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Law vs. Values
From A to Z continues to see opportunity in the slumping oil markets. While there are demands for environmental regulation supply has dipped with a less mobilized work force. The focus on steady supply remains fixed on supply routes for delivery by ship, truck, and plane.
There’s opportunity for a mid-level oil company to utilize new technology that disrupts the industry. Its main restriction being new lands for new wells. “Dig Baby Dig” a slogan that rings nightmares in the minds of those who wish to preserve wildlands for future generations of Americans. While at the same time abandoned wells that can produce oil could be brought back to life with new technology. It could also help with future environmental cleanup of the former oil well sites. It is just a thought.
Once again we are met with the mainstream environment versus money fight. As if they are mutually exclusive while they could be spun into business friendly opportunities.
Many historians are going to question why Putin needed to use a special military operation in Ukraine in 2022 when he might have just strengthened oil infrastructure to China. New pipelines could have been constructed to deliver more energy as the two countries planned to take over the world, if that’s what they wanted. Instead, Russia is tech poor and energy rich while China is energy poor and tech rich.
Now they must partner together with it being easier for China to deliver tech goods than it would be for Russia to deliver more oil. Especially if hot war broke out on two fronts. President Xi hasn’t scheduled his trip to Moscow yet. We’re going to keep waiting for the announcement.
America and its Allies around the world continue the hands across the globe approach in order to deliver supplies during humanitarian crisis. They have a deep bond and friendship formed at the end of World War 2 hostilities as each nation conquered once again gained its independence. The human spirit fighting for liberty victorious against the darkness. Once again united against a renewed monster from the Axis territories fighting for world dominance through ruthless means. It’s been on Russian television that maybe they’re not evil enough.
At the same time the Chinese haven’t crossed the Rubicon. There has been no lethal aid supplied for the war in Ukraine to Russia. Their Peace Proposal while no longer in the headlines remains meaningful in the light of history even more so if followed up by actions in the near future.
China plays a major role in the possibility of hostilities increasing or decreasing. Can they tame the Bear or do they soar with the Eagle? While a Dragon’s fire breath can scorch a grounded Bear its wings are vulnerable to a mighty Eagles talons in the air.
From A to Z once again looks at these conflicts in terms of future business arrangements in the future. The Company currently relies on Western shipping routes and infrastructure. It would take a large scale war and then the rebuilding process run by either Russia or China if they proved to be victorious before operations could restart for the Company even if From A to Z were allowed to resume business.
For these reasons alone our interest resides in the West maintaining the status quo. Yet as we’ve been detailing in these recent newsletters we are creating strategies in the event of a greater war or the end of the conflict in Ukraine. From A to Z’s team of strategists feel there’s too much uncertainty in the future event of Chinese or Russian domination.
At this time From A to Z feels as if its business practices are under the laws governed by the United Nations. Yet the values of a Chinese or Russian hegemony in a possible new world order might not align with the success of the Company.
Thank you,
From A to Z
Pandemic Manifesto
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