Deception, The Fuel That Runs The World

in #deception8 years ago (edited)

Consider the beauty of peacock's tail. How elaborate the colors. How magnificent they spread across space so they can capture attention. Nonetheless, this creature is entirely defenseless against predators. With no flight ability and quite sluggish on the ground, it becomes an easy prey for just about anything. Yet, the peacock, is one of the most successful species that ever existed. We know this because 99.9% (or more) of all the species that ever walked on this planet are now extinct. So how this fancy bird managed to survive among the elite?

Every species, including humans, employs specific mechanisms to strategically manipulate their environment. The peacock chose an elaborate design so it can breed as much as possible. Fucking its brain out and having as many descendants as possible was at some point the only weapon it had for ensuring propagation of its genes.

Now, we wouldn’t call that the peacock acts deceitful towards the peahen (female). It just happens to fulfill its peculiar nature after all. The more elaborate and attractive the feathers, the more likely the female will mate with him. Do the feathers matter towards mating or ensuring better genes? Absolutely not. It just happened that evolution took a random turn at some point based on a given ecological imperative. If the adaptation was favorable it stuck around amidst all of the other changes that were taking place.

If all of our actions are ultimately premeditated from our environment, then nothing we do is purposefully deceitful. Evolution doesn’t plan. It is just a impartial, random process that happens to favor from time to time specific mechanisms in species.

Those mechanisms on their turn, shape-shift different dynamics that can favor one organism over another. This also happens within the population of the species itself. Individuals compete with each other either by using their groups (group selection theory) or their individual genes (selfish gene theory). Either way at some point, what might be considered advantageous for an organism at a given era might not be for another.

Humans are not exception to the evolutionary game. We are obsessed with building muscles because our outdated instincts believe that a fit body will be able to provide more resources to the female — thus ensuring survival. Of Course, this is not the case since today most people in our environment make a living by being drilled on a chair. A white collar income can provide much more than a factory worker with impressive physique.

We all get sucked into evolution’s game without even realizing it. We find tanned people sexy because it indicates exposure to the elements of nature — an indication of survival instincts. In Asia, being white is considered equally sexy because it shows that a woman doesn’t have to work in the fields — yet again another social meme in place. Just a few hundred years ago men were dressing much like women to express nobility.

We are all aware of the rules of the trick of evolution. We know exactly why we wear makeup in order to alter our image. We know very well how much of an impact a bank account can have, even if we don’t have any other qualities. Heck, we even know that a box of chocolates demonstrates affection, yet we fall for the trick every single time. We have been brought up to believe in a series of memes. We play deception tricks to get ahead of the game because we have no other choice.

Peculiarly enough, we might not get upset with the push-up bra or the fake hair but we do get upset if someone lies about the amount of their past partners. We are very selective about the kind of deception we allow in our life. Only some versions are acceptable (usually those who are mostly popular).

Next time you check that fancy billboard with the delicious burger picture, you will still drool — even though you know that you are never gonna taste that modeled burger. Same thing will happen when you meet someone dressed in a nice suite speaking in an eloquent manner. It is almost as if we have a clear-cache mechanism that doesn't allow us to store this kind of information in the long term memory of our system.

I personally find it hard to bond with people for this very reason. Although I am well aware of the process and its origins, something inside me hesitates to engage on a deeper level. It feels much like throwing a bone to a dog — it will lash to get it every single time. It might be fun at the beginning but it gets old and predictable. 60% of people can’t go 10 minutes without lying. By the age of 4 if a child does not learn to lie, they will have behavioral problems later on in life. Deception is an art one masters slowly through their lifetime. A game of strategy if you like that can be employed equally by army generals or financial advisors.

Whether one choses to play the game of deception remains irrelevant - as the peacock also discovered. Sooner or later life will challenge us with it whether we like it or not. We all believe that we hover “above” the game but we fall short time after time. After all, the first victim of deception is the one who thinks is above it.


Interesting read. Perhaps deception is really just an illusion because it requires one party to be unaware of the perspective of the other party. Just a thought.

perhaps. I think my last paragraph answers this

This I did find interesting too. However, I would like to note that peacocks although not capable of long distance flight, are very much able to fly to escape predators. The idea of them being one of the most successful species I believe is faulty. Had peacocks existed through the era of dinosaurs and we're still around today, then I would fully agree. However they are a relatively new species(geologically speaking) so to compare success you should compare how long each species lasted on Earth not say that being alive today is what makes a species successful. Also was curious where your stats on the 60 percent of people can't go 10 minutes without lying came from? Not trying to be a negative Nancy by any means. I enjoyed much of the read directed towards what deception humans are willing to accept and the ideas behind passing on genes to the next generation.

They can "fly" more or less like a chicken on steroids. Birds are descendants of dinosaurs (in a way) and they have been around for quite some time. Almost all species we see today appeared more than half a million years ago.

Also was curious where your stats on the 60 percent of people can't go 10 minutes without lying came from?

Peacocks roost high in tree tops. They fly daily. Maybe not effieciently, but sufficient enough to escape predators (not always because sometimes prey wins and sometimes predators win). I agree, birds did evolve from dinosaurs. However, a half million years may seem long for the human mind but is like a blink of an eye in a geological scale.
Thank you for siting your source. I appreciate it. That was another good read.

Yeap, much like wild chickens. They can hop from branch to branch but their predators like foxes can do the same thing.

Consider creatures like the crocodile or even early versions of rats and cockroaches. Surely, what we have today is not the same, ti never is, but gives us a pretty good picture of a species origins and capabilities. I just mentioned the geological time to give some perspective.

Another eloquent piece, thanks for sharing. It is buzzing with information, awesome!

Namaste :)

Glad you like it. Thank you for your support once more.

I have always wonder how the hell peacocks have survived, not it all makes sense. My ex-girlfriends dad had some peacocks at the farm and they always amused me!

Maybe rabbits are the same way! They are quick little things though.

I remember back in high school, my friends and I talked about the sunglasses effect and how it made girls look more attractive. This made no sense, but the glasses were deceiving the heck out of us!

Yes. Rabbits are much the same plus the get to hide underground. The more babies you see an animal having the more in danger they are either from predators or environmental factors. This is why with every badge only a few survive.

Glasses, much like dresses or fake tits make us fall for specific cultural memes. Once it is widely spread one can hardly escape from the effect.

Nice post, it always intrigued me how much women putting on make up reminded me of when native men put on make up for war....
How times change trends, during the depression being fat was admired as it represented wealth, now its the exact opposite.

exactly. everything becomes a meme.

I just had to look the word meme up, thats great..
Thanks for that amigo

A human must master psychological warfare, or become its nasty victim.

Lao Tzu?

Particularly Lao Tzu yes! Miyamoto Musashi as well. When you follow the hermetic principles, and apply them as the two men previous mentioned, you master every art, before learning to do it.
My studies in martial arts, and of combat have made my sense of deception, and character judgement sharp.

Well, you kind of have to. War is all about deception


"Interesting" is perhaps the most useless comment one can make.
I would prefer if you insulted my mother instead.

it was interesting to see you point of view that is why i said what i did

You posted the comment 30 seconds in.
We both know you didn't read anything other than the title

Dear as for reading fast I am a speed reader, yes it is true and fun fact that when i was in school I read all the text books on the first day of class, if you find a fault in me it is not me you are mad at,

There are 903 words in this post. I saw your comment 30 seconds in. That is about 30 words per second.

I am not mad at you. Quite the contrary.
I am thinking about opening a temple and start worshipping you as my new A.I. overlord.

Dear , you made me blush and people always are amazed at how fast i can read and yes their are many people that have the same gift, but also many people get angry and mad at people like us for us being able to do what we do

Challenge accepted. Your momma so fat her bellybutton gets home 15 minutes before her...

you have to beat this guy

I do agree, but i am just wondering, having a white collar job isn't the best reason to exercise after all it is about health. Ok sure it gets more women too.

Exercise is one thing, buying into the muscle and gym meme is another.

This was considered fit a few decades ago.

oh ok now i get it... hahahah

Good piece. Yet, I remember just not playing along. Even as a child. People would choose to fight me (big Girls at first/then bigger dudes) because i seemed an easy target. We don't learn to lie at four. I'm from a town where lying could get you killed literally. & it is something that I grew very proud of.

I didn't "lie" to get laid, bc. I knew it was a trap etc. etc. etc. etc. I grew up in the hood, so truth was important, & lies could get you killed. (we were not considered peacocks though)
here's one

hahhaha. i cracked myself up with the video :D

loool me too. The idols are falling. Even the dead ones.

Deception has always being the fuel that drives most of humanity. Though i am wondering if you and i are also run on same fuel, cos to be truthful i cant really beat my chest and say i haven't deceive a soul in my entire life.

Yeap, we all have done it at some point or another.

a wonderful piece but long

I am gonna try to keep it shorter next time.

great photos ..follow me @secter

I enjoyed this post. Your writing is always honest. For better or worse, deception makes the world go 'round. I've met very few altruistic people in my life. When you meet one, you never forget it.

Thank you.

Even altruism is a selfish act. Never forget this.

There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact. I'm totally agreed with this. Thank you.

More like "the truth is not always what it seems"

Another good one :)
Upvoted already :D

great...resteem and upvote for you....

This post is fantastic!

Quite often, humans can rationalize their desires for certain things that may not be acceptable mainstream and so deceptive behaviors arise out of necessity and the need for survival.

Exactly. We tend to focus our perception on our selves and in the way we lose track and forget the reason we are doing something.


Deception... hmm the Vatican

among others

Thats for sure, the head of the snake if you will for me. I wrote my 2nd blog after reading one yours, the tv hero complex. So i have to extend a thanks for the inspiration. Although we differ in a few areas i enjoy your work and how its presented. Steem on

Glad I can be of inspiration my friend. Will check out your posts. The whole point is to be different and debate so we can grow. no worries :)

Absolutely, my best friend growing up had almost 100% different views then me though he was always my best conversation. Yelling ones points with our fingers in our ears will never get us anywhere. Id appreciate the check. Be well