Bad day / good day

in #deegram3 years ago

The other day I posted this picture on instagram and the caption was saying that life is good and that we should take good care of each other. When I posted it my life were perfect. I were so happy and loved everything. Later that day my life fell apart. My worst struggle come back. I have this inner person that hate me. She says the worst things and make me feel realy bad. 
But I have the moste wonderfull boyfriend that helpt me get through it.❤️And I need to work on myself🌿
But what I want to say with this is that you never know how the day is gonna turn out. Everyone got their struggles. And Nobody's perfect.
So be kind to everyone. You never know what kind og struggel they have. 
To day is a realy good day!

Have a great weekend everyone🌻
Much love

Posted using Deegram @deegramofficial