It's this kind of sheer and utter ignorance that is an actual danger to gullible people who believe that they can navigate the trials of cancer by following anything written above.
What do you get out of this horseshit or are you just maliciously vindictive?
The thing about science is that science is never settled. Science is always open to refinement or even straight up about turns as more information is gained,
But its easy to blithely quote that "settled science" nonsense.
Thats the problem when you get all your info from Instagram :OD
This is crazy! I think I already said that, but I struggle more and more to figure out if some of these things I read, like this post, are satire or not. I cannot imagine how someone would actually believe any of this. Unfortunately, more often than not, it is not satire, and some ignorant people do believe it, making it so dangerous...