Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! I can post on the internet now!
This is amazing! I'm going to scramble around without thinking and put my shit everywhere!
Money money money money. Money!
Money money money money. Money!

And by the time you realize you're hooked...
It's too late.
Good evening or good afternoon or whatever and welcome to the words you are now reading. My name doesn't matter, and I will be your host.
Decentralized media.
I will no longer be calling these Hive social platforms or anything even closely related to them, social media.
Social Media is Twitter and Twitter is a glorified paperboy. Decentralized Media is what you're looking at right now; the digital paper written by me and I'm the boss, of myself.
You do not see the centralized media corporations post their product on Twitter or Facebook or anywhere else but their own platform. Bow down to these geniuses for tricking you all into becoming the paperboy. Eager to work for free as a distributor which at one point was an incredibly lucrative gig. What used to cost them millions of dollars to achieve now costs them nothing because their employees accept 'likes' and good job buttons.
Give yourselves a round of applause, humans.

On Hive, I own my account. You cannot take it away from me unless you kill me and steal my keys. I will not go down without a fight; the best offense is a good defense.
The market I've created in the list form of a following, cannot be taken from me. Individuals will come and go but the meat and potatoes is here to stay, forever. I cannot be cancelled. An account on Hive is etched in stone. It's up to me to decide what to do with that much power. If one platform on Hive dies and gets replaced by another platform on Hive, transitioning over is just as seamless as if it never happened. Proof of these claims exists here, and now, as you read this; this is only here because that already happened, and I'm fine.
Hive power? The history of humanity dictates the people will take it for granted. No amount of elites and their billions can compete with humanity's ability to fuck itself, and they know that, which is why you never see them in action. What you don't see behind a closed door is you walking up to it.
I think it's time to face the facts and come to the realization us humans have invented something new here on the internet, and there's no need to be like anything else.
This decentralized media approach does share traits from, the things that came before. I suppose some would call that evolution.
Attempting to mimic previous successes, well in theory sounds practical, would technically be us humans stagnating or even going backwards. I'm not comfortable with Social Media being father and what we're attempting to achieve here being Social Media Junior.
Dad was a drunk!
And the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Money doesn't grow on trees. But if you plant your seeds instead of eating them, maybe you can sell some apples someday.
Do you remember what it was like when there were only a handful of popular platforms content creators and content consumers frequented?
I do. Everyone congregating in one space is what helped contribute to the growing popularity and eventual wild success of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google/Youtube.
But since we don't want to be like them we probably shouldn't do as they do, right?
The words you are reading now were written by a human. One of the first humans to ever combine creating content and earning cryptocurrency, consistently, and for nearly five years. The only place you will ever see these words, is here. And if you, as the consumer of this digital paper, would like to be the paperboy by sharing any and all sorts of content you find on this platform to social media, as you would anywhere else, you will be paid by default, no questions asked, provided you've decided to stake a few tokens and become part owner of this platform, then hitting the 'vote' button. I am one individual human content creator and I've already given you a better deal than every centralized media outlet and their social media distribution tools combined and including the entire history of their existence. Some people have made hundreds if not thousands supporting my content over the years, and I've made more than them, thanks to Hive's current business model.
Not only did I contribute over the years but I've watched the entire decentralized media industry unfold before my very eyes.
When there was one, many people would come. Two, took people away. Three, was when I noticed things go astray. Four opened the door and let all the bugs in.
Every week it seems a new platform springs up out of nowhere offering more, of the same.
Create product; earn money. No mention of human consumption.
So this new generation of content creators decided it would be stupid to play for an audience when you can just play for cryptocurrency.
The other day Hive paid a guy and his 'robot consumers' nearly $100 to post what one could describe as what can be found in the description area under a Youtube video. We didn't get a video, we got the short description and four links leading to four platforms all hosting the same content along with several different options for us to choose from when it comes to giving him even more money, in the form of "donations."
He does it nearly every day, following the exact same template, has a large market outside; hardly a peep nor a view here, day after day.
As I'm writing this I discovered another account posting a video thumbnail, a link to the video found elsewhere, and about seven links nobody clicks because they're not looking, directing traffic to other platforms.
Is Hive the paper or the paperboy?
How much would you be willing to pay me for this link right here?
Would I be able to sell this link for $100?
Some stakeholders/voters here are literally paying people to push imaginary consumers out the door, to the tune of hundreds of dollars per day. One of them even pretends to be a professional investor up on the trending page, daily, and will tell you directly content does not have any value whatsoever, at the very same moment his own content is generating value.
But that's the new norm.
We're getting ripped off.
Like so many others on the many other platforms they use all at once for no apparent reason other than milking rewards, those two have fractured their entire markets into several teensy tiny little bits. And there will be a million different stores with different names, that all sell the same thing...
Therefore there's no incentive for any consumer to visit any one in particular. On Hive though, consumers can earn. And it's no secret in business when you provide consumers with more perks, you attract more paying consumers, which leads to more potential profit, for everyone.
But how do you explain that to people when the only business model they could come up with is akin to being a stripper working the pole?
Hint: You can't. I've tried.
When those platforms go under due to the over abundance of content and serious lack of paying consumers, those markets in list form known as a following will be erased as those content creators contribute to deplatforming themselves again and again and again.
And you'd think for some, after being deplatformed by centralized media, they'd leave that situation with a least some wisdom.
Nope. Offer them a solution and they just walk all over it not even realizing they're taking steps.
As a consumer, why would I go visit several different locations just to see the same video I can watch on Youtube or one of these other fly-by-night crypto content wannabe Hive clones? Do they seriously expect me to pay them on each site somehow? So instead of 100k views on Youtube they settle with ten here, ten there, some somewhere and none everywhere else, like here, when they post links to their content hosted elsewhere, don't even get ten views on PeakD, comment section is a barren wasteland, and we're paying them hundreds per week because their market on the outside is supposed to somehow be valuable to Hive on the inside?
And who in their right mind is going to spend fifty bucks per day supporting the several different tabloid journalist copycat artists offering several variances of the latest thing they want to say about Bill Gates and his evil plan?
Of course they'll take our money from here, and drive our property value down in the process, much like they do for every other platform they spam upon. Would you say no?
In retail, it makes sense to try and place your product in as many stores as possible in order to give the consumer easy access. That way the product is accessible to more people and that leads to more potential sales, in the physical world where people and products are spaced apart.
Jeff Bezos decided one day he wanted to be a billionaire so conveniently placed every single Walmart across the land into one website. The only reason he became a billionaire is because his product catered to consumers, not producers. Everything consumers needed could be found in one place and there was no reason to ever leave.
He realized once you corral all consumers into one profitable pool, you make a metric shit-ton of money. But one doesn't need to be an evil genius future billionaire to be able to figure that out. The concept of placing several consumers in front of one instance of product dates back well beyond the crumbling Roman Colosseum.
It's common sense.
Facebook knew that. Twitter knew that. Youtube knows it. Many of the decentralized media content creators don't know, don't care, money now, fuck later; and they, will be the ones ready and willing to destroy decentralized media. All these other centralized media corporations are watching, laughing; getting ready to pounce.
People ask me:
Wen NFT?
Well let's look at the situation these past five years and assume things will be more of the same.
It seems like every week there's a new NFT platform springing up. Why? Because there's money to be made in NFT platforms. How? By allowing all these people to scramble to your site thinking they're going to get rich, then collecting a percentage and cashing out.
Soon there will be more NFT platforms than we have artists, entertainers, and whatever else in this world. And these content creators will scramble to each and every one, positioning several instances of the same content that can be found everywhere else. NFT platform makes money, so what the hell do you need consumers for? And why should consumers go to the new one when it's going to be the same as the last one?
Spend all that money minting NFT's only to discover there are more stores than there are customers. Then go bankrupt. No thanks.
On Hive I've been building a business for nearly five years. My account is permanent. The foundation is strong. It has already proven itself. My market is here, locked in, steadily growing. Consumers are here, treated like gold because they are gold and even get paid for being shiny. So why should I force them to purchase a million different tokens and scour a million different platforms when I can simply use that shop around the corner on Hive known as NFT Showroom, and tell them about my products right here on my platform.
This place has it all and if it doesn't, it's coming.
And to be fair. I'm kind of happy those desperate content creators who just want to milk every system they find for every penny they can scrape off the floor are busy destroying the competition and devaluing their product.
The upcoming hardfork changes place more perks in the hands of the actual human consumer, and hope to really throw a wrench in the works when it comes to the accounts that simply don't care about anything but themselves.
Life couldn't be any easier.

I...don't know how I can be so confused about what I just read while simultaneously feeling like I have crystal clear understanding.
Your red-headed friend's eyes are looking a bit thingi, were those lines those kinds of lines?
Maybe you're not confused after all. I dunno.
And of course those lines are those kind of lines, but made for TV.
Ahh that explains everything. I think.
Most of it, except for a couple parts, probably.
HAGD!!!Video links? Bots?... no thank you!!! That's why to me artists and writers like you, or @meesterboom are sooo valuable here. To be honest, if not for the two of you and few others who have not come here yet, I wouldn't be here so excited reading your contests. I probably wouldn't be here at all. But this post is not about me, I just want you to know that I'm your huge fan and I can go on and on and on how i could feel your excitment about Hive and at the same time frustration. At the end do your thing and the rest will come. But to make my comment short and not anymore boring, I just have two words "THANK YOU".
Thank you very much. You are a star!
Without people reading there is literally nothing! :0)
!ENGAGE 50 !
YOU are the real stars!!!
Im just happy to be here and read your contests.
tokens.No no. Thank you.
I am a consumer, I have never understood why I need to go somewhere else to see content from Hive. I can watch a persons YT video on Hive, I don't need to go to YT. I can listen to music on embedded music options. I can look at a persons art with out having to go to a sharing page. Hive is growing, one of the best ways to sell it to other people is not how much you can make by creating content, but maybe point out how much a person can make just enjoying themselves. Like I earned $14.58 for just entertaining myself this past week. As a consumer on YT or Twitter or Facebook is that ever going to happen? not damn likely.
I'm a consumer here as well. I spend far more time these days browsing content than I do creating my own. It's so much more relaxing, and I'm getting paid, which is cool. I think those folks who post junk spam in order to milk rewards are pissing away a great opportunity. And they piss off those folks who actually tried and want to be here to entertain the consumers with their content, while earning very little at times, due to the lack of growing dedicated consumer base, which is something a platform like Youtube enjoys as well as many other online magazine style websites. If people are willing to consume for free, I'm sure they'd enjoy earning a bit as well.
Undecided—not sure if I like the apple analogy or cover image best. You killed it with that design man. I'm undecided, though, this may take awhile. Overall Eh.... not bad (I guess).
Dear consumer:
One reply and I'm in the green—watch....
Apple analogies are probably one of the most important things ever.
How in the hell are you going to fit inside of a green watch?
You see, it was an analogy plug D. I shoulda went with apple silly me.
Your words confuse me but only because I must crash now, before it's tomorrow and I didn't get any sleep again.
I scoped out a new trail yesterday. Oh my fuck! It's straight down hill for a mile and a 1/4. The baddest trail I've found so far. It's one I'm gonna need to either meet another rider or my wife's gonna have to pick me up at the bottom and run me to the top however many times I can stand it. That's not exactly why I'm here.
We ran into another couple, cool people, we exchanged contacts yata yata. Dudes an artist though, he and I were sharing designs. Eh, the dudes fuckin bad! Got everything it takes to attract attention here so naturally I promoted the shit outta Hive. I showed him my content, showed him the value I'm profiting etc. He was all kinda interesting.
Once we started showing each other our designs though, I was "damn! Here... lemme show this Canadian dude." I stopped back by to say I saw them balances on your last few articles. Well fucking deserved dude.
I miss mountain biking.
That's cool you stumbled into, the capable.
I do try my best here. I think I can even do better. That attitude I think is why these things happen to me. But if you use what looks to be a success story to sell the platform to those who would be just as capable, make sure you tell them this was the hardest thing I ever did in my life.
Ah, someone has spotted the relentless milking of the video link brigade!!
Those posts crack me up. Not even embedding the video. Just links away to here there and everywhere and of course, never forget the donation addresses!!!
And in some cases it's a bot posting. Not even a human. The comedy writes itself.
It always has here.
Not would explain the no engagement. How do they get in the radar of the big stakeholders that vote them. I do wonder...
Ok, I don't really. It's kinda obvious! :0D
Because without wine we are nothing. That's what Jesus said, I think
0.100 WINECongratulations, @meesterboom You Successfully Shared With @nonameslefttouse.
You Earned 0.100 WINE As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 1/3 Successful Calls.
Total Purchase : 24845.318 WINE & Last Price : 0.290 HIVE
WINE Current Market Price : 0.270 HIVE
If you ever wondered what it's like to be someone who actually reads and enjoys spam emails, just go ask one what makes them tick. Offer them a spam email and ask $100. Sweeten the deal by giving them $50 back. Do you think they'll buy it?
They would buy it if you said. Here is $100 from someone else, know give me $50 back.
I think.
Lord, I am hungover. I can't think straight!
I'm getting worried nobody wants to buy either one of those two links I offered in my post. Do you know how hard I worked on that?
It took me all day. The hardest part of these 2000 words was creating three words that might look blue or red, depending on where you are right now.
I'm not even being sarcastic. Three hours I spent trying to figure out mathematical formulas that weren't even math. It was just the fucking French portion of the nutritional information found on a bag of snacks I didn't even eat. But it worked!
I think I have the answer to the NFT conundrum. I am going to sell myself as the first physical NFT. For the price, someone will get a code in a blockchain saying that they own me and in return I get a pile of cash.
And I ain't even French.
Yep - I find it interesting how many of them complain about their deplatforming, while still posting on sites where they are going to get deplatformed again and again - I find it more interesting that people follow them and buy into their bullshit complaining about freedom, while they obviously prefer to live in the cage and swallow the key to the door.
btw, I visited that second one you tagged me in to "have a look" also.
It's a strange business model. People have always believed tabloids to be true though. The pros don't get deplatformed because they make it clear it's meant to be entertainment.
How did you feel about the second one doubling down? We were just talking about people who get on track, earn some autovotes, then completely destroy themselves by taking advantage of the situation. Seen that happen time and time again. Lazier and lazier with each post, and the voters don't even notice.
A lot of the people who get deplatformed (maybe not all) are inflammatory, they incite a reaction and then cry when they get punched in the face.
I hadn't seen that account before - weird that anyone would vote for it. I assume there is an off-chain deal going on. If it was just about getting some curation, there are plenty of others they could vote on.
Yeah. Running headfirst into a fist then bitching about being punched.
And I'm not going to guess if there's a deal going on or what. But it does seem a bit odd similar templates that don't really cut it as content have similar "consumers".
People don't want to think. Most of those who come here just want to make money without bothering themselves very much. They cannot think about the possible future of such platforms. Creating chains from links ... if someone is willing to pay for this, then such chains will be created over and over again. These people are not interested in the development of the platform as such.
With the rise in the price of the token, new people will come. They don't have a business plan, they're just looking for an opportunity to get rich. Those who are more versed in digital technologies will make themselves bots and create farms. They will get themselves a large number of twinks and will be like a pump or a vacuum cleaner. In reality, there is the concept of schizophrenia, there are just twinks, nothing personal. Regular authors who find themselves in an interest group usually don't do well here. There are the chosen ones (twinkies) and there are all the rest. Sadly, this is inherent in any blockchain. There are always shepherds and sheep where you can make money.@nonameslefttouse
I don't even know what to say about NFT. So I'm wondering if someone stole your work from here (your art) and went to the NFT service and gave your work a name, made it their token ... after all, this option is possible. But you have a transaction number in the blockchain chain, in fact, this is also a protected product and you can prove your authorship. How, then, will the problem of authorship be resolved? Maybe he will sell his / your NFT tomorrow for $ 1 million. Can you win the trial? Will he be able to win the trial? Which court will take into account these digital names?
Funny situation, isn't it. But people pay a lot of money ... the world has gone crazy.
I think ... what can I turn into this very NFT :)))
Maybe my dog (I don't have a dog)?
Have you ever noticed how the ones saying they'll save the environment the loudest are often the ones doing the most damage? Misdirection. They want to hide the bad by showing you the good.
The people are then convinced to start buying the good, not realizing they are spending money on the bad.
Society finds out they were misled but instead of blaming themselves for not thinking, they are too proud, they point fingers at the bad, so that they can look good.
But the problem wasn't solved. The problem simply circled back on itself and will start again.
Unfortunately, this is an ongoing and popular practice. It's hard not to notice her. Good is done in silence. Evil always makes noise in order to cover its essence with noise and look good. This has become the norm.
Hive a small model of social society. Everything here is like everywhere else.
I don't know what needs to happen for this to change.
And yes, we'll keep repeating old mistakes over and over again.
It seems mistakes only exist when one is busy covering them up.
I agree, there are mistakes and mistakes (this is if it is beneficial for someone for some reason).
Since so many started creating their online identities/personalities, which are often exaggerated or polished, then spending more time rehearsing those identities on devices, they've become that version of themselves everywhere they go. Those people don't make mistakes. So they have nothing to learn from and nobody to listen to, since they're too busy talking.
Only smart people learn from mistakes. A fake person, among other things, must prove that he is chosen and raised correctly. To do this, you need to defend your position to the last ear. They can and understand their mistake. But it's one thing to understand, it's another to admit it publicly. To do this, you must still be a mature person, a mature person. And behind a false mask, infants usually hide with a painful sense of their own worth. Alas.
Those "money" lines look delicious.
I got out of the link selling game years ago. I think the cops were catching on.
I made those 'money' lines a long time ago. Almost looks like the real thing.
Yeah. Selling links. Like picking up the road and selling it, just to get somwhere.
Where there are humans there are errors. It is inevitable. I also find myself puzzled when I see some very rewarded posts and what they actually contain. Nothing. But people do whatever they want with their money I guess. Including paying fees for the very hyped NFT bubble. I see it as a natural way of the universe evolving. With highs. There will be the lows too. It is very easy to get caught up in everything if you throw yourself in the whirpool machine and add laundry frangrance so you wouldn't sense the smell of self deception lol.
Hive has many smells, it depends on where you put your nose. But overall it smells better than the classical social media. But hey, not all noses are meant to sniff
There is a lot of hype there. In crypto there's always hype, and often it's sugarcoated nonsense. I haven't missed out on one thing, yet that's how they want you to feel, but I don't, and I've seen people lose thousands. Then they sit, hold, pray, write posts, constantly, about how great their decision was. I can see the ulterior motive through the dust. Not fooling anyone...
And yes, Hive is great but it's the genuine people that make that happen. Has nothing to do with the technology or a token. People found a home.
People are experts in convincing themselves of all sorts of things. The adversity towards loss is responsible for a lot of self denial.
Yup, Hive is like a home. A mental spiritual creative one.
That's what people don't get yet, when there is demand, and supply can be increased, eventually, they reach an equilibrium and then oversaturation and boom. As long as people want to buy NFTs there will be more people minting them, and more platforms created and more scams to fall victim to as valuation is all that matters.
Number go up technology is all powerful
I didn't have time to read your post earlier, the internet has been a bit crappy here.
You were absolutely right when you mentioned taking your time to do something fucking good and not just any bullshit, what a great and educational article, I've been inviting a couple of friends here and apparently "disengaging" from centralized social media is too complicated, maybe usual is synonymous with good for them.
This message makes me have pulses in the innermost parts of my body
I'm impressed with this place, and the people. And I hope it hit home for some who really needed a good kick in the butt, in the right direction.
I honestly don't care where they call home. The point is they should take pride in it. Not take it for granted. I'm so sick of seeing people take shit for granted.
Maybe you should be impressed with yourself and your ability to give people a good kick in the butt to motivate them.
Thank you for this one man.
"You cannot take it away from me unless you kill me and steal my keys."
What if they tie you to a chair and jiggle a feather up your nose for 12 hours?
I've already thought of that. Every day I practice. It's just like stretching. Twelve hours is piss. They'll doze off then wake up with a feather up their ass and I'll be outta there, bouncing around on a chair in the middle of the street.
and to add to all of that, here we can have our own "influencers" which can be actual people that deserve the title and have helped the community one way or another. We can literally have influencers here on Hive for everything, for art, for travelling, for cryptos etc. We are a whole ecosystem.
Btw the nft fuzz keeps getting crazier and crazier. For, me the majority of those nft sites that have their new own tokens or they are related with eth and its gas fees are a total waste. 90% of Nfts are a total waste of money though and will be in the future so that's expected to be honest!
We can do whatever we want here. Decentralized Media isn't about what it does for you, it's about what you do with it. Once people realize that, they stop bitching about not earning tokens and start building their own brand, I think. Something like that. Centralized media and social media was always there to hold your hand and guide you, right? They were the boss. People can be in charge of themselves now.
I still see solid potential in NFT. Not so much potential in NFT sites. Sure they'll spring up and bring excitement, hype, maybe offer a little trick or gimmick; welcome to crypto, watch your step.
There is at least one popular platform with an actual market but the middleman acts like it's on drugs. I want to be able to cut out the middleman completely. And while I'm looking at folks play the scarcity game, I'm thinking I'd rather sell a million units. Not saying that could happen, just saying that's the business model I think I'm more comfortable with. That's way off future talk. One big expensive unit would be more like a contract that provides me with a royalties revenue stream of sorts. I think that's how I'd rather do things.
I like it!
Looking for De-
-ralized is not necessarily being
You seem to have a singular knack for pointing out obvious but uncomfortable truth, without triggering anyone into a rage about it. I believe you may be doing more good with your 'made for consumption' persona than all the well meaning politicians and philanthropists of the last 50 years have accomplished.
Seeing that your words are so well received gives me an extra grain of hope for humanity.
Well, shit. Thanks for noticing. I'm not sure what to say.
That was a lot to consume at once. But I did, as it is Saturday morning where I reside and I do not want to go to do the groceries. Manualy voted, as always. Yet, so little time and so much to take in.
For me it is staying off the main center stage and out off the spotlight, not building a business, at all.
The Hive Honey merely feeds the Geek part of me and it feels good. It is all possible in this thing called Hive.
It is all here, financial advice, speculation, drama, comedy and the value of one Hive Backed Dollar is 'Nought For Tea. (See how cunningly I did hide a secret NFT message in there somewhere?)
Anyway, it was an entertaining publication to consume, thanks! Unfortunately I guess I now can not prospone doing groceries any further. Whish I could, actually want to get outside and take a walk in nature, for hours. That will be next then.
Have a great one!
Not everyone in a city owns a business. Some folks just like walking in the park.
I truly enjoy browsing the merchandise here. But I won't be paying anyone for handing me a pamphlet that says I should go to someone's house so I can listen to them talk about bullshit for three minutes. They can shove that up their ass.
Thank You!
You're welcome.
You may have beaten Me to this statement... but not the State...
Kind Regards!
Global Conference 2016: Frank Bacon on Provoking the Future
I was careful with my wording. One of the first. Out of billions who had the same opportunity. Nothing special, but it is kinda cool.
Super cool if you ask me. ✌😎🥓👍
Stay Frosty.
I thought that thumbnail is a lines of methamphetamine :O
It's lines of digital art.
Decentralised media, yay!
0.100 WINECongratulations, @zelensky You Successfully Shared With @nonameslefttouse.
You Earned 0.100 WINE As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 1/1 Successful Calls.
Total Purchase : 24845.318 WINE & Last Price : 0.290 HIVE
WINE Current Market Price : 0.270 HIVE
Maybe a great World move, starts with a little action!!
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
very good post
Those are some claims you made. But they are imaginary, a straw man (read further) you conjured up as a convenient way to stir the pot and find something to complain about and attack, and possibly rally other people to join you in this endeavor. Why you choose to do this, is something you might consider the need to reflect upon. When have I ever claimed to be a professional trader? False claim. I don't consider myself a trader, and am no professional in anything related to markets, crypto, etc. Why do I do those posts? Because I view CubDeFi as a good opportunity and can explain some things I learned to others. Other people do it too, and you don't go saying they "pretend to be a professional investor". Is this your goal now, to be the reward police and go flagging things you don't like or don't agree with, trying to get others to join in your goal by tagging them in other posts or making posts like these? Maybe you should reflect upon that pursuit. Why are you doing this, really? You have made false claims that come from a false perception which is driving your behavior.
I also never claimed content doesn't have value. That's another straw man. I said they aren't worth the money someone would pay out of their pocket:
That's what I said. What you claim I said is false, a straw man you can use to characterize me in a false way that suits your goal of getting people to agree with you. Again, why? Why the animosity? Why misconstrue what was said?
Hardly anyone here would pay out of their pocket for the content here. The overvalued statement was when you think about it in terms of what you'd be willing to pay out of your pocket. Not that they had no value of any kind. The rewards come from inflation, not someone's pocket. You don't spend from your pocket, you allocate inflation. If you're going to try to attack someone because you don't like them or what they do, you should at least avoid straw mans. It would help your argument to some degree.
The value of information counts to me. That's the value I look for to vote on. The posts you're going on a crusade to find that link somewhere else, that don't have enough words on the hive post that link to a video elsewhere, have value in the information they contain in a video. Because they aren't embedded automatically like YouTube links since most of them have been deplatformed, that's reason to say their content is not valuable or worth the rewards? Even a YouTube video requires a click. Because it's not embedded, that's the reason for what you're doing? What about all the people who post on 3speak, you still have to click that link to go watch it on 3speak (at least on hive.blog last I checked). Why not go after them as well? This tirade of yours seems misguided, and certainly based on some false perceptions as I have demonstrated you have regarding what I have said or what I'm doing. What is really going on that leads you to misrepresent me this way, and possibly think you're doing something 'good' or beneficial or worthwhile when you go flag people/content that you don't like how it's posted or what is posted, and tag popular/wealthy/influential people to seemingly ask them to weigh in and possibly also flag that content?
If I bought some Hive, powered it up, in order to support content. That's coming out of my pocket. That's literally how we support content here and is a much better deal to the consumer than simply buying tokens and tipping. All of the Tribe tokens are the same way. If I'm buying 1000 STEM to support content in that community, that's coming out of my pocket. It's a good deal since I'd get a return, but it still comes at a cost, to me, or anyone else who wants to support content in that fashion. It's a great deal to the consumer since if they decide it's not for them, they can come out with some, or even more of their money back. The consumer and their disposable income is HOW you convert content into a rising token value. That part about attracting investors that seems to fly over your heads for the past five years was just explained in a few sentences. It still won't click.
The artwork/entertainment. People, as we speak, are supporting artists on NFT Showroom.
All over the internet people are supporting content. I feel it's wise to attract at least some of that money here to Hive. Even a small percentage would outpace inflation. Nobody will buy a link though. Consumers need a reason to spend money. If that lead links to an instance of actual content a consumer wants to support, we've effectively paid someone to direct potential profits elsewhere. That is the opposite of doing business. Twitter is a far better tool for distribution. Posting a link here that leads to an instance of actual content is just like a tweet or a share on Facebook. Why should Hive start spending ridiculous amounts of money just to act like social media distribution tools? There's no way to recoup those costs. It's the instance of actual content that draws the attention and makes the money.
And that thing you said about 3speak was just awkward. You clearly don't understand what I'm talking about. 3speak is part of Hive. If the consumer is going to support that content, it's not at a potential loss to Hive.
People can post links all they want. Monetizing links only doesn't make sense.
This post wasn't about you. It's pointing out how irresponsible this entire industry is becoming. For the most part, I'm not even actively giving a fuck. What could I possibly do to change things? Do you even accept the fact there are plenty of people who milk every platform they come across and that's happening here(preventable), and it's unsustainable?
Personally... I Feel like saying that i identify now as an NFT... So...
Party on 😎🥓🍔🍟
Can you pass the salt shaker please?
Would you like some pepper?
Yes thanks
More heat, more heat, more HEAT!
Did I mention you in this post?