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RE: Talkin' DBET – Is This Undervalued Crypto A Hidden Gem?

FULL DISCLOSURE: As mentioned in the video on several occasions, I am invested in DBET Tokens and will be buying into the DecentBet platform (house). I did not receive, nor was I offered, any compensation for making this video. The only contact I have had with the team prior to making the video was asking questions on social media platforms about road map goals and potential release/completion dates. After publishing this video to D-Tube & YouTube I did send a link to the DecentBet Team. They have offered me a free hoodie as a gesture of appreciation AFTER THE FACT. I have accepted that hoodie because, quite frankly, they are fooking awesome! Other than this small gesture of gratitude I have received nothing, nor has anything been offered. Thank you to the DBET team for the hoodie, but more so for the DecentBet platform and opportunity it represents.