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RE: Deep Dives Research | An Introduction

in #deepdives7 years ago

Storming potential here!

I do feel this sort of thing requires a consistently good creator and communicator to get out of the blocks, and so with you spearheading #deepdives, and having TWB in place to run with it, I think you are onto a winner here. The competitions of recent months are a testament to the ability of people here to produce brilliant, interesting content - deffo a good way to kick things off.

I'm wondering if as time progresses if any data pulls (maybe tag based for a tackle of contents?), might be useful, and if so, I'd be glad to help.

If ancient history pops up as a topic I'll be looking to contribute too!

Like it!


I couldn't agree more, there's plenty of talent here already and I'm excited to see what people come up with in the weeks ahead!Thank you for your kind words and support @abh12345!

I'm sure we could use your expertise in data pulls in a variety of ways, so really appreciate the offer.

Not sure if WL has an archive on ancient history but certainly there must be a stash out there somewhere ;)

Thanks for dropping by, cheers mate!