Chapter Four: The Time Matrix & the Cult of Saturn: Gnosis or Mass Psychosis?

in #deepdives3 months ago (edited)


My focus is on abuse, subversion, deception, and manipulation, wherever I see it, and irrespective of its reception, you can be sure I'm going to call it out.

Rainbow Warriors?

This is a hive original article.

Before we continue; I wish to draw a distinction between gay and trans people, and the cult of queer theory. In respect of the former, my words derive from compassion and concern (for my brothers and sisters of every creed, colour, denomination, and persuasion) not prejudice. There are narratives and processes at play that transcend the limitations of our identities. An agenda that has zero relation to the pursuit of equality.

Whilst the assisted evolutionary/transhumanist pretensions of the parasite class are apparent to anyone who cares to research them, very few discuss the process that takes us from point A to point B. Even less seem to be aware that this conception is nothing new, in truth, it is an ancient ideal that has resided behind the veil of the esoteric. Thus, as this ancient aspiration steps out of the shadows, I consider, whether the intended dénouement of the 4th industrial revolution is the alchemical transformation of Mankind? An alchemosexual union of contradiction. Welcome to stage two of the sexual devolution.

The rainbow flag is not only synonymous with the LGBT community it also symbolises the feudalistic (Talmudic) laws of the Noahide. The base templates of which are apparent in the formation of one-worldism. Principles that intersect with the (one-world) communitarian social structures (the rainbow being the symbol of the pandemic) I have documented across numerous articles. As a convoluted means of attaining restoration, through the utilisation of transgression and inversion, elements associated with Kabbalistic biblical interpretations, appear to be cultivating an era of judgement/purification. The restored synthesis of the one world, rising from the ashes of the old. Concurrently, as per the nature of the doctrine, the process that is playing out on global-scale can be applied at the local, archetypal, individual, and biological.

Since the rainbow is a sign that mankind is sinning, a generation that never sees a rainbow is on an especially high level of spirituality and righteous conduct. Chabad

The six-coloured pride flag was designed by gay rights activist Gilbert Baker. Whilst attempts to connect it to the seven-coloured symbol of the Noahide would appear to be spurious, it's curious how the rainbow has become symbolic of a gathering convergence of narratives. For example, it also has occultic correlations with the androgynous nature of the union of contradictions. Again, I allude to a deeper layer of syncretism - the Kabbalah being a convoluted expression of base principles that predate its formation by potentially thousands of years. As I noted in a previous article:

My writings should be considered as an investigation into the principles of an esoteric doctrine that follows a path of strategic infiltration. A process of appropriation, usurpation and wholesale assimilation, that traverses theological boundaries and perceptual limitations. Perceptualflaws

Although Chabad's focus on both androgyny/oneness and a feudal system of Noahide law is paradoxical, the base principle is in keeping with the subject matter. A form of biological feudalism that (under the guise of apotheosis) speaks to an attempted re-engineering of humanity. An alchemical social ritual, akin to an ideological war against any form of distinction. A process whose ancient (pre-Kabbalistic) doctrines speak to a formative deconstruction/re-integration of the feminine principle/archetype. The (below) Talmudic Bereishit Rabbah, a deeply flawed interpretation of the book of Genesis. One that aligns with a premeditated narrative.

Bereshit Rabbah - a Talmudic-era midrash on the Book of Genesis.

When reading the below, we can also consider a literal interpretation of the Buddhist's second noble truth - "the cause of all suffering is lust." I also draw the reader's attention to the geometric observations of chapter two. Lending consideration to the potentiality of how the concept of the monad emanating dyad is being reverse-engineered. A process that under the guise of some form of divine restoration is attempting to put the reproductive genie back in the bottle.

In the first human marriage, Adam and Eve are initially created as "a single, two-faced body." The single being is split in two — a man and a woman — creating the essence of sexual tension: a primal memory of original oneness, countered by the strangeness of otherness and difference.

The Noahide Chabad-Lubavitch movement

Adam Kadmon flows downward into his own nature and so is duality. Page 760 Morals & Dogma by Albert Pike,

As we've already ascertained, the downward motion is synonymous with the feminine. The masculine and feminine binary equated with a fall from a divine state of masculine-dominated androgyny. Lend consideration to a (highly nefarious) agenda whose veiled idealisms and "assisted evolutionary" pretensions carry occultic connotations that allude to an attempt at reverse engineering the fall of man. One whose physical ramifications speak to the formation of a discernable deception. Outward utopianism concealing the inner duplicity of our would-be demi-gods.

Page 271: Yoga, Immortality, and Freedom by Mircea Eliade.



Further back in history, the Talmud and other works of rabbinic literature regularly treat intersex phenomena as legal categories and at times consider the possibility of three genders on this basis.


As per the nature of the conjuncture, the rainbow has not only become symbolic of the fusion between Chabad's Kabbalistic mysticism and Noahidism, it is also synonymous with Luciferianism. Once you dig beneath the terminology, mythology, and allegory, you can discern the base principles of the same philosophy. Indeed, at a certain level of comprehension, there is perceived to be a singular doctrine that is both concealed within and incrementally working toward the unequivocal assimilation of everything! Disjointed truisms woven together into a cohesive deception. A shadowy reflection of the aforementioned communitarian process.

A socially engineered perceptual convergence that is (to varying degrees) characterised through the observation of individuals and collectives that are expressing facets of it in their language, perspectives, actions, and interactions. By their words you shall know them.

Within Sanskrit, the rainbow bridge is known as the Antahkarana, a bridge between the higher and lower self, and indeed the physical and etheric realms. Within the Luciferian merger with theosophy and New Ageism, the rainbow symbolises the bridge between man and a Lucifer that is equated as the oversoul. Perceptualflaws

Of course, the kabbalistic oversoul is known as Adam Kadmon. Whilst the below perspective of a practicing Luciferian speaks to Kabbalism and alludes to the union of contradictions and the law of inversion - the redemptive nature of sin. When you understand that (as highlighted in the previous chapter) the parasite class equated themselves with the Children of Cain - this shouldn't come as too much of a surprise.

The rainbow symbolizes the oneness of everything manifested and unmanifested. This is the reason we can also say that light, the oneness and source of all colours, envelopes darkness, and that darkness, too, contains only the most perfect light of all.


It is a mainstay of Saturnian gnosis that the darkness contains the light. Therefore the darkness is necessary for light to exist. It follows then that in fact the darkness is superior to the light—ohne Finsternis leuchtet kein Licht! Page 45: Fire & Ice: The Brotherhood of Saturn by Stephen Flowers.

As per the philosophy of the Sabbateans and the omnipresent law of inversion; the implication of their ideology being - the prelude to a (perceived) collective illumination, an era of (manufactured) perversion, barbarity, and degradation. Whilst there are multiple convoluted (paradoxical) pathways to the same destination, at the heart of this doctrine resides the belief that (through the inversion of the holistic natural order of being) man can harness, usurp, and ultimately transcend nature - become gods. Indeed, anything that runs counterintuitive to the flow of life - could be considered transgressive. If you work against the reality grain for long enough, you will start to get splinters/fractures in the human psyche.

Saturn, the greater malefic, in his chariot by Maarten de Vos (1532-1603)

Biological re- order Out Of Chaos

The human mind can conjure a million obstacles that inhibit and over-complicate our adherence to the flow of the natural order. In truth, it doesn't matter how authoritatively or intellectually they're expressed, in the grand scheme of things (as with the imposition of a manufactured false reality and fantasies of a trans-humanity) they're little more than mind polluting fairy tales. What will be will be, and the way of life will be again.

Since it is comprised of both water (feminine) and light (fire/masculine) the fractured light of the rainbow carries connotations of both alchemy and androgyny. To that end, the social alchemist believes that by imitating the elemental "great chaos" of nature, he has at his disposal the power of birth - re-birth. From the perspective of an alchemical ritual (a liminal rite of passage) the confusion of one hundred (and counting) gender identities is the manufactured chaos (indicative of the instigated destruction of the masculine and feminine archetype) that precedes the age of re-order. Language, meaning, identity, and psyche, dissolved then restructured - solve et coagula.

liminality is the quality of ambiguity or disorientation that occurs in the middle stage of a rite of passage when participants no longer hold their pre-ritual status but have not yet begun the transition to the status they will hold when the rite is complete. During a rite's liminal stage, participants "stand at the threshold" between their previous way of structuring their identity, time, or community, and a new way. Source

Mass confusion sold as liberation, mantras that play to emotion usurping truth and reason.

A cultural revolution does not occur overnight. As I shall document, it takes years of meticulous planning and financing. Decades of institutional infiltration and elevating aligned mindstates into positions of power and influence. Concurrently, in the age of parasite class-funded confusion, of filters, plastic surgery, and environmentally fuelled self-loathing, we have been taught to be uncomfortable in our skin, to be at war with our biological processes, happiness equated with the alteration of our perceived physical imperfection. Make no mistake, we are living through a process of manufactured crisis, demoralisation, and dehumanisation.

We live in an era where individuals that sit on board of the World Health Organisation are advocating that all children be given puberty blockers until they're old enough to decide what gender they want to be. We are observing the ideological, medical, legal, and linguistic deconstruction of sex and binary identity. The realisation of an agenda that seeks to usurp the rights of the parent, and destroy the nuclear family. The formative seeds of confusion and transformation surreptitiously sown into the fertile minds of young children - who are intended to nurture them as the epitome of freedom.

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire

Trust the scientism! State-sanctioned body mutilations, pied pipers playing a siren song of gender confusion. Useful (aligned "academics" that have infiltrated numerous disciplines) idiots dancing to a narrative that seeks to destroy any form of childhood innocence. The notion of which is equated with "hetronormative" oppression.

Queer futurity and childhood innocence: Beyond the injury of development.

They seek to heavily scrutinise, psychoanalyse, and identify childhood personality quirks as means of inducting them into a cultic mindset. Convince them that they're "queer," marginalised, oppressed, threatened, and imprisoned by societal and parental impositions. The self-recognition of their inherent queerness intersecting with an ever-increasing (strategic) focus on psychology and mental health awareness. Childhood safeguarding lorded as a means of enabling the choices of confused children to legally usurp the rights of loving parents. The more toxic the social rhetoric, the more it enforces the narrative.




Queer futurity and childhood innocence: Beyond the injury of development.



Queer futurity and childhood innocence: Beyond the injury of development.

Queer futurity and childhood innocence: Beyond the injury of development.

Queer theory is a socially cannibalistic ideology that is working towards the destruction of the binary. The deconstruction of distinction between the masculine and feminine, homosexuality and heterosexuality, and most disturbingly, between adulthood and childhood. It is a radically subversive esoteric philosophy adorned in a pseudo-scientific veneer of academic authority that places children on the front line of a culture war.

Queer futurity and childhood innocence: Beyond the injury of development.


Queering The Law Of Inversion For The Final Revolution

As a socially engineered contagion, we can also consider how queer is a label that now encompasses cultural alienation and youthful rebellion.

The key tenets of societal lesser black magick are as follows: The separation of a chosen group/community, who are identifiable by their idiosyncratic characteristics. A group that is bound to, and synonymous with, a specific set of symbols. A group that imposes its will upon the environment - but is contrary to the flow of convention - tradition. Why? Because societal transformation is intimately entwined with the revolutionary principle at the heart of the inversion of values. The art of social transformation residing in the transgression (under the guise of critical constructivism/post-structuralism) of natural/sovereign laws, tradition, morality, and social taboos.

Within the context of this chapter we can again consider the coincidentia oppositorum – or “coincidence of opposites”. A process where (to energise an opposing reaction) the obscene becomes equated with the sacred and the sacred becomes obscene. Thus, as the dissolution of the moral order seeks to dissolve the laws of nature, the illuminists consider chaos and degeneration a prelude to purification and restoration.

The refusal of cultural norms is considered a means of creating an entirely new society. Thus, tradition and its associated institutions are systematically equated with oppression. Concurrently, the social mantras that are increasingly socially celebrated and elevated, become akin to an ideologically justified war against them. Indeed, if something is perceived to be normal - then by virtue, those on its periphery are considered to be abnormal. Thus, all such definitions must be destroyed/dissolved as a means of liberating that which is considered to be perverse - "do as thou wilt". Indeed, from a critical/post-modernist perspective, to create a world of true equality there can be no definition of perversity. If this sounds like an overly intellectualised form of Sabbateanism, that's because it is, hence the (potentially violent) reaction is a calculated component of the equation.

“Let there be no difference between any one thing and any other thing.” Aleister Crowley: Page 144

Page 62: Saint Foucoult: Toward a gay hagiography by David M Halperin published 1952

This leads us to consider the occultic principles, doctrines, and rituals, that inform the strategy of queer theory. The veiled magick at the heart of social science, akin to a form of post-modern theology. Indeed, if we return to the anatomical observations of chapter one, we can observe a tactical reversal of the Hermetic principle of correspondence - as above so below, reversed and applied at the social scale. The tyrannical forces of the above, equated with a hetronormative cultural/structural zeitgeist that oppresses the outcasts below.

Of course, a key focus of my work is to identify the tyranny of our ruling entities. Hence why I am displaying that they're cultivating a child/youth focused cultural revolution (replete with its externally defined antithesis) that is counterintuitive to life. Exclusionary inclusivity and conformity to an inverted form of non-conformity - a paradox that appears to elude the majority.

The identification of a social antithesis, providing a glimpse into the base principles of the Enlightenment era dialectic. Subject (queer) object (society) hegemony - a tactical methodology where the subject attempts to gain hegemony (dominance) over the object. In this instance, the more "triggered" the object is - the deeper it becomes drawn into the dialectic nature of the strategy. Indeed, from opposing perspectives, the lifeblood of a social revolution is the framing of its antithesis. If the opposition can be goaded into acts of violence or verbal abuse - all the better. As both polarities are drawn into the false dichotomies of the left/right mind control paradigm, we should understand it for what it is - a tactic.

Statements that are substantiated by the observation that the anti-woke movement is as convoluted and nonsensical as the woke. The fact of the matter is that the true power structure resides in the middle-ground, behind the veil of the equilibrium. Thus, the woke culture should be understood as a creation of the same interests that are now energising (and justifying) a reaction against it. A reaction that enables the counter-narrative to whitewash its (ultimately similar) objectives. The idea that we can transcend the human condition through assisted evolution, change and modify ourselves, to become more than the body we are born into - see Neuralink and the technological singularity.


As previously highlighted; the dialectic is informed by Hermetic/Kabbalistic principles and the union of contradictions. Of equal consideration is the gnostic conception of our incarceration within an illusory materialist prison. Within queer theory, social structure and conventional morality take the form of a tyrannical entity, incarcerating the body to a binary identity that is imprisoning the soul and inhibiting it from knowing its true personality. Gnosis attained through becoming self-aware of your bondage. Transformation achieved by remolding your body/identity to become your authentic self. Liberation requiring a revolutionary deconstruction of "oppressive" values, morals, and social structures.

Transcendance? That's a subject for another day!

Queer futurity and childhood innocence: Beyond the injury of development.


"The process of destroying and reinventing language can be observed in the tantric poets." Page 251: Yoga, Immortality and Freedom by Mircea Eliade.

Where masculine and feminine were expressed in terms of biological sex, and language used to be gendered. Now biology is being diluted with 100 gender definitions and gendered language is being concurrently deconstructed. Destroyed and reconstructed self-definitions (pronouns) a form of participatory initiation. Drag Queen story hours? A bridge between adulthood and childhood.

“Building in part from queer theory and trans studies, queer and trans pedagogies seek to actively destabilize the normative function of schooling through transformative education,” Drag pedagogy: The playful practice of queer imagination in early childhood

“This is a fundamentally different orientation than movements towards the inclusion or assimilation of LGBT people into the existing structures of school and society.” Drag pedagogy: The playful practice of queer imagination in early childhood

Drag pedagogy: The playful practice of queer imagination in early childhood

As within so without. EVERY marginalised sexuality, social outcast, and confused identity, systematically absorbed into a socially engineered counter-culture. A decentralised cultic mentality incrementally handed a moral authority as a means of resculpting society into a reflective expression of their bewildered identity. Beneath the veneer of inclusivity, consider an omnipresent psychological war against any form of "oppressive" normativity; tradition (which is being quietly equated with radical extremism) heterosexuality, family, social structure, binary identity, procreativity, biology, and innocence. A war for the manifestation of a bio-technological feudalism that is seeded from the top, and (blindly) waged from the ground (below) upwards.

Hence why most of the fake grassroot (oligarchy funded) protest movements are singing the same tune.


The oligarchal usurpation of social/environmental protest speaks to a process that is energising a global revolution. Hence why you can apply the same template across multiple sectors of activism. Social structure symbolising an anthesis that is now quite literally (under the guise of a climate emergency) perceived as a murderous enemy. Taken from my previous article, below we can begin to understand why Antifa are guarding drag queen story hour events. All the while completely oblivious to the fact that (as I've documented) the same hidden hand controls both ends of the spectrum.



I liken it to the ripples caused by dropping a pebble into the center of a millpond. The closer you travel to the source of the ripple, the more demonic and insidious the agenda becomes. As the ripples begin to broaden, they’re still conceived of the same pebble, but the agenda becomes more propaganda-driven, official, and palatable. It is at these broadened ripples that we find central banking institutions that are working towards global corporatisation, the United Nations, affiliated NGOs, Foundations, Forums, Corporations, and think tanks. As the outer ripples of the agenda break upon the social shore it becomes expressed through media, selected leaders, change agents, social influencers, and the interconnected fake grassroots movements, that exist to harness and misdirect the energy of the revolutionary spirit.

Whether cultural, violent, or both - concerning the historical analysis I have yet to share, we are looking at a revolutionary movement that is incrementally merging into a worldwide revolution. Its (oft oppositional) cultural influencers are selected, funded, and elevated into positions of influence and prominence. All the while remaining oblivious to the fact that they're pawns in a game they're unaware is being played. Indeed, although they may be group mind leaders - they are largely unable to see beyond the boundaries they have constructed for themselves. In truth, there is no rebellion - there is only the conformity of those who believe themselves to be revolutionary.

In terms of magick and social energy mechanics, what they're attempting to feed is an energetic momentum that threatens to trample all that stand in opposition - the piercing of equilibrium that becomes increasingly difficult to withdraw from. The zodialogical element intertwined with an attempt to manifest a harmonic convergence that is summoning the spirit of the new age. Indeed, what is another description of a revolution? A turning, or from an ancient perspective - it alludes to a change in the order of the heavens.


Page 292 - Dogme et Ritual de la Haute Magie: by Éliphas Lévi (1855)

Thought is a force - a manifestation of energy - having a magnetic-like power of attraction. William Walter Atkinson aka Magus Incognito.

The thesis is used as an action that causes a reaction i.e antithesis. Both of which are used to usher us toward a premeditated solution.

Here we can consider the occultic formation of an egregore. A collective thought form that represents the externally controlled inorganic energetic resonance of the group mind. As with the previously discussed dialectic, to create a premeditated synthesis some egregores are confrontational to one another whilst others are complimentary. Both complimentary and adversarial collectives can be (oft unknowingly) interlinked through central processing hubs (like the Tavistock Institute) and utilised as tools of social change. By their very definition, these perceptual bubbles are self-limiting/distracting and inhibit comprehension of the broader equation. Pertinent to this chapter is how primed principles and pre-programmed values are merging multiple egregores into a transgressive revolution.


Rising and falling with the tides of time. Refining a legitimised expression through the occultic undercurrents of the Renaissance (Hermetic Reformation) Kabbalism, Sabatteanism, dialecticism, obscurantism, synarchy, psychoanalysis, Marxism, transgressivism, Fabianism, the Frankfurt school of critical theory - the Rockefeller funded Tavistock Institute - RAND corporation, the sexual revolution, the deconstructionism of traditionalism, neo feminism, political correctness, critical gender studies (whose disturbing history will be documented), critical racism, Michel Faulcoult's (queer theories founding father) "queering" of poststructuralism, and the communitarian synthesis that conjoins the realisation of a premeditated social transformation.

The below is written by Tavistock connected George Brock Chisholm - who (as I've previously referenced) was the first Director-General of the World Health Organisation and the mind behind the creation of the World Federation of Mental Health (WFMH). Whether willingly or blindly, as I will continue to extensively document, all associated institutions are shaping society per an occultic/kabbalistic theology.


George Brock Chisholm, a Canadian psychiatrist, envisaged the WFMH as an international, nongovernmental body to provide a link to 'grassroots' mental health organizations and United Nations agencies. Source

World Health Organisation

Universally understood social equations, buried beneath layers of linguistic dissection and hollow elaboration. Institutionalised insanity and pseudo intellectualised mendacity, the subversion of simplistic (direct) language, the erosion of distinction, obsessive introspection, the dissection of detail, and social deconstruction, all are derivatives of an esoteric ideology that is working towards the vivisection of meaning, identity, and reality. Perceptual hegemony masquerading as inclusivity.


The Judaic Element in the Teachings of the Frankfurt School BY JUDITH MARCUS AND ZOLTAN TAR


The dissolution of convictions, boundaries, and critical intellectualism have their roots in the fertile soils of Kabbalism/Sabbateanism/Talmudism. From this perspective, revolution is considered the path to redemption, catastrophe a portent that guides our way to a Messianic utopia. Thus, the catastrophic nature of restoration finds myriad expression within transgression, war, famine, pandemics, and financial collapse - each destruction and degradation offering a capitalised opportunity to reconstruct the world at a higher level of comprehension.


Page 14: Cruisin Utopia: The Then & There of Queer Futurity by Jose Esteban Munoz.

Nothing new here! Whilst it may have disappeared beneath layers of incomprehensible academic quackery, paradoxical rationality, and convoluted wordery - the agenda remains the same. Deconstruction and reformation, Ordo ab Chao, Solve et Coagula.


Continuing; the historical agency of the culture shaping dark artist (social magician) uses dialectism, social activism, victimhood, and a form of moral extortion (that has entered the realm of law and legislation) to blackmail society into embracing, glorifying, and affirming the queerness of minority identities, that are elevated to positions of influence and publicity. Identity is everything, but ultimately all identities are entangled within a collectivist ideology that offers the illusion of individuality. The decomposition of the social structure initially manifests itself as tribalism and individualism, the trick of communitarianism (and its interweaving global governing principles and values) being how pluralised identities are mentored toward the same destination.

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who turn darkness to light and light to darkness, who replace bitter with sweet and sweet with bitter. Isaiah 5:20

As without so within; once social acceptance is attained, society is transformed and begins to acclimatise itself to the new normal, inducting children into its degenerating moral principles. Unfortunately, until the world is an inverted mirror of itself (and every form of perversion has been liberated) this movement will never be appeased. Those who believe they're embracing a brave new future - the cannon fodder for the purification agenda. Indeed, through the comprehension of the law of inversion - only when humanity has plumbed the depths of chaos, degeneracy, perversion, and degradation, are they ripe for purification and transmutation. The darkness, a preparatory initiation into the age of manufactured illumination.

As I noted in the previous chapter:

The first stage of the alchemical process is the blackening; this is where all impurities are brought to the surface and purged in preparation for the new world. Perceptualflaws

Page 136: The Metphysics Of Sex by Julius Evola

Observably, as soon as the newly formed social synthesis becomes the norm, it assumes the position of an oppressive antithesis. Again, this is a strategy that has nothing to do with equality, what we are observing is a transformative cultic ideology that has no basis in any form of biological rationality. The latter of which is perceived as a tyrannical illusion and equated with social regulation. Subversion and value corrosion, fuelling an ever-decreasing spiral of deviance and depravity that is descending towards an omega point of absolute inversion, dissolved distinctions, and biological insurrection. The deconstruction of social structure - the chaos that precedes the age of re-order.


The critical victimhood mentality is a strategic race towards the inverted decomposition of society. Social hegemony in the guise of inclusivity. A fallacy observed in their war against "homonormativity".

Page 38: Cruising Utopia- Queer Futurity


"The less we know of how ideas actually took root and grew, the more apt we are to accept them unquestioningly as inevitable features of the world in which we move.” The Antitrust Paradox by Robert Bork.

As I have explained throughout my environmental investigations, the (interchangeable) thesis requires an antithesis to justify its existence, the more incendiary the reaction, the more it energises a narrative that enables it to use its (perceived) enemy as its greatest asset. When the radicals push the narrative to the point that it runs into a social brick wall. The agenda takes a step backward and reformulates. The torch is passed back to a moderate mindset who are following a similar trajectory - albeit at a slower pace. Incrementally, through the juxtapositions of the left and right - the extremist positions of yesteryear - become the centerground of tomorrow.

The clash of opposites lays the foundations of a new synthesis - a process that enables the social architects to control the passage of time/history.

Gradualism; if methodically and authoritatively expressed and structured in a manner that disables distinction and replaces it with a multi-coloured spectrum of blurred boundaries, it is believed that the human mind can be subconsciously led toward the rationalisation and justification for the unjustifiable. Embodying a perspective that's prevalent throughout this entire discipline, the below is written by one of the key architects of queer theory. The latter lifted from the biography of the ubiquitous Michel Faucoult.

Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality by Gayle S. Rubin


Appealing to compassion to eradicate the notion of love. The transgressive dissects and dilutes the moral until it is indistinguishable from the immoral. The process of social destruction and reformation symbolised by the dragon (Ouroboros) biting its tail, devouring itself, and being reborn of itself. In post-modernism, we're biting our tails, consuming ourselves, and being regurgitated as a corrupted image of thyself.


Androgyny - A Return To Divinity?

The idealist speaks to the balancing of masculine and feminine energies - the union of the conscious and subconscious. For the upper echelons of the priestcraft, alchemy is an occultic metaphor for transforming humanity from a fallen state into an ascended godhood. The androgyne symbolising the perfection of opposites - the primordial divine state of man. In truth, the false dichotomies of the duality prison allude to a means of infiltrating the mind and subjugating awareness through the imposition of a singular deception that is broken into two lies - a thesis and an antithesis. From this perspective, we can comprehend that the perpetrators of the problem are the purveyors of the solution.

Lux E Tenebris - light out of darkness - the limitation of perception masquerading as choice. A Great Reset (problem) or a Great Awakening (solution) - how many pause to consider that they are two sides of the same equation? Be aware of the problem, but beware of the solution.

After one has gone through the stages of putrefaction and purification, separating opposing qualities, those qualities are united once more in what is sometimes described as the divine hermaphrodite, a reconciliation of spirit and matter, a being of both male and female qualities as indicated by the male and female head within a single body.


Bringing said spiritual principles into a physical reality, speaks not only to duplicity, but also alludes to an attempted mimicry of the natural order. One that will place the parasite class in the position of gods. The realisation of an assumed divine right to rule. Of course, in the natural order they have no right to rule, which is why they govern through subversion and oppression, and (through the inversion of the holistic order of life) seek to transcend nature.

"Your adolescence will be a joy. You will be androgynous." Rockefeller funded - Barbara Marx Hubbard: Revelation/Hope page 165.


The gender spectrum is biological Hermeticism

Thesis and antithesis are identical in nature, but different in degree"; "opposites are the same, differing only in degree"; "the pair of opposites may be reconciled"; extremes meet"; The Kybalion

The Purified Breath and Carbon Transformation by The Lucis Trust

It's very important to understand to understand that transhumanism is simply the transitional stage between humanism and post-humanism. The Singularity is Near - When Humans Transcend Biology by Ray Kurzweil.

Continuing; we can also consider the alchemical influences residing within the subconscious recesses of the eugenic and transhumanist philosophy. To Kabbalists (and illuminists like Martinez de Pasqually & Jakob Bohme) androgyny has a venerated religious significance - an escape from a materialist prison and a return to a state of pre-fall primordial divinity. From this perspective, we can ponder a convoluted attempt to reverse-engineer the fall of man. Conversely, discernment in unison with a lifetime study of black magick and ritual/alchemic occultism has led me to contend that we are observing both a misconception and deception. To the dark artist, androgyny is symbolic of something very different, that of ownership and possession.

The esoteric veneration of androgyny as a means of escaping the binary prison of materiality, is to this day found within queer theory. Thus, the further we progress, the more transgenderism and non-binaryism will be imbued with spiritual connotations.


Page 13: Cruisin Utopia: The Then & There of Queer Futurity by Jose Esteban Munoz.

It was perhaps the inversion of the male/female binary opposition that thereby neutralized this opposition. By emulating their goddess who was both female and male, they shattered the boundary between the sexes. This was seen as a way of rising above the prison of the flesh.” Gender and Aging in Mesopotamia: The Gilgamesh Epic and Other Ancient Literature by Rivikah Harris.

The ancient Egyptian Corpus Hermeticus speaks to a state of original Hermaphroditism. Whilst within the Mayan Popul Vu, the splintering of the androgyne into two distinct genders is associated with mortality, a loss of awareness, and knowledge. The negativities of which (within numerous belief systems) are attributed to the feminine.

They were good people, handsome, with looks of the male kind. As they looked, their knowledge became intense. Their sight passed through trees, through rocks, through lakes, through seas, through mountains, through plains.....‘Yet they‘ll become as great as gods unless they procreate, proliferate at the sowing, the dawning, unless they increase. ” Let it be this way; now we’ll take them apart just a little.’ Popul Vuh chapter 4

Who has followed the lecture about the earth evolution some weeks ago knows that we get to a period when the human being was still a hermaphrodite, when the single being was male and female at the same time. Fundamentals of Theosophy Man and his Future by Rudolph Steiner

Echoing the previously referenced Talmudic Bereshit Rabbah, Plato gives a freakish interpretation of the original man.


Within Kabbalsim the masculine and feminine are perceived as one entity that are attributes of the divine phallus, the masculine aspect of which retains a dominance over the feminine. Indeed, the female is perceived to be ontically part of the male, and anatomically part of the penis. From this perspective, circumcision embodies an androgynous connotation. The reunion of the divine masculine and feminine - alluding to the totality of Judaic mysticism.

Page 87: The Circle In The Square by Elliot Wolfson.

Page 88: The Circle In The Square by Elliot Wolfson.

Page 88: The Circle In The Square by Elliot Wolfson.

The perceptual, biological, technological, and chemical corruptions of the new age are intended to forge the fiery birth of a final synthesis that is historically referred to as the third sex. The personification of the blurred merger of boundaries and identities - a bio/technological union of contradictions. Notice how this correlates with the "third way" of synarchy, fascism, and communitarianism - the political aspirations of the latter comprising a synthesis of a capitalist thesis and a communist antithesis. Why? Because at a base level, they are all underpinned by the same philosophy.

The idealistic societal perfection of the principle of correspondence/union of contradictions alludes to a redeemed state where everyone is unified in their thoughts - in reality, it's totalitarianism. A state of collectivist order that speaks of the attempted transformation of the human psyche - and the fundamental essence of our identity.


I am not denying the potentiality of a holistic singularity, I am (like a master forgery, the greatest deceptions are manipulations of truth) documenting the duplicitous inferiority of an attempted (ego-maniacal) carbon-copied mimicry. The synthesis of darkness and false light.

Scientism, oneism. the one world order, global governance, the corporate fiction of planet earth incorporated, the greater good of moral relativism, gender confusion, eugenics, transhumanism, the bio-digital convergence, swarm/hive mind intelligence, androgyny, and the envisioned synthetic singularity - are all products of the same quasi-religious ideology.

Returning to androgyny, as we shall observe, the androgyne is not symbolic of balance - it is indicative of a process that seeks to dominate and usurp the feminine principle.

Page 85: The Circle In The Square by Elliot Wolfson.

Repeating patterns; within divination, the right (masculine) carries positive connotations, whilst the left (feminine) is perceived as inherently negative. The left path equated with black magic and materialism, the right path with white magic and altruistic spirituality.

"Good is on the right, evil on the left, but supreme excellence is above both." Page 46: Transcendental Magick its Doctrine & Ritual by Eliphas Levi.

Concerning banking, we can observe the corruption of the sacred marriage in terms of a (self-serving) bond, a union of opposites between a creditor (masculine/right/positive) and a debtor (feminine/left/negative) officiated by the high priests of finance, the synthesis/progeny of which being the institutional generation of wealth.

"Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes. The Kybalion

The creation of wealth manifested through absorbing the interactions of saver and debtor into the body of the institution - the controlled flow of polarities expanding the affluence of the financial entity. As we shall later observe, the formative (occultic) base layer of banking (and its associated periods, cycles, deposits, and withdrawals) is based upon the principles of gender, the union of contradictions, Babylonian divination, and sex magick. It is these principles that historically masked the foundational tenet of usury and its vampiric relationship with equality.

Furthermore - with the ever-expanding conflict in the Middle East it is interesting to watch those who otherwise mock religion choosing sides in the potentiality of a religious war. The ideological left broadly aligned with Islam, the right with Judaism - coincidence?

As I highlighted in a previous article, through the manipulation of statute law (and the associated principles of black magick) our birth is inverted from being that of credit to becoming indebted to our governors of mind. But what does that have to do with time, Saturn, and androgyny?? Everything!

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in the age of parasite class-funded confusion, of filters, plastic surgery, and environmentally fuelled self-loathing, we have been taught to be uncomfortable in our skin, to be at war with our biological processes, happiness equated with the alteration of our perceived physical imperfection.

This is the crux, the main mechanism that is being used against us. The front lines are in our minds. The effect is that we are cut off from the sources of our life forces, and rendered true zombies.

This article is one of your best if you ask me. And it's one of your longest. I am slogging through it, but I want you to know now that I appreciate this one a lot.

Thank you kindly my friend - all of my writings are (oft out of context) aspects of a broader project that will eventually be conjoined into a singular cohesive narrative. Hence at this moment, some will flow a little easier than others. By posting them it helps me with the editing process - hence most are still very much a work in progress. There were some things in part three that didn't flow as well as I'd liked so I've gone back and edited/expanded certain points - whereas with this one I've pretty much left it as it is - so thank you for noticing. I'm so far pretty happy with the impending chapter five - but I will know for sure once it is up! :D