WEF Global Reset "Take 2": A CYBERPANDEMIC

in #deepdives4 years ago


Hi all,

Just came across yet another ludicrous attempt by the Satanists at the WEF (World Economic Forum) to con the masses into yet another 'Great Reset' plan, as their current iteration is dwindling and not reaching the desired effect.

Yet, I should still give them credit, though, as they have successfully managed to kill millions with lockdowns & vaccines and put hundreds of millions out of work killing millions of small business enterprises in the process.

But that was not sufficient, as it has largely failed in its broader objective.

Therefore, here is their next attempt or iteration at bringing forth their plan for total control and enslavement of humanity.

Though this news is not new (it comes from 2020 and early 2021), I've actually only come across it recently.

Most of you have heard of their global coronavirus pandemic simulation called 'Event 201' which took place in late 2019 just before the actual Covid-19 pandemic broke out.

Well, now they have a different kind of virus that they wish to unleash upon the world, namely a cybervirus which would cause a "cyberpandemic".

You see, as the masses have lost their jobs and moved more to an online existence, well that is where they will have to bring upon the next "crisis" for which they will cast themselves as the ultimate "saviors".

So recently, they have started conducting another crisis simulation called Cyber Polygon. The first one took place in 2020 and there is another one schedule for July of this year.

In brief, the simulation is a bout a massive cyberattack which would take place on various institutions including banking, government, infrastructure and businesses to see how "resiliant" they would be to such massive an attack.

Exactly who this attack would come from remains largely unclear. In the past, Russia and China have been some of the main culprits; but, this time around Russia is actually leading the way in this simulation.

Why is Russia leading the way for this latest iteration of the agenda?

One really needs to ask this question, as Russia has been the "go-to boogeyman" by the Western elites who run most of the show west of East/Central Asia.

In this article, I will posit my thesis that the WEF is now using Russia as a "TEST CASE" for this latest iteration of their Great Reset. This could not be clearer to me and by the time you finish reading this, it will also be clear to you that this is the most likely reason for this additional nonsense by these very out-of-touch narcissistic psychopaths.

An investigative report entitled From “Event 201” to “Cyber Polygon”: The WEF’s Simulation of a Coming “Cyber Pandemic” displays some interesting tidbits from which we can postulate and connect dots. Here are some key excerpts along with my thoughts [emphasis added]:

Aside from Mishustin, WEF executive director Klaus Schwab and former UK prime minister Tony Blair participated in the Cyber Polygon 2020 event, which is due to be repeated annually and bears many similarities to 2019’s Event 201.

While we all are familiar with the likes of Schwab and Blair as known globalists, Mishustin is not familiar to us. Who is he? Before answering that, let's first look at what he said:

Mishustin goes on to explain that Russia’s post-COVID economic recovery will be based on the “increasing digitalization of that economy and government,” adding that “we will drastically increase the number of available digital public services and introduce fundamentally new support measures for digital businesses.”

While this statement, at prima facie, seems quite benign and "helpful" to businesses, what is really implied and to be understood by those in the know is that there will be no escape from taxation, including in cyberspace.

He is prefacing Russia's CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) through which no business (or individual) will be able to escape from the clutches of government and taxation.

Mishustin was, after all, head of the Russian Federal Taxation Service but is currently serving as Russia's Prime Minister. During his opening remarks for WEF’s Cyber Polygon 2020 he warned of the need to create public policy to:

strengthen the digital security of critical activities without undermining the benefits from digital transformation in critical sectors that would unnecessarily restrict the use and openness of digital technology.”

Taxation would certainly be inclusive of "critical activities".

Continuing from the article:

Schwab gave special thanks to Herman Gref, a member of the board of trustees of the World Economic Forum and Sberbank’s CEO and also issued the following dire warning:

We all know, but still pay insufficient attention to, the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyberattack which would bring to a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole. The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyberattack. We have to ask ourselves, in such a situation, how could we let this happen despite the fact we had all the information about the possibility and seriousness of a risk attack. Cybercrime and global cooperation should be on the forefront of the global agenda.

Three main points here:

  1. Herman Gref is the CEO of Sberbank of Russia which is the "largest bank in Russia and Eastern Europe, and the third largest in Europe" (according to Wikipedia). And this falls in line with his comrade Mishustin 's agenda of ensuring businesses are taxed to the fullest and dare not escape their clutches.

  2. By stating events that could occur such as a "frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyberattack" he is doing his duty to not only try to warn and scare the masses, but more importantly using a tied and trusted method of mind control, namely Predictive Programming. This was done with Event 201; so why not keep it?

  3. In line with the previous point, stating "COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyberattack". Oh, COVID-19 which killed millions would be seen as a "small disturbance"? Really? Are you fucking kidding me Mr. Gref?

These guys are absolute psychopaths!

I just don't know how more ridiculous statements from these imbeciles who are in such positions can get.

But, I digress. So, let's move on. Next from the article we have:

Herman Gref engaged in discussion with former UK prime minister Tony Blair, who has been pushing for digital identity systems for decades. Blair straightforwardly told the CEO of Sberbank that biometric digital identity systems will “inevitably” be the tools that most governments will use to deal with future pandemics. Blair, discussing the coronavirus pandemic with Gref, advocated the harshest of lockdown measures, saying the only alternative to biometric digital identities is to “lockdown the economy.”

Focus here is on former UK Prime Minister, avowed globalist, Tony Blair and what he emphasizes, namely digital identity systems. We all know that the UK has been perhaps the country that has pushed the hardest for "health (COVID-19) digital passports" since the early stages of the Plandemic, as I have extensively documented in this blog. So, it comes as now surprise that the Satanists at the WEF would make good use of a former Prime Minister to try to add clout to this new boogeyman threat and also push for more egregious digital surveillance for control over the masses.

And how would another agenda be complete without a little bit of puff, love, and woke justice & peace for the brainwashed, obliging plebs?

More vomit:

Stéphane Duguin, the CEO of the CyberPeace Institute, a Geneva-based company that describes itself as “citizens who seek peace and justice in cyberspace,” then gave a talk to the millions of viewers watching the simulation. The CyberPeace Institute, funded by Microsoft, Facebook, Mastercard, and the Hewlett Foundation, among others, claims to help their customers “increase digital resilience and the capacity to respond to and recover from cyberattacks.”

Same shit, different [digital] format.

Now they employ "digital resilience" whereas it only use to be "resilient" cities, to the virus, etc. They are like clockwork in their vernacular. So predictable that it gets really repetitive and boring for us who report on this madness.

Before getting into the joke of the "CyberPeace Institute" we need can already notice that from its funders - Microsoft, Facebook, and Mastercard - that their funding come along with strings attached (i.e., to push the same global agendas that Microsoft has pushed with Event 201, vaccines, etc.). It's no mistake that Mastercard is there, since they, with Visa, comprise the top two credit card companies (practically essential for nearly all individuals and businesses). I'll have more on Visa later, but for now you can just smell a rat. The authors of the article astutely note:

Duguin, who is also on the advisory board of the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise, recently launched the Cyber4Healthcare initiative, a “free” cybersecurity service to healthcare providers fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. The Cyber4Healthcare initiative includes as its main partners BI.ZONE as well as Microsoft and the Global Cyber Alliance. This is yet another suspicious Microsoft-linked free cybersecurity service currently being pitched to and adopted by healthcare providers around the world at a time when warnings of a coming cyberattack on healthcare systems globally are becoming more public.

Jacqueline Kernot, the Australian “partner in cybersecurity” for Ernst and Young, and Hector Rodriguez, senior vice president and regional risk officer for Visa, next discussed how to prepare for cyberattacks. Kernot worked for over twenty-five years as a military officer for the Australian Intelligence Corps and spent two years working at IBM’s Defence|Space|Intelligence for Tivoli Software in the UK with “international responsibilities within the UK Ministry of Defence, Defence Primes, and NATO.” Ernst and Young and Visa, alongside other WEF-linked corporations such as Salesforce, are well represented on the Vatican’s exclusive Council for Inclusive Capitalism. The Council, like the WEF, calls for the reconstruction of the economic system to be more “sustainable,” “inclusive,” and “dynamic” by “harnessing the power of the private sector.

While a lot of names in the above passage should raise red flags, I will instead focus on the more obscure Council for Inclusive Capitalism.

Just look at what this council "calls for the reconstruction of the economic system to be more “sustainable,” “inclusive,” and “dynamic” by “harnessing the power of the private sector."

Here we go again with those key words "sustainable" and "inclusive", just as we previously did with "resilient." Make no mistake, these are all code words these globalist parasites employ to communicate the colors of their stripes with each other.

They want to make themselves sound as altruistic and benevolent as possible even though we know the vast majority of them are rather conniving and malevolent.

One needn't very long to notice some usual globalist suspects on their advisory board to see where their real mandate really falls. Apart from Lynn Forester de Rosthschild, Brian Moynihan (CEO of Bank of America), Marc Benioff (CEO & co-founder of Salesforce), we can easily spot the most detestable face and one of them all - Mark Carney (former Governor for the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, and current UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance').

His latest title (for which he so benevolently accepts no salary) is one of his most pillaging of all, as the whole climate hoax agenda is merely another bankster looting mechanism meant to further entrap, enslave, and tax to death the masses and decimate any business that won't go along with this fucking lie; it is nothing more than that.


Mark Carney, screenshot from the Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican Steering Committee

And don't they make all this sound so warm, fluffy and peaceful since it has the name Vatican right in it? We can go into the Vatican's more secretive takeover and agendas, but we'll save those for another day.

Now, to spearhead a new agenda that would entail further control over the internet would require the [capture] cooperation of key institutions. So, this stone has not been left unturned either:

Petr Gorodov and John Crain were briefly interviewed at the Cyber Polygon 2020 event.
John Crain is chief security, stability, and resiliency officer at ICANN, the nonprofit internet security corporation. He is currently responsible for the management of the L-Root server, one of the internet’s thirteen root servers, making his inclusion at the simulation particularly notable. At Cyber Polygon 2020 he promoted a “long-term solution of working together in the cybersecurity community.”

The last sentence from the passage above where John Grain from ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) said he promoted a “long-term solution of working together in the cybersecurity community.” is noteworthy indeed. Here, it merely means that those who don't play ball will easily get their domain names pulled and memory-holed from cyberspace. Capiche?

So, back to Russia.

Why Russia again?

They state:

Another possibility for Russia no longer being treated as the perpetual enemy of cyberspace is that it is entirely on board with both the official coronavirus narrative and the allegedly imminent cyberpandemic. Cyber Polygon 2020 appeared, in part, to be a Russian charm offensive that was welcomed by the powerful elite. Tony Blair, who once held out the hand of false reconciliation on behalf of the international community to Colonel Gaddafi, has often been involved in these exercises of international diplomacy on behalf of the elites in the years since he left public office. His involvement in the exercise may have been meant to facilitate support among Western WEF-aligned governments for even greater Russian inclusion in the Great Reset. Part of this is due to the WEF-led effort to bring BRICS nations like China and Russia into the Great Reset fold because it is essential for their agenda’s success on a global scale. Now, Russia is pioneering this new model of supposedly national finance systems that the WEF supports through Sberbank’s creation of a digital monopoly not only of financial services but all services within the Russian Federation.

I don't think I need to add too much here as it is all nicely outlined by the authors.

They key aspect here is for the elites at the WEF who are hell bent on getting their Great Reset on a global scale would need cooperation from the BRICS.

They know they can't easily do so directly with China, so Russia is the frenemy-du-jour for this desperate iteration.


All in all, I see this simply as yet another pathetic attempt of a bunch of clown Satanist elites from the WEF clan and bankster ilk to try to impose their will on the planet.

Once again, I am most confident they will fail miserably in their stupidity and arrogance.

Let's see how it all plays out and when this big end-of-days cyberattack/cyberpandemic will occur (September, October, November, or December of this year?)

I get the feeling they will wait a bit, as the masses are still pissed off and won't go for more immediate tyranny.

Oh, one final thought. I just now came across a June 3 article from one of my favorite authors (who I must mention has done excellent coverage on the WEF's Great Reset agenda) Brandon Smith entitled Cyber Polygon: Will The Next Globalist War Game Lead To Another Convenient Catastrophe?. Haven't read it, but I'm sure he will be spot-on as usual.

God bless you all.

In Peace & Liberty



UPDATE - June 29, 2021:

Great video from Dan Dicks of Press for Truth and James Corbett:

James Corbett also has a podcast - Episode 403 – Meet the World Economic Forum - which focuses on the World Economic Forum (WEF), digging into its background and various agendas.