particles and bound within the processes of atoms and molecules.


Interestingly, we can find the manipulation of sound frequency within ancient monuments such as Malta's Hal Saflieni. The Maltese Hypogeum produces a double resonance frequency of 70Hz and 114Hz. The hypogeum is an ancient underground complex that houses an "oracle room" which has a fabled reputation for sound acoustics and resonances. Because the room stores certain resonant frequencies it enables the production of large amplitude oscillations. Laboratory testing has shown that exposure to these associated resonant frequencies can have a physical effect on human brain activity and perception.


Dr. Paolo Debertolis reported on tests conducted at the Clinical Neurophysiology Unit at the University of Trieste in Italy. He stated that “each volunteer has an individual frequency of activation, always between 90 and 120 hz. Those volunteers with a frontal lobe prevalence during the testing received ideas and thoughts similar to what happens during meditation. Whilst those with occipital lobe prevalence observed visualized images." He also stated that: "Ancient populations were able to obtain different states of consciousness without the use of drugs or other chemical substances."

It appears that its builders utilised architectural techniques to boost these resonances. Radio frequency spectrum engineer Glenn Kreisberg commented that "The Oracle Chamber ceiling especially near its entrance from the outer area, and the elongated inner chamber) appears to be intentionally carved into the form of a wave guide."


The Cycle

The writings of the ancient Chinese display the belief that to maintain optimum health, mankind requires two environmental signals, the masculine Yang (above) and the feminine Yin (below). These observations appear to correspond with scientific interpretations of the Schumann resonance. The Yang (above) are the waves that surround our planet and the Yin (below) the geomagnetic waves that emanate from within the earth - both of which appear to have a mutalistic relationship with physical and psychological health.

However, a growing body of research strongly suggests that solar and magnetic influences affect a wide range of human health and behavioral processes with the cardiovascular and nervous systems being the most clearly affected. Source

It has been suggested that part of the hippocampus (part of the brains temporal lobe) acts akin to a transducer of EM energy. Neural activity in the hippocampus increasing with electrical stimulation.

As the Schumann resonance mind synchronisation stabilises your brainwave activity. Consider an ELF modulated, radiating signal that is born of earthly and ionospheric energy resonances and cyclical solar synergies that symbiotically commune with our brain's diurnal and ELF rhythms. Resonant fluctuations inter-connecting with alterations to our serotonin and melatonin balance. In turn, correlating and manifesting as variances in human health, psychology, and cognitive awareness.

Increased airborne concentrations of negative ions enhance an alert and positive state of mind, whilst positive ions can augment states of lethargy and depression. These facts are acknowledged within psychological warfare. Taken from the paper "From Psyop-To Mind War", the below is written by the US armies 7th Psychological Operations department's psychological warfare operative and Satanist, Major Michael Aquino.

Mind War

Mind War

As eras of weakened or enhanced solar cycles become an overture to fluctuations within the Schumann resonance. These natural rhythms and energetic waves create a modulating effect on human health, cancer rates, mortality, and human cognition. We are looking at a system of causal correlations between vibration, radiant energy, solar activity, human health, psychology, and potentially seismic activity.

It doesn't mean that people are akin to puppets dancing to the tune of every oscillating fluctuation. Likewise, If you're sitting around waiting for vibrations to make the world a better place - I'd suggest that there is no time like the present. Emancipation is not a waiting game, it's right here right now. Conversely, in the context of our current shift of ages, as people shed the skins of the old, they can become more malleable and predisposed to the seeds of external influences and new ideas. Which is a big problem if the parasite classes are selectively (verifiably) sewing them.

Are you awake or dreaming an externally downloaded reality? As the ubiquitous "Great Awakening" is energised by the fear of a great reset, I allude to the collectivist nature of the doctrine. In this instance, I'd say that the term revelation is a better descriptor. Everything is already being revealed - alas, in the age of information, it's a divisive cognitive mind-field. By introducing false dichotomies, primed principles, and emotionally idealised structures to hold onto, this is a state of confusion that could be capitalised upon. Indeed, I contend that the Great Awakening has always been the intended destination.


The Micro & The Macro

Whilst the precessional cycle of the earth is a bone of contention to certain individuals and demographics. However you choose to apply them, the mathmatical principles I'm discussing are of equal interest. Pertinently, our increasingly divisive interpretations of reality, speak to an age where the foundational principles that have bound institutional and social structure, are being deconstructed.

Our lives revolve around cycles. By observing the character of the changing months we can comprehend how oscillations in the electromagnetic spectrum form a symbiotic dance with the fundamental essence of our being. From circadian rhythms to how the passage of the seasons correlate with biological and social cycles. The seasons of the female reproductive cycle - its historical synchronicity with the 28 day lunar cycle and onward into the seasons of our lives that culminate in the winter of our life force. Pause to consider a vast interlocking equation of macro-micro causality, interlocking epochs of decay and regeneration.


Every 72 years (7+2=9 remember that number) the great year shifts by one degree. The moon's gravitational pull on the earth creating an endless tidal cycle, that expands toward lunar month and spring tidal cycles, generational cycles, and beyond. The strongest lunar cycles appear to occur every 18 (diminishing every 9 years) 72 and 230 years, and onwards. These numbers can once again be broken down into the cyclical nature of the great year, one degree equating to 72 years - which equals four times an eighteen-year lunar cycle.

Manai-Jinja shrine in Japan.


Within these solar/lunar and gravitational cycles the earth experiences cyclical pulses of warm and cold water. The micro cycles manifesting every nine years, the larger pulse cycles correlating with a one-degree movement of precession/sky calender. The last warm water pulse peaked around 1999 which ties into scientific analysis relating to the high tide mark of global warming and the subsequent pause. If you subtract 72 from 1999 you will get 1927, which was the era of the American dust-bowl.

The Milankovitch cycles derive their name from the Serbian astronomer and mathematician Milutin Milankovitch. Waxing and waning cycles of movement and solar radiation observed through the cyclical nature of glaciation. Cycles within cycles, interlocking cogs interacting with cyclical weather patterns, geomagnetic, and seismic cycles. The post-glacial warm period peaked approx (give or take a 1000 years) 7000 years ago and from then onwards the earth began an elongated period of cooling. Within this vast timescale, there are several periods of both warming and cooling, some of which can last hundreds of years. Within the macro cycle, grand solar minimums occur approx every 230 years, the last occurring around 1790.

Of course, humanity experiences social and civilisational cycles of decadence, corruption, war, and reformation. The impending collapse of the old system is as much as anything else - a deliberately synchronised and artificially engineered consequence of our manipulated actions and interactions.

It's About Time

At this moment in time we live in the vernal equinox, an astrological no man's land where the sun rises between Pisces and Aquarius. The bewitched twilight of a new dawn, the age of social and biological liminality, where the gravitational and electromagnetic influences of the waning age of Pisces overlap with the rising age of Aquarius.

The changes we're currently observing, the great reset, the restructuring of the social and financial orders, are deliberately synchronised with the age of Aquarius. The world order they're constructing, and the (controlled/socially engineered) perceptual reality they're verifiably disseminating, an indicative interpretation of when Saturn returns to rule over the age of the Aquarian. Two thousand one hundred and sixty years - the idealism of which speak to naivety and an unbalanced comprehension of its accompanying (veiled) ideology.

Publius Vergilius Maro

LUX E TENEBRIS LUCET ET LUCEAT Doctrines and teachings concealed within the magical lodge Fraternitas Saturni are wrapped in the dark cloak of the Demiurge Saturnus, and are truly revealed only to those elect of Saturn who are able to comprehend and understand the Saturn-Gnosis. This gnosis is sometimes dark and foreboding. It uncovers the dark side of the Aquarian Age—an age to be ruled by Saturn. But it is also enlightened by the "higher octave" of Saturn—Lucifer—and by the dark light of Saturnian yoga, or sexual mysticism and cosmosophy. Chapter 2: The Brotherhood of Saturn by Stephen Flowers.

The principles and processes of chaos, order, death, and awakening, are factored equations of a control mechanism that utilises the subconscious manipulation of the binary system. All of which (if we follow the perceptual pied pipers) are illustrative of the narratives that have been chosen for us. True freedom speaks to the awareness of the moment and emancipation from the dialectic nature of the manipulation. Unfortunately, as we spin from right to left, left to right, dusk till dawn and dawn till night, I acknowledge that it's a method of control that is highly pervasive and incredibly beguiling.

“There are years that ask questions and years that answer.” ZORA NEALE HURSTON

The inner recesses of astrotheology could be considered as an occultic science that deciphers how the primal forces of the macrocosm influence the microcosm. As the cycle turns, corresponding energies are considered to fluctuate - some lending themselves towards chaos and unpredictability, others towards balance, calm, revelation, action, or tranquility. The esoteric comprehension of these fundamental principles (and their correspondence with time) points to a belief in the utilisation of alternating frequencies, as a means of manifesting an intended outcome.

Within physical ritual corresponding numbers may be exemplified by an associated action or event. Indeed, the core principles of both magick and alchemy are inextricably entwined with the esoteric conception of time.

The Sefer Razi’el at its beginning gives directions for invoking the angels ‘that change according to the month, day and hour, and for using them for a peculiar purpose, such as prophecy’ or protection. Because astrological influences were also thought to be time-dependent, it is not difficult to see how the two magical traditions of astrology and cabala merged in the casting of sigils. - "Magic Coins’ and ‘Magic Squares’" by Ann Marie Roos : The Discovery of Astrological Sigils in the Oldenburg Letters - Notes and Records of the Royal Society (2008) 62, page 271–288. Citing Deborah E. Harkness's book - John Dee’s conversations with angels: cabala, alchemy, and the end of nature.


Father Time

Wait for the vibrations to change, wait for the stars to align, wait to be saved, wait to be awakened, wait wait wait wait wait. What are we all waiting for? The only time is now, and now is the time to rise to the occasion.

To the initiates of the ancient priest-class the solar system was structured according to the forces emanating from Saturn. The Saturnian comprehension of time alluding to a doctrine that spoke to an attempted transcension of the material cycle. The fact that Saturn was equated with (Chronos/father time) points to a degree of knowledge that evaded the awareness of those that spoke of his myth.

“For some inexplicable reason, at some unknown date, it seems that certain archaic myths from all over the world were co-opted (no other word will really do) to serve as vehicles for a body of complex technical data concerning the precession of the equinoxes.” Hamlet’s Mill: An Essay on Myth and the Frame of Time, by Giorgia de Santillana and Hertha von Dechend.

Saturn has an esoteric connection to Karma (Karmic cycle). Within Jewish mysticism, the reign of Sabbatai (Hebrew for Saturn) is associated with the fulfillment of Messianic prophecy. For the practitioner of Saturnian magick, Saturn (the black cube) is equated with the worship and gnosis of the Saturine entity. For the Christian Gnostic Saturn is symbolically equated with the demiurge - the fallen god of time and space. So let's consider how Saturn could be considered the time keeper of the great year. The oribital precession of the zodiac in Saturnian years = 864. There are 86400 seconds in one 24hr rotation of the earth, which at its equilibrium equals 432,00 seconds of ascending light and 432,00 seconds of descending darkness.

Saturn, because it is at the greatest distance from the sun of all the visible planets, has the longest ‘year,’ taking a little less than 30 years to complete one circuit of the zodiac. This makes it the best precessional timekeeper of all the planets. Saturn completes one precessional Great Year of 25,920 years every 864 of its ‘years,’ a half cycle every 432 of its ‘years,’ a quarter cycle every 216 of its ‘years,’ and an eighth of a cycle every 108 of its ‘years.’ This equals (108 x 30) 3240 years or 45 degrees of precessional arc. Fulcanelli: Le Mystère des Cathédrales

One full day = 24 hours
24 hours X 60 minutes = 1,440 minutes
1,440 minutes X 60 seconds = 86,400 seconds
720 minutes X 60 seconds = 43,200 seconds
720 is also the number of degrees in an electron's full circuit (cycle).

The equinox falls upon a different constellation roughly every 2160 years, 12 constellations, 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 months of the calendar, 12 cranial nerves that were considered to correlate with the 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 DNA vector codes, 12 inches in a foot.

Twelve fundamental Salts exist which are governed by the twelve zodiacal signs. Illness appears when these twelve zodiacal Salts are not well balanced within our human organism. To synthesize, these twelve zodiacal Salts give a form of perfection to the twelve bodies that the inhabitants of the Mist of Fire use. The twelve zodiacal Salts convert the human being into a splendorous zodiac. The treatise of Sexual Alchemy by Samael Aun Weor.

Psychological morphogenesis and the Saturnian cycle
21-28 repeat

In terms of the aforementioned karmic cycle; every 10,848 days (29.7 years) Saturn returns to the same place of orbit as the day you were born. Equating to what is known as the seven-year cycle (seven-year itch) - at the age of seven Saturn will be ninety degrees (oft associated with a square) through its rotation of your star sign - an age that is equated with primary education. At the age of fourteen it reaches its farthest point, approximately 180 degrees out of alignment with your sign - an age that is associated with both confusion and an evolving sense of self-hood.

90 degrees - 9 + 0 = 9
180 degrees - 1 + 8 = 9
270 degrees - 2 + 7 = 9
360 degrees - 3 + 6 = 9

At the age of 21 its orbit is 270 degrees out of phase - which equates to it being 90 degrees - but in the opposing direction - again, forming a square (associated with leverage) with your zodiacal sign - it is recognised as a time of personal development, the planting of seeds and the reaping of rewards. As we approach the age of 28 the cycle moves toward completion. The Saturnian return is characterised as a tumultuous period of emotional distress, paranoia, and social alienisation. The contraction of self-awareness and a state of dissociative anxiety as a perceived prelude to a revelatory metamorphosis of awareness that many fall short of attaining.

Make no mistake - from a hierarchal perspective, we are in the age of the reaping. The burn cycle.

Within a broader context; the macro-cycles of Saturn were conceived to manifest themselves in the rise and fall of civilisation - within the process of death and rebirth, disassociation, and the unification of contradiction. The decay of civilisation correlating with periods of decadence and corruption.

Each half-day comprises of 60 seconds x 60 minutes x 12 = 43200. If we multiply 43200 x 2 it = 86400, which within the optimum range of a healthy individual is very roughly (potentially selectively interpreted) the number of times a human heart will beat in a single day. The mean average for a human heartbeat is equated with 72 beats per minute - 72 X 60 = 4320 - 7 + 2 = 9 also 4 + 3 + 2 + 0 = 9. In keeping with a Saturnian correlation, ancient cultures believed that the completion of a great year equated to 25,920 years, which when you divide by the ancient Babylonian (sexagesimal) base number "soss" (i.e 60) leaves us with the fractal number 432.

Whilst requiring a high degree of self-mastery, ancient meditative practices and scientific observations display that the slowed/meditative optimum rate of breathing is 6 breaths per minute, which equates to 360 breaths per hour, which equals 4320 breaths per twelve hours and 8640 per day. This harmonises with the sexagesimal geometry of a 360-degree circle, a 25,920-year cycle, and of course, the ubiquitous 432. From this perspective, it would appear that our breathing and our heartbeats can become entrained with a universal pacemaker.




Time was often equated as the coming and going of breath - the past revealed through inhaling, the future by exhaling - the eternal moment residing in the withholding. As below, this was sometimes further linked to three aspects of the human brain. The cerebrum concerns itself with the present, the cerebellum with the past, and the medulla oblongata with the past, present, and future.

Furthermore, Tibetan Buddhism states that there are four cardinal channels within the human body - southwest, northeast etc. From the cardinal four there branches an intermediary four, which makes eight, each of these develops a three-fold branch which makes 24, the 24 then branching into three which makes 72, each of these channels then branches into a thousand, which makes 72,000.

Saturn, the earth, moon, and sun all exhibit the ratios of the number 432.

The Viking Eddas tell the story of the Day of Ragnarok, or the Doomsday of the Gods, on this day it is foretold that 800 Divine Warriors will emerge from the 540 Doors of Valhalla (800 x 540 = 432,000). The number of years/days the ten Sumerian kings were said to have ruled was 4,32,000, which in turn equates to the cycle of the Kali Yuga. Equally, the kings Enmenluanna and Amemnon reigned for (I note days because it is highly likely that the attribution of years is a modern misrepresentation) 43,200 years/days, Alagar, Kidunnu, Enmenduranna, for 72,000 years/days. Whilst the ancient imperial library of China was said to contain 4,320 volumes that recorded the entire history of knowledge.

Five hundred and forty doors
there are to Wal-hall I ween.
Eight hundred of the Chosen
shall go out of each door at one time,
when they go forth to fight the Beast.

In the book of Genesis, if we count the number of years between the creation of Adam and the story of Noah we arrive at 1656 years. As displayed by the work of eminent Assyriologist Julius Oppert, 1656 years = 86,400 seven-day weeks. Of course, 86,400 divided by two = 43,200. When considering numerical symbology, it's worth noting that to the Israelites, time and its numbered sequences were more symbolic than they were chronological. Indeed, the dates ascribed to the reign of kings (etc) should not be viewed from the linear perspectives of modernity - rather, alongside their symbolic connotations - we should note that the greater the number, the higher the degree of importance.

a statement of one's age (e.g 70) does not necessarily represent the actual number lived, but rather the extent to which one aged, in terms of physical appearance as well as social standing. This is because age is not the experience of the passage of time, but rather of process. Page 43-44: Time & Process in Ancient Judaism by Sascha Stern

The Babylonians believed that each of the 12 signs of the zodiac ruled over the twelve months of the year. They then divided each of the twelve houses into a further three rooms, thus 12 X 3 = 36. Each of the 36 gods ruled over 10 degrees of the 360 degree zodiac. The radius of the earth = 3960 miles which equates to 3600 + 360.

The soss number 60 derives from the Sumerian calender, the ner = 600, and the sat - 3600. The great Sar being 3600 x 60 = 216,000, which is half of 432,000. The Sumerian year (excluding five days of festivity) consisted of 72 weeks (72 years = one degree of procession) of five days, 72 x 5 = 360, 72 X 360 = 25,920. The Aga Khan led Ismaili's placed further significance on the number 360,000. In their belief, the duration of the universe was 360,000 X 360,000. In the Haft Bab (seven gates) it is stated that every 360,000 years the heavens revolve full circle, the implication being that history repeats itself.

360,000 is a multiple of 60
60 X 3600 = 216,000
216,000 X 2 = 432,000

The original height of the Great Pyramid was 481.3949, if you times 481.3949 feet by 432,000 you get 207,962,596.8 feet which = 3,938.685 miles. Minus 11 miles (which is an error of 0.2%) this equals the polar radius of the earth.


The approximate diameter of the sun = 864,000 miles which is 108 times the diameter of the earth. Again 432 x 2 = 864. The approximate diameter of the moon = 2160 miles - which is a turn of the constellational time cycle. 432 / 2 = 216. The speed of light is recorded as - 186,232 miles per second. 432 X 432 = 186,624. Also, as already noted, a great year equates to 25,920 earth years, 2,592 x 72 (one degree of precession) = 186,624.


Vedic scriptures and mythology speak to how the universe is destined to pass through four huge epochs of creation and destruction. This divine cycle is known as a Kalpa, the Kalpa is comprised of a thousand Yuga cycles of four Yugas (A Yuga equates to an age) each age profoundly different to the last.

A complete macro Yuga cycle of four Yuga’s/ages is said to take 4.32 million years and a Kalpa is said to consist of 4.32 billion years. Within this interpretation, each Yuga cycle equates to 12,000 divine years (a divine year is 360 earth years) thus 12,000 divine years x 360 = 4320000 human years. Another interpretation is that each cycle is 12,000 human years. Whatever the perspective the 12,000 year (or 12,000 divine year) Yuga cycle still contains four sub-Yugas/ages/seasons. The Yuga principle elucidated by Sri Yukteswar (Paramhansa Yogananda's guru) states that Yuga cycles always come in pairs and have a short transitional period (Sandhis) in-between the two cycles.

For the Vedas the universe reincarnates every 4.32 billion years, That said, it would be remiss not to point out that modern science observes that the universe is approximately 13.7 billion years old - hence the calculations of the Vedas are out of synch with reality. There would also appear to be too much entropy for it to rebound. Thus, they allude to an ideology - not science.

Continuing, from a Vedic understanding there are 12,000 years (or divine years) of ascending light followed by a further 12,000 years of descending light. Including the transition between one pair to the next (the Sandhi) this would equate to roughly 24,000 years. When you look at our 24-hour day you will see that it is a microcosm of the Vedic comprehension of the great year. Our 24-hour clocks contain 12 hours of ascending light and 12 hours of descending light, the micro within macro cycles.

Before we continue; attached is a brief explanation of the sexagesimal (base 60) circle.


In essence, the Greek 25,920-mile (each mile consisting of 5000 Greek feet) measure of the Earth’s circumference were transposed onto the 25,920 years of the precessional cycle - 25,920 X 5000 = 129600000. If you subtract two decimal places you can observe that the measure also incorporates the seconds of degrees in a 360 degree year/circle- i.e each degree represented 60 minutes - so 360 degrees x 60 = 21600 (2 + 1 + 6 = 9) then if you break down further into seconds - i.e 21600 X 60 you find that 1,296,000 is the full sexagesimal (base 60) count of the year/circle i.e 360° x 60′ x 60ʺ = 1,296,000ʺ (1 + 2 + 9 + 6 = 18 - 1 + 8 = 9).

Furthermore, the 432 X 432 equation for the speed of light can also be written as 1296 X 144. Equally, 9 X 144,000 = 1,296,000 - we shall return to number 9 later in the post. 12 X 12 = 144. India's sacred Kumbha Mela follows a 12 X 12 - 144 year cycle. And of course there are 1440 minutes in a day.

12,000 X 12 = 144,000.


The Book Of Revelation

The planet Jupiter has a twelve year orbit and follows a solar ecliptic (the plane of orbit around the sun) that forms the basis for the twelve signs of the zodiac.



Let’s have a brief look at the numerical connection to Stonehenge. The original number of sarsen stones in the outer 360 degree circle would have been 30. If you divide 360 by 30 you get the 12 signs of the zodiac, if you divide the precessional year (25,920) by 12 you get both a Platonic month (astrological age) of 2160 years and the diameter of the moon. The second bluestone circle would have originally had 60 stones. If you divide 360 degrees by 60 you reach 6, if you divide 25,920 by six you end up with the obligatory 4320.

The 60 bluestone second circle has a diameter of 79.2 feet and a radius of 39.6. If we multiply those numbers by 100 we arrive at the diameter of the earth at 7,920 miles, and it's radius of 3,960 miles.

If the bluestone circle equates to a precessional year, then each one of the 60 stones has a numerical value of 432 years ie 60 X 432 = 25920. The center circle has 20 stones, if you divide 360 by 20 you reach 18, then if you divide 25,920 by 18 you reach 1440, which again also equates to the minutes in a day. 144 cubits = 216 feet X 10 = 2160. Twenty center stones X 432 = 8640, 432 X 2 = 864 - which is a Saturnian cycle of the great year. The diameter of the sun is 864,000 miles which equates to 108 X that of the earth's. Once again, 86400 is roughly the number of times a heart beats in 24hrs.

One Decan of 720 years = tetrahedron 720 - 7 +2 = 9

Two Decans of 1440 years = octahedron 1440 - 1+4+4 = 9

Three Decans of 2160 years = hexahedron 2160 - 2+1+6 = 9

Saros Cycle 0f 3600 years = icosahedron 3600 - 3+6 = 9

Platonic season of 6480 years = dodecahedron 6480 - 6+4+8 = 18 - 1+8 = 9

As noted above, the numerical sequences of the great year are identical to the degree values of the Platonic solids. The numbers listed for the sum of each solid are the sum of their angles, and correspond with the cycle of the great year. Consider the symbiosis of time, resonance, and elemental matter. Numerical symbolism and form equating to a universal language that alludes to natures fundamental processes.

Ephesians 2:2 "prince of the power of the air". John 12:31 He is the "ruler of this world".


The Nine Waves Of Creation

Numerous studies display the acoustic properties of Stonehenge, was it also monitoring fluctuations within the primordial hum/sound vibration?

In terms of resonance we can also consider a 432 hertz, that is unified with the properties of time, space, matter, gravity, light, and electromagnetism. Within the scientific concert pitch we find the aforementioned precessional/Saturnian numbers 144, 216, 432, and 864. The Solfeggio frequency chanted by the Gregorian monks = 432 Hz. Equally, 4+3+2 brings us back to the aforementioned number 9. The ancient Pyramid of Kukulkan at Chichén Itzá was built as a calendar, consisting of four stairways each containing 91 steps and a platform at the top, this makes a total of 365, and of course, there are 365 days in a calendar year.

Seemingly, there is an awareness that nature is not a random sequence of events. Rather it conveys a deterministic symbiosis with a semi harmonic scaling system. That all living processes possess a specific harmonic ordering of growth and morphology.

The pyramid also has the number nine woven into its construct. Chichén Itzá is a nine-level pyramid and during equinoxes, the shadows create an illusion where the great feathered serpent "Kukulcan" travels down to the base of the pyramid to touch a wall carved representation of its own head. The Hebrew letter Teth (T) means serpent and represents secret spiritual intelligence, interestingly this number also has a numerical value of nine. Teth is also written as Tet and it is the ninth letter of the Semitic abjads, this includes Phoenician Ṭēt, Syriac Ṭēṯ, Aramaic Ṭēth, Hebrew Ṭēt.


As a perceived "messenger of the gods" the Quetzal (pharomachrus mocinno) was the Mayan's sacred bird. Research from 1998 would appear to suggest that when human hands are clapped in its vicinity, the temple was constructed in such a manner that its acoustics mimics the chirping sound of the Quetzal.

The nine levels of the pyramid are symbolic of the Mayans nine waves of creation. Looking inwards, the nine rattles that are synonymous with his tail are said to represent humanities sacral and coccygeal bones - both of which are said to contain secrets of our identity. The undulating movement of the feathered serpent’s spine are speculated as being indicative of the waveform that manifests itself in both creation and destruction. The sixth wave is known as the long count and is related to the historically correlated rise and fall of civilisation. That said, it should be noted that (as highlighted in the title image) Chichén Itzá has been extensively reconstructed - hence why I note a degree of speculation.

The Maya calendar is not a singular entity and as such, it comprises three parallel dating systems; the 365-day Haab calendar, the Long Count, and the Tzolkin (divine calendar). The duration of the Tzolkin correlates with the nine cycles of the Moon and the gestational period of humans. The Maya calendar began in 20,236 BC and this understanding incorporated five ages/epochs of man. The belief within the Mayan culture was that each passing age or constellational movement affects not only the planet but equally the energetic, electromagnetic resonance of earth and by virtue, the human psyche.

One Katun is equal to 7,200 days. One Tun is 360 days. Two Tuns are 720 days. Five Baktuns are 720,000 days. And six Tuns are 2,160 days.

The fifth sun of man rose in 3114 BC and (like the 13th baktun) set on 21st Dec 2012 AD - although I pause to note a possible mistake as further analysis points to the potentiality that the date is being around 2087. The Maya long count measures 1,872,000 days or 5,125.366 tropical years and (much like the sub-Yugas) consisted of 13 baktuns, which we can (as a way of illustration) rudimentarily equate to the twelve constellations of the zodiac, i.e each baktun (zodiac age) being profoundly different to the last. A baktun contains 20 Katun cycles of the long count calender and equates to 144,000 days, equal to 394.26 tropical years.

The Mayan counting system was based on the precessional cycle and the number 20. For example (the initial calculation withstanding) the Mayan year comprised of 18 months of 20 days - 20 X 18 = 360, 360 X 20 = 7200, 360 X 20 X 20 = 144,000. Many ancient civilisations operate on a 360 day calendar that incorporates a further five day festival to make it up to 365. Certain cultures relay that the earth year was originally 360 (60 X 6) days, but an ancient catastrophe took it (and ourselves) out of balance - hence why the number five is oft considered as an unlucky number.

Ophiuchus (the serpent bearer) is recognised as being the 13th constellation. Every couple of years we have 13 moons. To keep balance with the natural order and cycle of life certain cultures divided the year into 13 months of 28 days (adding an extra day in the year), this is sometimes referred to as higher time. A higher time calendar is oft equated with a more harmonious balance between our body clock and the universal/earthly/lunar time cycle. From this perspective, the modernistic perception of time is considered to have disconnected us from the interconnected cycle of life. In doing so we have externalised the conception of time and become subservient to the clock.

Eternity In Nine Grains Of Sand

Let's continue on this numerical journey into nature and natural law and see where the aforementioned number nine takes us. Three sixty is both the circle and the cycle. By bisecting a circle i.e 360 degrees (the Sumerian Sat being 3600), we find that the resulting angle always reduces to nine and eventually results in a singularity.

For example 360 degrees = 3 + 6 = 9:
180 degrees = 1 + 8 = 9:
90 degrees = 9 + 0 = 9:
45 degrees = 4 + 5 = 9; and so we could continue until the singularity.

We find the reverse of this concept within the sum of angles in regular polygons

For example 60 degrees x 3 = 180 degrees & 1 + 8 = 9:
90 degrees x 4 = 360 degrees 3+6+0 = 9:
108 degrees x 5 = 540 degrees 5+4+0 =9, and so on.

The number 9 is both the singularity and the vacuum, both existent and non-existent in the same time-space.

If you add the minutes of the day together they will equal 9, i.e 1440 minutes 1+4+4+0=9.

The sum of all digits (excluding 9) is 36 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 = 36 then 3+6 = 9. Nine plus any digit returns to the same digit, i.e 9+6 = 15 then 1+5=6. Take any number and multiply it by 9 and the sum will always equal 9, i.e 9 X 8 = 72, then 7+2 = 9. Take any number and subtract it by the sum of itself and it will equal 9, i.e 55 – 10 = 45 then 4+ 5 = 9.

108 - 1+0+8 = 9: 432 - 4+3+2 = 9

The number nine is connected to the sacred number 108. Within Vedism 108 represents each step of the 27 Nakshatras, each Nakshatra comprising 4 steps. Therefore 27 x 4=108. The internal angles of a pentagon and polygon = 108 degrees. In Vedic astrology there are 12 solar houses and nine lunar houses, which are often equated with the nine bodies of the moon, sun, Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, the North Node and the South Node. and the 12 houses of the Zodiac - 12 times 9 = 108. The mean distance between the earth and sun = 108 times sun diameter, the distance between the earth and moon = 108 times moon diameter. The diameter of the sun = 108 times the earth's diameter. 360 X 3 = 1080 which is the radius of the moon. And of course, 108 x 2 = 216 and 108 x 10 = 2160 - i.e an astrological age.

Bearing all this in mind, we can comprehend that the 108 ratio gives the impression that the sun and the moon (the former of which is 400 times larger than the latter) are the same size, is an integral component within our day/night cycle, and fundamental to life on earth.

As already noted, 108 years is one eighth of a Saturnian cycle of the great year. Time equating with measurement.

Continuing; there are nine core creative frequencies. The number nine also contains the numerical qualities of both truth (truth in Hebrew is emet which has a numerical value of 9) and eternity. Infinity exists concurrently with the hours, minutes, and seconds that we use to structure our lives. As the seconds pass as hours, and hours dissipate with the passage of seconds, I contemplate that there is no time, there is only now, and now is the time to free ourselves from our enslavement to the clock.

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Here are few things that jumped out at me. I still gotta cogitate on them. There's a lot to cogitate on here!



Twelve fundamental Salts exist which are governed by the twelve zodiacal signs.

Are these the cell salts, or tissue salts?

Yes, he's basically saying the same as the scientists, kabbalists, and occultists I quote later on - fluctuating frequencies and associated bio-feedbacks are believed to influence cognitive capacity, they are also considered to be cyclical and able to be monitored - so in essence, he's saying that propaganda should be projected upon the target audience at a time when people's minds are more malleable. Although later on they also discuss creating their own ELF waves - which they've been working on for 60-plus years.

From his perspective, and from the time the book was written, I would say he was talking about cellular salts (although I think the terms were sometimes interchangeable) - each cell salt was considered to be linked to a specific sign of the zodiac - phosphorus had a particular interest to them. The main point I'm making is how historically/esoterically/heavily studied (at both a physical and metaphysical level) the human body has been. Whether every little detail has merit is debatable, but it certainly creates an interesting juxtaposition against what I am going to talk about. It also speaks to a doctrine/ideology that was/is far more pervasive than people might think. :)

Luminiferous = Light bearer
Lucifer = Latin for the ancient Greek phosphorus
Phos = Light
Horus = Egyptian sun god, synonymous with the all seeing eye
Horus = The one on high/ meaning above
Light above/Light Bringer = Lucifer.

they can also choose to change the ambient frequencies whenever they plan to send out propaganda. Given that MSM news sources are now 100% propaganda, I assume ambient frequency interferences of all kinds have been adjusted for maximum population compliance/beliefs/sickness etc. This is why I hardwire. This is why I do not watch television. This is why I stand barefoot on the earth and hug trees. I give the evil eye to every 5G tower I pass, I wear radiation blocking apparel whenever I'm on the road, I use my cell phone as little as I possibly can. And this is why I can read your works and see your vision. Many others simply could not see it, they are wired so that much information is invisible to them. Especially if it is about how they have been altered, made into cyborgs.

Very wise my friend. The key point I will be making is that from technology (including the esoteric nature of the internet itself) to propaganda and the fundamental perception and structure of who we are spiritually, biologically, socially, and individually - many ancient occultic and esoteric conceptions have been brought into the age of science/scientism.

I’m really aware of how we can use auditory input to stimulate things like the vagus nerve and make changes in the mind and body. There’s some fascinating stuff for what I think is called vestibulovagal adjustments. The popular style I have been researching for the various benefits it offers is called Safe and Sound protocol.

I’ve learned so many fascinating things about the brain and our physiology over the past few months it’s really amazing!

Insane post as always man. So much information in here! I left off at the picture of the raven lol after the frequency people achieve to alter consciousness.

Yes my friend, the deeper you begin to look, the more you begin to observe that all of those things that people consider fairly mundane and ordinary - are pretty dam extraordinary! :D Cheers dude I'm barely scratching the surface - the further I progress - the more expansive it will become. :D

While musing in my new outdoor hippie bath I did have a thought about the 5th element. My bath sits right on the earth and I bath in the water looking at the fire being stoked by air.
And then I thought of the ETHER net...The Twilight Zone of mind or the Noosphere.
All the best blogs are under the 70 threshold. Slumming has its rewards!

Haha - yes, I will be referencing Chardin the further we progress. Running alongside the esoteric, I will taking a deepdive into the technological and the journalistic. If you want to do things your own way, you've got to be prepared for the slums. lol :D

Just a note on the revelation. I might sound a bit like Cypher in this one but there have been a few things that I've questioned whether I really needed to know this. But I also hold a unique view on the A&E story wherein I think they were more like gods before they ate (eternal and blissful)...So this assessment means I hold an alt. gnostic view on that story.

As you know, the closer you look the more you observe that at the heart of a majority of belief systems is the idea that man has been involved in some kind of a fall from grace. There is probably both truth and deception within that statement - the only thing I can promise, is that by the time I'm done - I will have expressed my honest opinion on it - no filters. :D

9000 words?

I'm happy for you
or sorry that that happened


Haha I think I broke the blockchain lol definitely not one for the casual reader. ;)

46 minutes and I've only conquered 3 paragraphs. I need coffee...see you in 2 days:)

Hey didn't see you there lol I imagine you're now on the eighth paragraph. :D Hope you're keeping well my friend.

@albuslucimus this is the shit here man! I love reading these things holy shit!