I think we need both. A controlled narrative but also other wikileaks subjects. And for that we need more divers... Wikileaks is millions of docs deep. So there is a LOT to write about. Those with knowledge of Syria should indeed get on top of that!
That said it would maybe be good to have a more narrowed down subject for the next challenge, though seen the wide range of topic in the leaks it also could leave many important topics untouched?
I often think it would be cool to do a team effort on a specific subject, but then again the people who feel like not being informed enough on that topic may NOT take part in such a challenge? How can we get all those people on board who said they wanted to do a deepdive. I really would like to see a few of them have a go at whatever subject they feel comfortable about.
What about overlapping DeepDives? One DeepDives with a certain direction and one that spreads into all corners of corruption. Though many would like to do both and i'm not sure if thats possible as one dive consumes a lot of 'oxigen'.
And from that perspective overlapping could be a bit problematic. Still i'd like to share the idea. Maybe someone knows a path down the middle?