Ho-Hum...Just Another Boring Day...In America

in #deepdives6 years ago (edited)

Well...I'm sitting here taking a break from all the common, boring and typical news online...YAWNnnnn...Oh, excuse my onion/garlic breath; I just had a sausage, pepper and onion roll. Usually I'm a Lacto-Ovo type 'Vegetanarian' (yes...that's a real word...) it means 'Old vegetarian'... I made it up and just waiting for it to catch on and be adopted into the English language, officially.

The reason I decided to take a break from my 'Vege' routine today was two-fold. One, I felt like it...and two, because...It really helped spark my appetite for pig or cow today, after watching a few 'near death' looking vegans on youtube prancing about, extolling the virtues of self-destruction...

Anyway...it's all the same crap in the news here in America...Thousands of invaders from Central America streaming to our southern border (which Lame-Stream-News) calls refugees..."mostly women and children, fleeing poverty, hunger and oppression in their countries"... Yeah...RIGHT...?!?!?

The 'few' FAT bitches we see in those videos don't look so "starved" to me...Oh, wait a minute..."hungry"...they say that they're "hungry"... Well, that may not be a lie...I get hungry a couple of times a day too...when I do get hungry, I eat till I'm not hungry anymore...I stop getting hungry at about the same time I'm finished with my 'salad', and those FAT people are onto their 'second' Whopper, large fries and super-sized soda at Burger King...

So...we have thousands more low life scumbags trying to get into our country, to argue, fight and kill 'other' lowlife scumbags who came before them...or 'BORN' here...See...we have enough 'home grown' lowlife scumbags of our own living across Cities and Towns all across America...Do we 'really' need 'MORE'??? Nawww...not really...

Oh, but...what about love and compassion...what about opening our arms to welcome our own demise, by opening the boarders??? That's the 'human' and 'kind' thing to do...Let them in, to go into communities that are already over filled with 'others' who hate each other.

You see...I try to be a realist, and living in a mostly "Latino" community, I 'know' there's a BIG problem with Mexicans thinking they are the 'master' class...The Puerto Rican people 'know' that 'they' are superior to other Latino's...Ecuadorians have claim to superiority because of their Pre and Post Colombian roots (or something like that)

My 'point'...??? These newly arriving "refugees" are 'NOT' looking to assimilate, and on the contrary, will feel forced at some point to protect their own interests against 'established' malevolent scumbags by banning together with others of 'their kind' (fellow Countrymen) It'll be the ole, "see...we told you so...the other Latinos hate us..." 

"Welcome to the 'GANG amigo"

Many of these 'young' men in the caravan, have already been here before...they know the deal...it's no secret....They're just trying to get back in...

So, it's women and children to the front. "Let's make it 'look' good for the Media"... They'll be enough dumbed down white people watching MSNBC and CNN to be duped into saying..."Awwww...those poor, poor people...We need to help them"

"Let's bake them a nice apple pie Mabel... Pastor Higgens and his flock are seeking donations down at the church...we can bring them some pie"...

"Okay Mary...but, we ought put sum dem chili peppa'z in da piez cause dem Puerto Rican'z from Mexico likes dem peppaz...dun't dey?"

Yeezzz Mabel...I think dey does"...

I'm outta here...Nuff said...Maybe one day we can all live together in peace and harmony...but, till then??? Build the Fuckin Wall...


Another Steaming Stash of Trash from the Mind of @AngryMan on Steemit, Nov. 29, 2018

Images by Pixabay.com


Oh angryman, don't you know that migration is a human right? And very soon it may be illegal to say that it isn't!

Yes Deirdy Weirdy...I know that I might have to go 'underground mode' with some of my views, perhaps in the near future like the voices of truth must do in Germany, Britain and other 'once freer' countries.

The 'right' of 'mass' migration is for the 'birds'...the little fishy's and beautiful Monarch butterflies...

Oh...I almost forgot about the Penguins...they're allowed too. No walls for them...they're cute and don't seem to cause problems wherever they go...

Do i as a human have to comply to this Marrakech Immigration Pact ?
And take my right to move to any country of my likings ?


Hey Small Axe...if you want to move to another country, just don't take 10,000 fellow Countrymen along with you...and bring a smile and respect too...that'll help get you in :>)

I won't , i have no heard following me except the one whit pitchforks an shovels .
There is a good chance they will stop at the border . No worry .
Then again , there is no country of my likings . I do not believe in borders and country's .
If i look close , borders and country's are the basic reason people try to escape to something they think is better . If i can just make it to the border ,.. ill be fine .

Well gotta go , i see birds and caterpillars ravaging my garden , it just started to rain fish ,
And i could have sworn i just saw some penguins running down the street .
I better get out there and do something about it before it all turns in to anarchy ;-)

I do not believe in borders and country's

There was a time years ago when I leaned towards elimination of borders as well...I even wrote a paper on it in one of my many short stints in college. I've changed my mind on the issue after giving it more thought and seeing the destruction 'it' has been causing...

Well gotta go , i see birds and caterpillars ravaging my garden , it just started to rain fish ,
And i could have sworn i just saw some penguins running down the street .
I better get out there and do something about it before it all turns in to anarchy ;-)

Sounds like you already have anarchy there small1axe...but don't worry...the birds will eat the caterpillars, and the penguins will eat the fish...then all you'll have left are birds...that will fly and swim away after all the food is gone.

In the old days borders where there to defend the land against foreign invasions , to check every person entering . To raise tax on foreign goods and to stop smuggling . Borders to keep things out . Today borders seem to be a tool to keep populations in .
I have experienced by living in Europa what happens when borders are taken down . A lot of cheap labour
came from poor country's to richer areas and messed up the local wages . They didn't came to settle , they
lived in groups in cheap rental houses mostly provided and run by there employers . Most of there wages would be spend in there homeland . Where a local worker worked for a 15 euro a hours wage the foreigner did it for only 6 euro . The better skills of local workers did not matter , 6 euro a hour looked so much better in a calculation or planning . It is in part responsible for the 2008 crisis . So yes , taking down all borders at ones will lead to a world in chaos . Like every border is a dam and not all lands have the same water level .
I can tell the water will level out nicely , but i also can see the destruction of the flowing waters levelling out . The longer a border stands the harder it becomes to take him down . It will first lead to chaos , it's a natural thing . I like chaos . I mean , i saw the birds eat the bugs and the penguins eat the fish . For me having no borders to keep nature out it worked out fine . A local cat scared of the birds and a crocodile devoured a penguin , so they left to . This croco is not new to me , nothing to worry about . He just looks at me in a funny way and want's to see my both hands . if i show him these he mostly wonders of in a near distance . Chaos dos not scare me , some say i am chaos ;-)

Chaos dos not scare me , some say i am chaos ;-)

Most chaos does not scare me either; I just don't want to see the 'innocents' suffer more pain and death...I've seen enough of that. The true 'targets' (instigators) are the ones who never come to the fight, or crouch way back behind their pawns

Thanks for the flashback in time small1axe...especially since I'm further up the steps of the Stairway to Heaven...

Eye Love YøÜ Sir AngryMan

Thank you @creatureye ... eye love U 2 :>) Oh, and thank you for the re-steem as well.


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