Friday night pizza making home alone (game-night with a friend)

in #deegram4 years ago

Hi, everyone, hope all is well with you all in these troubling times! 
Instead of the usual technological and/or work-related post, I thought I'd try a cooking one to give my input on many peoples favorite friday night snack: pizza!
So, today, @camillahorten went away on a cabin trip (it's allowed here in Norway during the pandemic, as people are staying to their own respective cabins instead of visiting each other too much) with two of her girlfriends, and I hear they're having a blast. On our end back home, we went and bought ingredients for pizza (with a pre-made dough from Peppes Pizza, one of the best pizza actors in Kristiansand, Norway in my humble foodie opinion) to prepare for the night. 

The pizza consisted of: 

  • Bun (obviously)
  • Seasoned tomatoe saus specialized for pizza (with added garlic)
  • Pepperoni
  • Two kinds of cheese (regular Norwegian cheese before the pepperoni and mozzarella on top)

In conclusion: The pizza was great by itself, with pizza dressing, with ketchup and with oregano. 

Hope everyone out there had a great friday today, and that your weekends will be great :)! 

Best regards

Posted using Deegram @deegramofficial