아래 설명을 보면, 홀로체인(Holochain)은 3번 분산 네트워크임에 분명합니다.
" Every application runs its own holochain on its own terms, with cheaper hosting overhead. Since users are hosts, as more agents use an app, more hosting power and storage becomes available. The load gets lighter!
Each agent's source chain holds the app's “DNA”—the code that runs the app. Its peer validation requirements ensure secure apps. That data cannot be counterfeited, tampered with, or lost. Each app stores its data in a validating DHT creating redundancy of public data across randomized nodes. When nodes go offline, the DHT is self-healing and rebalances the data to different nodes. And if someone alters their own app code they effectively fork themselves out of the shared DHT space into an entirely different application. " (출처: https://holochain.org/ )