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RE: Debunked: The Illuminate

in #debunked7 years ago

Im not so sure about ancient aliens and things around this area, I have spent a lot of time researching this topic but I think for me it is impossible to make my mind up as we know so little about human history, I mean you can barely even trust history from 500 years ago let alone 1000 years and beyond, the winners write history and tend to destroy the history of the defeated which leaves us with vast holes in history, the evolution of people, society and so much more. For all we know ancient aliens could be real it could be fake, humans may have just been vastly more advanced than we think or we are told.

Personally I lean toward the belief that ancient humans had advanced technologies but they used entirely different types of technology than we use, maybe they managed to harness sound or vibrations in a way we have not yet learned or were able to use simple things they had around them better than we can today. It is something we may never truly know but I sure would love to find out.