Chapter Five: The Time Matrix & the Cult of Saturn: The Time Tantra & the Androgyne Prison

in #deepdives4 months ago (edited)


The Time Tantra

The subject matter contained in this article is for mature readers.

Alchemy had always been associated with the idea of time and timing, and that, as Fulcanelli informed us, chiliasm lay at the center of the idea of trans-forming time itself.” Page 38: The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye: Alchemy and the End of Time by Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges

The governing principles of magick and alchemy are inextricably entwined with the esoteric conception of time. Equally, as the personification of the synthesis of opposites, the androgyne is equated with its transformative nature.


Like the magi - the Tantrics practice a doctrine of light - from sparks, candles, heavenly lights, fire, and rainbows - all exist in a hierarchy that is characterised as the unseen white light of a burning ember. and epitomised by the highest clarity of enlightenment.

Fire is Light, Light is Fire. Glory!
Sun is Light, Light is Sun. Glory!
Fire is Splendor, Light is Splendor. Glory!
Sun is Splendor, Light is Splendor. Glory!
Light is Sun, Sun is Light. Glory!

Interwoven with the (internal) rituals I discuss below, the entire (external) Tibetan Calender and concepts of time (from re-creation to the apocalyptic end-time) are derived from the comprehension of the Kalachakra - a key focus being the micro-macrocosmic theory of the aforementioned universal body, and its associated mathmatical/astrological equations. The four heads of the time god Kalachakra (readers may recall that Zurvan was the time god of the magi) correspond with the four seasons. His twelve eyes are the twelve months of the year. The three joints of his 24 arms contain 360 bones - each of which can be apportioned to the 360-day Tibetan calendar.


Chapter 11: The Dawn and Twilight of Zoroastrianism by R. C. Zaehner

Within Sanskrit the word Kala equates to time, death, and destruction. To its initiates, the time tantra is revealed as a divine time machine, the time god Kalachakra representative of its central cog. The apocalyptic time tantra replays the grand celestial drama of the time god Kalachakra and his consort Vishvamata (astrologically symbolised as the sun and the moon), a cosmic love story that obscures a deceptive methodology. Its physical protagonists simultaneously embodying the role of gods and goddesses.

The alchemo-sexual ritual of the androgyne resides within Kalachakra's highest degrees. As a means of internally uniting and possessing both the masculine and feminine seed within the body temple of the adept, it involves the confiscation of feminine lifeforce through the act of drawing her creative energy (gynergy) through his penis and sequestering it within his body. From this perspective, androgyny is the antithesis of a return to a collective divinity, for as pictured in the title artwork, it is symbolic of the possession and dominion of reproductive forces. Thus, in an age where gender (and gendered language) is becoming systematically equated with oppression, this is an interesting observation.

Reveal spoiler



By consuming the gynergy of his female consort (karma mudra), it is perceived that the adept pupil (sadhaka) becomes a powerful and enlightened being - a "time lord". As religious historian/scholar Mircea Eliade quotes in his book "Yoga, Immortality, and Freedom" - "he draws in and says through my force, through my seed, I take your seed, and she is without seed.” The conjoined reproductive and creative forces of the masculine and the feminine are now possessed within the body of the adept.


In the usual yab–yum representation of the Dhyani Buddhas, the male Buddha figure always crosses both of his arms behind the back of his wisdom consort, forming what is known as the Vajrahumkara gesture. At the same time, he holds a vajra (the supreme symbol of masculinity) in his right hand and a Kantha (the supreme symbol of femininity) in his left. The symbolic possession of both ritual objects identifies him as the lord of both sexes. He is the androgyne and the prajna is a part of himself. Source

When used in ritual, the vajra is paired with the bell. It represents the masculine principle and is held in the right hand, the bell, held in the left hand, represents the female principle. Source

As per the nature of this series: "all that is real is symbolic, and every symbol is real".

All the books of Alchemy have been written in codes and whosoever does not know the codes of Sexual Magic cannot understand the books of Alchemy. The treatise of Sexual Alchemy by Samael Aun Weor.

Through the consummation and symbolic sacrifice of the physical karma mudra, the adept possesses her creative spiritual essence - inana mudra - the inner woman. Within alchemic text's the combined red (feminine) and white (masculine) essence is referred to as sukra, in the tantra shukra = male and rajas = female. Since the conjoined fluids of the masculine and feminine (fire and water) are the progenitors of new life, by uniting them within himself, the sadhaka escapes the curse of rebirth and becomes born of himself.

“The Crowns of Red and White combine into One.” Treatise of Sexual Alchemy by Samael-Weor.

Page 233: the Metaphysics of sex by Julius Evola.

Each time her feminine life force is absorbed, the sadhaka undergoes a symbolic physical death (his psyche dissolved and coagulated) and is reborn as an increasingly enlightened and powerful being. The transmutation of female gynergy gifts him a worldly and spiritual power. The cast aside females, akin to spiritual batteries, their sacrificed energy powering his enlightened state of androgyny. In essence, what we are observing is a highly refined form of solar phallicism, the feminine (vagina) equated with eternal life, the spilled seed of the masculine penis - with death.

Physical women are merely spiritual batteries Page 374: The Madness of Saints by June McDaniel.

Below we can observe fashion mogul and convicted sex trafficker (and alledged paedophile) Peter Nygard discussing paying women for their stemcells, eggs, and period blood. Disturbingly, he also offers large sums of money to abort the children he had fathered. Alongside consuming the placenta and umbilical cords, consider a process that (to all intents and purposes) involves draining the life force vitality of the fetus.

“When she reaches twelve..., the forefathers (pitṛ) of the girl who has not yet been given in marriage will themselves drink her menstrual discharge every month”(Parāśarasmṛti, 7:5–6)



Continuing;' historically, within certain sects, there is ritualistic evidence that points towards a culminating physical sacrifice/burning of the feminine. Certainly, the rite of Sati (burning the living widow upon the pyre of her deceased husband) was present within Indian culture until British imperialism. How ironic? that the European/global act of burning the witch, carried ritualistic connotations.

Page 254 Yoga Immortality and Freedom by Mercea Eliade.

Without the absorption of her immortal elixir and the symbolic sacrifice of the feminine principle, the highest degrees of enlightenment are unobtainable. Within his custody, the androgyne possesses the primal forces and creative potentialities of both sexes, the masculine principle of which exercises dominion over the feminine. Once fully mastered the yogi no longer requires a female consort, for in perpetuity the process can be enacted within his own body. The master invoking and banishing her feminine gynergy per his will.

"May I be born from birth to birth, concentrating in myself the essence of woman." Page 116: David Snellgrove quoting the Hevajra Tantra



Involving the sexual union of ten karma mudras, the four highest degrees (11-15) of initiation are known as the Ganachakra. The ten mudras represent the ten chief winds (dasakaro vasi - the power of ten) present within the micro/macrocosmic body of the adept. This is further symbolised by ten vases that contain substances such as excrement, blood, human flesh etc - the master transforming their revulsion into divine nectar. Indeed, the ritual utilises the intertwined law of inversion and the union of opposites. The below tantric meal speaks to the former - each impure food containing the concentrated essence of the highest Buddhas, their ability to manifest enabled through the inverted nature of the law.

Various ritual objects are handed to the women during the ritual of which the majority, if not all, are of an aggressive nature: cleavers, swords, bone trumpets, skulls, skewers. As a cult meal the above-mentioned holy nectars are served: excrement, human flesh, and the meat of various taboo animals. To drink there is menstrual blood, urine, semen, and so forth. The third chapter of the Kalachakra Tantra recommends “slime, snot, tears, fat, saliva, filth, feces, urine, marrow, excrement, liver, gall, blood, skin, flesh, sperm, entrails” Kalacakra III, page 155: quoted by Albert Grünwedel 1915

The 'misbegotten skull' of a seven or eight-year-old child born from an incestuous union is considered to possess the greatest power in certain tantric rituals. Source

I will devote a chapter to the law of inversion, but it's worth pausing to note that the sanctions around sexual immorality are actively violated within cults such as the Kaula. Like the Sabbateans/Frankists, within certain cults, incest is a central doctrine, mudras are known as veshya kumarika - virgin-whores (the saturnian/satanic context of which will be further elaborated upon), and the highest form of love is perceived to be parakiya, an unlawful love that speaks to adulterous unions with very young girls.

The adept is unaffected by any external impurity and makes use of what is reprehensible to attain transcendence. Here arises the antinomian and asocial character of Kaula and the left-handed forms of tantra. Source

Page 297 Yoga Immortality and Freedom by Mercea Eliade.

It's also worth pointing out that within the Kali Yuga, under the guise of "riding the tiger" and using "poison as an antedote for poison" - many forms of Tantrism embrace aspects of what would otherwise be a prohibited left-hand path. Equally, when we juxtapose this statement against the dialectic nature of the modern era, we can document how at the turning of the wheel - the self-perceived/deceived hierarchal light (under the guise of the greater good) and the dark, are manifesting the same outcome. A statement that's perfectly aligned with the broader narratives I'm working towards - i.e the dark and the light are false dichotomies of the same duplicity.

Page 272 Yoga Immortality and Freedom by Mercea Eliade.

Continuing, as the flow of time is equated with the ten chief winds circulating throughout his body, by stifling their breath he elevates himself above the cycle of time, becoming a time lord and gaining control over time and space. The culmination of these rituals are perceived to enable a controlling alignment between his micro physiology (part one's inner universe) and the laws of the macrocosm. The control of his internal energies is a governing influence within global politics and the fate of heaven and earth. As below so above - the strategic reversal of the Hermetic principle of correspondence that's oft attributed to Marx - reveals its ancient origin.

You are the Mother, you are the Father, you are the teacher of the world. Kalacakra II, page 180: quoted by Albert Grünwedel 1915

Wee are observing is an alchemosexual experiment that culminates in the dissolution of his human existence. His body akin to a physical avatar, a vessel inhabited by the eternal omnipotent primordial cosmic androgyne - the personified synthesis of all opposites and contradictions. The undivided formlessness of form, the method, and the wisdom. The once in millennia transcendental hermaphrodite, a global ruler/political leader, the wrathful wheel turner, the great destroyer, and worldly redeemer, The final king prophesied in the Kalachakra - the Rudra Chakrin, the "grand sorcerer” (Maha Siddha), Lord Maitreya - the Theosophic world teacher (derived from the Chaldean Mithra - Mithras an incarnation of Saturn that was born in the Saturnian golden age) - Adam Kadmon, the alchemical Rebis - the Adi Buddha. The king of history and the master of polarity - life. A Jungian necromancer, breathing life into the radiance of his shadows.

He is the divine androgyne who (alongside the darkness and the light) has integrated the polarity of the sexes within himself. The creative potentialities and sexual energies of the masculine and feminine are now a subordinated expression of his power. Functioning as polarised primordial energies within his own body. As I noted in my series.




Gender Apocalypse

"The beggar beside the road is nothing to the monk. Knowledge is the jealously guarded prerogative of the monasteries and is used to increase their influence and wealth." Freddie Spencer Chapman quoted on page 125 of The Timely Rain.

The sorcerer lives in constant fear that the collective "daughters of Mara" will see through their tricks and send them into the depths of hell. Hence when we apply this observation at a global scale, we can observe that the new age they're constructing is a reflective edifice of their paranoia.

The drawing up of sperm by a woman is viewed by a tantric yogi as a mortally dangerous theft and a fundamental crime. The Shadow of the Dalai lama Page 123

Whilst a rare occurrence, there is historical evidence that points to the belief that a female androgyne can become more powerful than her male counterpart. Throughout the cults of Kali it is said that when female yoginis (versed in these techniques) assumed the upper position of sexual control, they could turn the tables and forcibly drain their partner's life energies, to the degree that she would leave him as a corpse. Conversely, the more powerful and revered the yogini- the more her power is desired. Indeed, I allude to a deeper layer of tactical deception.

“power flows from the woman to the man, especially when she is more powerful than he”, Page 263 Women, Androgyne and Other Mythological Beasts by Doniger O’Flaherty.)

Within hermeticism God = logic and Sophia = wisdom. In the tantras “wisdom” (prajna/female) and “method” (upaya/male) are considered as the mother and father of all opposites. Much like the vedas, the feminine is perceived to contain the distilled essence of creation, but the strategy obscured by her veneration alludes to the methodology/means (upaya also = strategy/skillful means) of arousing and consuming her creative essence. Indeed, in observation of the fact that at the culmination of the ritual only the masculine principle remains, we can consider whether the method is a clinical means to an end.

Page 201: Transcendental Magic, It's Doctrine & Ritual by Eliphas Levi

“ ‘My dear, are you eager
To eat my impurities,
Even if they were feces, urine, and blood,
And suck the interior of my bhaga?’
“The sādhaka should say:
“ ‘Why wouldn’t I be eager, O mother,
To eat your impurities?
I should practice devotion to women
Until I attain the essence of awakening.

The candamaharosana tantra 3.26-3.27

The strategic self-aggrandising arousal of erotic love (the manipulation of energies that are creative, emotional, and instinctive) and the veiled techniques of social and sexual magick, are ultimately intended to rob her of her gynergy and appropriate her wisdom. Thus, once you shine the glare of scrutiny upon the intended (twilight) language, we can observe an emotionless, mechanistic, and technical means of evoking, directing, harnessing, sacrificing, and ultimately possessing the feminine principle. For it is only through the usurpation of the feminine, that the time lord can become the god of history, creation, and the determiner of evolution.

Love begins magician and ends sorcerer. Eliphas Levi.

From an alechemical perspective:

Mercury is the winged and bearded hermaphrodite, throned upon a cube and crowned with flames. It is with mercury above all that the magnetic agent must be assimilated and incorporated. Page 265 & 267: Transcendental Magic, It's Doctrine & Ritual by Eliphas Levi

The word Kali is derived from Kala (time) - the time goddess Kali oft equated with the feminine energy/aspect of Lord Shani - i.e Saturn. Another representation of Saturn is Lord Shiva, whose consort/wife is Kali. Both Saturn and Kali are synonymous with the colour black. In terms of the feminine symbology of the aforementioned prima materia, the colour black could also symbolise the darkness before light. Other considerations equate Sati (creation) and Kali (destruction) with aspects of Shakti - the divine feminine energy. Ultimately, it's all a game of duality - of darkness and illumination.


Page 56: The Cult of the Black Cube

Within the context of a social equation (the alchemical ideology that I contend is shaping the course of human history), in preparation for the Age of Aquarius, the energy of the suppressed and goaded feminine is released and harnessed as a means of destroying the archetypes of the dying age of Pisces. The sleight of hand is the manipulation of energy mechanics, and a concealed intent to perpetually reabsorb and dominate the feminine principle. As we shall observe, I allude to an alchemical experiment that is stepping beyond the realms of the philosophical and metaphysical, and is manifesting itself in a physically literal sense of the word.

"The hermaphrodite lying like a dead man among the shadows, needs fire. Epigram 33 Scrutinium Chymicum by Michael Maier - (1568–1622) German physician, alchemist, and counsellor to Rudolf II Habsburg."

Continuing; the time god seeks to destroy and recreate the universe, thus he is extremely interested in the destructive aspects of the time goddess. Until it is expedient that they're released, under his control, within his body her primordial forces are fuelled, concentrated, and restrained. Elemental impulses that are symbolically embodied by the doomsday mare Kalagni - and often equated as an expression of the insatiable sexual appetite of the demoness Srinmo, the Kabbalistic Ishshah - or the fire woman Candali.

For the Kabbalist, the demonic nature of the feminine derives from her separation from the masculine.

Page 93: The Circle in the Square by Elliot Wolfson.

The Hebrew words for ‘fire,’ ‘burnt-offering,’ and ‘woman’ are identical in the original unpointed Hebrew text. Even with vowel pointing, it takes a sharp eye to distinguish between the three. Is there a connection implied? Quite possibly. Source

"The world too shall be renewed by fire" Amphiteatrum Eternae Sapientae by Heinrich Khunrath (1606)

As her goaded ferocity is unleashed, the all-consuming fire of her uncontrolled rage begins to burn through his chakras and atomic structures. This is his final strategem, for it is only through his bodily destruction that he can transcend the ashes of his physicality - becoming an all-powerful final incarnation of supreme consciousness. As a time god, we are observing a micro-macrocosmic (as below so above) process that is reflected in the fiery apocalypse of the world (whose material illusions are synonymous with the feminine) and the heavens above. According to his will, what is to be renewed, must first be destroyed.

Concerning the micro-macrocosmic nature of these doctrines we can also apply their alchemical connotations at a global/societal scale. Forged in the furnace, through the passage of fire alchemy is the art of making the impure into the pure. A process of separating the lead from the gold, the useful from the useless, and transmuting it into its final essence.

The association of the feminine (moon/water) with fire (masculine/sun) is itself an inversion of cultural/historical norms and thus perhaps speaks to the alchemical principle of burning water. We can further consider whether the act of setting fire to the inner woman - speaks to the sacrifice of the worldly woman - who in turn symbolises the destruction of Maya, Sophia - the earth. For as powerful as Srinmo is, she has been tricked into serving as a tool of his transcended dematerialisation, and her enslavement. Through magickal techniques, the Maha Siddha (master of the fire) has eternally brought her under his control. Her consummated primal energy/wisdom, an expression of his supreme power.

"The lord is the beginningless eternal one, while the goddess, emanating from the body of the lord is the produced one" Page 384: Obscure Religious Cults by Shashi Bhusan Dasgupta, Calcutta 1946.

I will leave this section with a thought. If you can simply declare yourself a woman, then why have (from Kemet & the magi of Babylon) magicians spent thousands of years devising methods through which to extract her feminine wisdom, virile, raja's, essence, gynergy? The greatest deception - an attempt to trick her into giving it away.


If you look at the medieval image above you can observe that the androgyne is wearing seven crowns. Historically, each crown has been shown to represent one of the seven deadly sins.


The destruction and consummation of the gender binary is an imperative aspect of the ritual. For the dark artist to assume his position as time lord and assert his dominance over humanity, the feminine principle must first be surrendered, sacrificed, and possessed. As everything is perceived to have been born from the union of two equal opposites, the black magician seeks to manipulate and subjugate by attracting, charming, mesmerising, and beguiling, isolating and binding the object of his desire within a web of their self-deception. A symphony of self-aggrandising seduction.


Know this. At all times the beguiled must be led to believe they're following their own volition. Hate binds - but for those proficient in the dark arts, the conquest of love is the highest form of attainment, the harnessing of love gifting mastery of the emotional spectrum - of life and death. The black magician thrives by giving people what they have been manipulated to think they want - and goading them into fighting what they have been coaxed to hate. Be mindful of what you are relinquishing to receive that which you have been led to believe you desire. Be wary of people who tell you what you want to hear, and lend an ear to those who elaborate upon that which you don't.

The real magician is the beloved, who exploits the erotic energy of the lover in the accumulation of his own power. He transforms love into power, he is a manipulator of erotic love. Giordano Bruno, De Vinculis in genere (1591)

Page 201: Transcendental Magic, It's Doctrine & Ritual by Eliphas Levi

The conjuration of love and adoration is a methodology that is utilised by gurus the world over. The below is taken from a (clandestinely) taped recording of a speech given Edmund De Rothschild - the entirety of which will be shared in a concurrent series that will focus on the real world application of esoteric principles.

"That great philosopher and cleric Teilhard de Chardin wrote and I quote: Man can harness the wind, the waves, and the tides, but when he can harness the energy of love, then for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire." Edmund de Rothschild


De - Cypher

Whilst the juxtapositions of war and sex may speak to the inner recesses of our psychology - I contend that we have been manouvered into a position where we're increasingly at war with ourselves. The fundamental essence of our identity and humanity.

And that women would adopt male clothing. And that the secret of women, with clothing, covered, would no longer be secret, but be revealed and exposed. When this happens, all the world leaders and all the people will be corrupted and will not know whom to look to for direction to correct this corruption. When all this happens, it will mean that we are all nearing the end. Then the wars will come about like powerful winds, and will spread from country to country and bring Purification or Destruction to this world. Hopi Prophecy

Let's see if we can observe some societal parallels. Similar methods, refined methodologies, a glimpse into the strategy (practical magick) that governs the ebb and flow of society. Certainly, when juxtaposed against ritual sex magick; the transition from the archetypal mother to a predominant sexual expression, is indicative of a process that aligns with the observations of this post and my sexual perception deception series. The transmutation of sexual energy, a precursor to the alchemical transformation of identity - an energetic osmosis that (ultimately) seeks to absorb the principle creative essence of femininity.

The over-sexualistation and obsessive objectification of the feminine becomes individually and culturally corosive.


Page 238: The Metaphysics of sex by Julius Evola

Staying with the overarching theme of this chapter, I'm reminded that the (Hermetic/Alchemic/dialectic) removal of distinction is achieved through the clash of opposites. Thus, the closer we move toward some form of biological synthesis - the more palpable the friction. The sexual revolution? The spark that set the world ablaze.

Eras of increased carnality synonymous with chaos and liminality - a synchronised chaotic ambiguity that should be understood as an overture to a new state of order. Indeed, we consider how sexual energy has been harnessed as a means of disolving distinctions, breaking down forms, structures, and archetypes. How the sexual revolution acted as a precursor to the resculpting of individual liberty, language, meaning, legality, morality, psychology, social structure, family, identity, and ultimately, the very essence of our humanity. Quite literally, imprisoning us to a naive and misguided perception of legislated liberty.

The social bonds that constrain the primal nature of man's libido are intimately entwined with the foundations of a cohesive and ethical society.

“As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends compensatingly to increase.” Aldous Huxley: Brave New World.

Page 667: The Fall Of Rome: Story Of Civilization Vol.3: (Caesar And Christ) by Will Durrant. Publication date 1944.

It's worth considering whether the selective abstinence of the feminine has been the glue that binds the social (familial/conventional) and moral order. Thus, within the context of a revolutionary social/structural deconstruction, the "liberation" (the sexual usurpation/appropriation of the feminine principle) of female sexuality - would be both a formative and integral component. Equally, when considering the procedural nature of the subject matter, I juxtapose how the pursuit of sexual/social equality seemingly obscures a veiled conformity to the values of masculinity.

My only contention with the below observation is that (as opposed to an organically evolving evolution) this is a process that can be traced back to an esoteric foundation.

In essence I am suggesting that 20th-century women have been living for centuries in a male-oriented culture which has kept them unconscious of their own feminine principle. Now in their attempt to find their own place in a masculine world, they have unknowingly accepted male values, goal-orientated lives, compulsive drivenness, and concrete bread which fails to nourish their feminine mystery. Page 8: The Owl Was A Bakers Daughter by Marion Woodman.

The increasingly overt sexualisation/objectification of the feminine archetype can also be utilised as a means of binding the desires of the masculine. The predominance of visual stimuli, infiltrating and manipulating masculine sexual perception, shackling him to the images that stalk the reflections of his conscious and subconscious awareness. Here we can also consider a goaded reaction to the patronising nature of pop culture, and the social malignance of the sexual revolution's playboy/lad lifestyle. The overt disconnections between love, sex, and procreation, indicative of an attempted decomposition of the nuclear family, and the preliminary disconnection (disorientation) of the masculine and feminine.

Concerining the laws of the equilibrium; it is no coincidence that the corrupting influence of playboy/lad culture and the misogyny of gangsta rap reached its cultural zenith as a precursor to the pseudo (cultivated) age of the feminine.


Negativity is a currency that is stored and fed until social expediency demands its release. Indeed, across multiple sectors of society, the contrived pendulum of history ensures that guilt and anger have been harnessed as a tactical methodology.

“So long as we try to act as men, in order to continue to be men…we doom women to injustice: the injustice that inheres in the very idea that there are two sexes” Page 185: Refusing To Be A Man by John Stoltenberg

Bait and switch, where men received implied social rewards for their casual sexism and objectification, the rug is pulled from underneath them. Deliberately suppressed floodgates of abuse are opened and concurrently allowed to explode into the glare of public scrutiny. As the weight of a newly formed collectively focused awareness, begins to re-balance the societal scales in the favour of the aligned feminist, the masculine is collectively/selectively tainted with connotations of toxic masculinity. The male symbolising an obstacle in the path of female emancipation. The deviances of abusers and predators, used to tarnish the majority.

Same system - different face. It's interesting how (as I've extensively documented) the architects of the system have obsessively studied and surreptitiously directed human sexual expression toward the age of liminality, confusion, and revolution. Indeed, if you identify your enemy as the white heterosexual patriarchy, by proxy, anything on its periphery is considered to be innately good. Isn't it great to be lectured by NGOs and Foundations with histories of eugenics, human experimentation, resource colonisation, and population control aspirations? In truth, they are using the protected minority as a means of deconstructing society and stealing the freedoms of everybody.

Rockefeller Foundation

What we are socially praising is the defeminisation of the feminine and the emasculinisation of the masculine. The key focus being the usurpation and destruction of archetypal symbolism. A new age of blurred boundaries and dissolved distinctions.

As I will continue to expand upon, there is a syncretism between the principles of mysticism, Kabbalism, the Frankfurt School's (critical theory), new-ageism, and neo-feminism. As the externally assigned wardens of neo-cult-uralism, the communiatarian feminist polices the boundaries of a self-reflective Overton window, whilst helping to redefine the virtues of womanhood and femininity. Consider a war on biology and any form of binary traditionalism - hence only the feminist ideals that are aligned with the direction of one worldism receive its social spoils. Incrementally, its female heretics becoming isolated and vehemently castigated.

The duality (dialectic) prison has been constructed in the mind by the same entities that are now equating it with a (phsyical) gender penitentiary. Herein is a new era of duplicity - a spiritual duplicity expressed as a physical reality.


The below is taken from queer theory architect Judith Butlers (interview with the Guardian newspaper. The link takes you to - as the day after it was published The Guardian censored the association between "Terfs" and fascism. Interesting that she should use the word fascist - because as I will document, the fundamental principles of fascism (which was also known as the third way) are underpinned by the same occultic ideology.


Judith Butler has noted her early background in the study of Jewish ethics as a contributor to her fundamental re-imagination of gender as performance in her groundbreaking Gender Trouble.


Society is not involved in a linear progression - it is governed by the manipulation of the opposing momentum and the laws of the equilibrium. A tactic (from politics, racism, to environmentalism) that is utilised across multiple social sectors. The shifting sands of the left/right thesis/antithesis - relentlessly march us toward the culmination of the synthesis.

Looking left when one wants to go right is an act of dissembling and prudence; but to throw some weights into the left-hand pan of the scales to make the right-hand pan rise is to know the laws of dynamics and equilibrium. The Great Secret: Eliphas Levi.

Returning to the time tantra. Under the guise of liberation - at the shift of the wheel, the cultivated and goaded anger, suppressed, licentious, confrontational, and destructive aspects of the feminine are released as a transgressive revolution against the holistic order, and the archetypes, values, structures, and principles that preceded it. Within this process, the feminine is perceived to lose her connection with her feminine mystery. Becoming incrementally subordinated to a masculine principle that is surreptitiously/duplicitously equated with the liberation of womanhood. Again I refer you to the alchemical nature of this agenda. Solve et Coagula, break down (separate) and conjoin (join together). The disparate polarities of the masculine and feminine reunited in the body of the divine androgyne.


Societal deconstruction sold as liberation. Defeminisation as equality.

“Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women’s movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage,” Sheila Cronin.


Paradoxically, the pursuit of neo-feminist equality is akin to a war femininity, hence why the virtues of modern feminism often emulate the masculine. The clash of opposites (battle of the sexes) and the malignance of queer/woke/neo-feminism, obscures a deeper layer of strategy, one that is working towards the appropriation of feminine gynergy. Initially, this manifests on the extremities of the periphery - but through a sleight of hand that is defined as progress - her female essence becomes incrementally subordinated to the masculine principle - a war against femininity masquerading as female empowerment. A narrative that is progressively echoed by Hollywood and the mass media re-engineering of identity.

Page 80: The Circle In The Square by Elliot Wolfson.


The inversion of polarity. As masculinity is mocked and the emasculated masculine is praised for his feminine attributes, the defeminised female her masculinity - the balancing of biological opposites appears to be a prelude to a shattering of the equilibrium. An ancient spiritual doctrine manifested in the age of social scientism. Indeed, whilst we argue over tertiary characteristics and Disney princesses - our children's identities are being resculpted per an esoteric ideology.



The Metaphysics of Sex by Julius Evola pages 136 - 137

From the perspective of an alchemical/tantric ritual:


The wheels that have been set in motion push the energetic force of the momentum in the opposing direction, harnessing it as a tool of social reformation. Neo-feminist veneration concealing a tactical intent, one seeks to anatomise the interplay between the male and female, deconstruct the nuclear family, and absorb/appropriate her reproductive capacity. A process that's concurrently reflected in the patented seedless seeds of biotech industries. All of which (oft unknowingly) serve the same base philosophies. One that seeks to extinguish any form of self-sustenance.


The Metaphysics of Sex by Julius Evola pages 137 - 138.


Queer Feminism Intersection

Totalitarianism arrives wearing a cloak of emancipation and enlightenment.

Rockefeller Foundation

Feminism has been incapacitated by the notion of queer theory because its critical philosophy draws upon the same base principles. It's formative intellectuals embracing a gender spectrum as a means of escaping the oppression of the body prison. Breaking down the perceived walls of binary definitions to seek solace from socially constructed gender definitions, the neo-feminist believes she is gaining freedom. Unaware that she has been tricked into becoming a tool of her enslavement and oligarchal transcendence. Activating and breathing life into a strategy that is intent on stealing the elemental essence of her creativity.

Harnessed feminist anger released as a tool of transgression and a means of burning down the Piscean age's social structures. The usurpation of the feminine at the hands of a bastard son whose ultimate intent is to consume the mother of his invention. Again, in the symbolic (esoteric) context of previous chapters, it is no mistake that many of these ideals are considered to be left-wing.

One is not born a woman, one becomes a woman. Simone de Beauvoir


With her famous statement, "One is not born, but rather becomes a woman", she laid the groundwork for the concept of gender as a social construct, as opposed to a biological trait. Page 35: Sex & Gender in Simone de Beauvoir's Second Sex by Queer theorist architect Judith Butler.

"To many feminists, androgyny has come to represent an escape from the prison of gender" Is Androgyny an answer to sexual stereotyping? - Mary Anne Warren page 170


“The dichotomies between mind and body, nature and culture, men and women…are all in question ideologically” A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century by Donna Haraway.

As the patriarchy assumes the role of the antithesis, the neo-feminist rebels against all associated cultural norms. The rejection of Motherhood (Beauvoir's “reproductive slavery”) equated with liberation from patriarchal oppression. Indeed, by equating traditional values with brutality, from an ideological perspective - you can construct a moral justification for a war against them. Goaded into a war against their femineity, the fever-pitched fervor surrounding cultural definitions of femininity, the formative expressions of a process that is incrementally intended to lead toward the age of dissolved distinctions, and an idealised rejection of Motherhood.


Within the next couple of generations we will have definitively finished human history because we will have abolished human beings as such. And then, a new posthuman history will begin. Pages 28 & 33 Second thoughts: The Last Man In A Bottle by Francis Fukuyama.

Enter the age of the artificial womb, the gradually evolving focus on the "dangerous burden" of Motherhood (equated by the UN's gender body as being a "penalty") playing out in unison crashing levels of fertility, and a population control narrative that I have documented over numerous articles. I'm not stating that childbirth doesn’t carry an element of risk, I am pointing to a deeper level of deception. The incrementally appropriated transference (theft) of reproductive capability, from the mother to the tech sector.

Falling sperm counts 'threaten human survival', expert warns Source



Whilst it has been intellectually obfuscated and equated with liberation and emancipation, at a base level we are being manipulated into becoming compliant with the extinction of our human capacity.

Equal working rights! What was sold as a right is now a necessity that dictates the majority of children are reared by strangers and educated within a system that is poisoning their minds'. Incrementally, the mother is gradually disconnected from her children - and strategically from the process of childbirth. How long before a right/choice becomes a biological necessity? How long before a necessity can be legislated?



Intersecting with the Cybelian cults we shall discuss in chapter four, fuelled by a verifiable chemical corruption, as the feminist goddess rises, we observe a corresponding process of emasculation. Still, it would be remiss not to point out that the war against the masculine (which we will discuss in later chapters) opens up another front against women. Alongside pushing back against a resculpted list of neo-feminine ideals and communitarian principles, the women that are trying to hold onto their identity and the sanctity of their privacy and femininity, are facing an onslaught of self-identifying (wo) men who are attempting to colonise the very notion of femineity. A movement that is equating non-conforming females with oppressors.

The intrinsic qualities of the female are reduced to a diluted spectrum of 100 gender choices that all lead to the same destination. All of which are indicative of the fact that for the first time in human history, the mother is superfluous to the evolutionary pretensions of our would-be demigods.

Page 91: The Circle In The Square by Elliot Wolfson.

The reintegration of the feminine principle is the most closely guarded secret of them all, for to succeed, it must first find a means through which to manifest its intention through the inversion of public perception - as the liberation of womanhood. Again, as per the nature of black magick - in a modern context, feminism has mutated into a war against the feminine. What it is to be free - eh?


Final Thoughts

Ultimately, deception and subversion will only get you so far, their entire system stands as a transgression against the flow of the holistic order - thus, is destined to be swept away. That said, in light of the scale of information I have yet to share, left unimpeded, I have no hesitation in stating that we are looking at the attempted manifestation of an agenda that seeks to usurp procreation and transcend the human organism. One that seeks to elevate its architects to the position of demi-gods that control the evolutionary destiny of a patented and gene-edited humanity.

As I will fully document, the socially engineered perceptual and chemical corruption of the archetype are indicative of our intended merger into the principles of the one world doctrine. Commensurately, the final stage of the alchemical meditation is the conjunction, the merger of all opposites and contradictions into the unified consciousness of the divine - the perceived unity that preceded creation. Whilst the hierarchies of illumination speak to our formative steps toward a utopian (greater good) path to ascension, I intend to display an idealised stepping stone toward a technological prison.



This is not an organically evolving collective gnosis, it's a provable mass hypnosis! The illusion of the transcendent equilibrium is the lie that will be sold to the beguiled idealist and the gullible. In truth, it represents a form of biological and spiritual feudalism, the merger of opposing principles into the synthesis of ownership. They want to possess and re-engineer every facet of our identity. They want the control of evolution, reproduction, psyche, and creativity, they don't want to liberate you, they want to patent and possess you! Their alchemical endgame being the consummation of all opposing forces, into the concentration of absolute power.

We are looking at an agenda that seeks to engineer humanity according to ego-centric assumptions and distorted misinterpretations. Whilst this isn't a statement that can be validated within the compartmentalised limitations of a singular article, much like the nature of the subject matter - only once I have refined (expanded/edited) and conjoined the out of context and fragmented parts, will the whole be revealed.

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A poignant article my man. Well written and much needed. Thanks!

Hoping that things are alright on your side!

Thanks dude - yeah all good here, trust you are keeping well! :D

got a leaking roof, but besides that all is well!

How's the back pains?

hey there welcome back!

I read in one of your past posts that you had a back problem. Was wondering how things were now!

Thankyou very much!

Yeah, that was a while back now - all good at the moment, hopefully! lol

Hey dude - sorry been away and off line for a while! What was that about my back? lol Trust life is good for you. :D