I am a big fan of conspiracy theories though I am not a big believer in them, really I just find it interesting to see the ideas people come up with and how they rationalize things. There are a lot of theories you can tell straight of that bat are just fiction but then there are some that are hard to disprove or prove and a small portion that turn out to be true. I am going to be posting a series of blogs discussing a range of theories and sharing my opinion on them.
I use the Illuminati to refer to a group with an unknown name that supposedly are the real leaders of the world. There are many theories trying to figure out who the members of this group are, there are some names the come up more than others however it is widely assumed there is a mix of the most powerful people in the word from various countries coming together and using their influence to pilot the world in a direction that suits them best.
New world order
The theorized goal of such an organization is to over time create a landscape where one central government could be created, ruling over the entire world. To achieve this goal the group is thought to be creating conflicts using their influence to weaken world governments to the point where they could gain full control.
It is widely believed that such a group acts in sinister way looking to burn things down so they can be the one to rebuild and claim ownership, though there is no real proof. In fact I would say you could equally argue that such a group does exists but they are less interested in power and more interested in bettering the world and moving things forward rather than back.
My theory:
In the political and sociological climate we live in it seems hard to rationalize one central illuminate type group working for a common goal and having members spanning the globe.
At the end of the day the rich and powerful are just people, they still share basic human emotions and instincts, so having a group of many representatives from many countries seems to be more of a hassle than its worth as the most influential people on earth wouldn't need help from a much larger group. Look at the influence a person like Kylie Jenner has, a 20 year old from a famous family and by posting one thing on the internet she can reach millions of people. A person with larger influence the type that influences her family would not need to recruit people from around the world they have enough influence with important people to push a goal.
I see it to be much more likely that there is no central group, I think we would see the same format we see in every interaction involving large amounts of people, many small groups form that all work toward their individual goal, occasionally collaborating or working with other groups.
People simply don't have a huge amount of trust, people have their inner circle of people they share the most with and then there is a wider circle that get told a little bit of the information.
That same outline fits in every organization of people, in schools pupils groups up and have their inner circle and then a wider group they are acquainted with, the same goes for in an office, in a government, in a protest, know matter what it is people have a small group they trust with a lot and a wider group they trust with a little.
I agree. It is really a Occam's razor issue for me. We don't need a secret society to explain things that are more easily caused by regular old corruption, greed, and lust for power.
I'd like to think it isn't the case. But there are just so many "high ranking" people that are connected. There are so many events connected to each other how could they not be actioned by the same group of people? If their goal is to obtain a one world government, it's pretty much already happened, just no one realises (at least for Western nations). But maybe that's not the goal either. Maybe the goal is completely something else and these things about illuminati and secret society are just a distraction like so many other things nobody realises until after it's happened. Or maybe you're right and I'm just a crazy conspiracy theorist haha.
For example the Georgia Guide stones are low hanging fruit on this topic and that is "hidden in plain sight", which is part of there modus operandi. I'll ask a simple question and see what we get. What are the three city states on earth(city state being a city that is sovereign territory from the country surrounding it)? I'll give you the first one Washington D.C.
The other two are London and Vatican city, though I'm not sure I'm entirely following what you are trying to say so I would love to hear more. I don't have much (any) knowledge on the guide stones either so I think I'm in for a lesson.
The guide stones are of unknown author but lay out a world population control agenda. Complete eugenics genocide if it were followed through on and I believe is currently under way. Our children are vaccinated by force with unsafe,unproven, and largely unnecessary vaccines which is causing massive increase in infertility and autism in this generation our food is "modified" and out air is being poisoned( yes Chem trails are real, this has been proven and acknowledged which puts massive amounts of metals in the air as well as when aluminum combines with glyphsphate.....wam! You get a horrible damaging combo. Does it not seem odd to any one that the rait of autism has skyrocketed in the last couple decades? Used to be 1 in 1000 I believe now its 1 in 15. Not a natural increase at all especially when you factor in vaccines which there is a very heated debate on obviously. World mercury project has some pretty solid data and reports on that whole shit show not to mention the vaxxed documtary does a pretty good job.
For those that say that has all been debunked, please check your sources and take the time to find out who paid for the research to "debunk" those things. As cliche as it sounds, follow the money. As well I am trusting that we have some common sense left and realize that mercury doesn't magically become non toxic when you give it a different name.....just saying. I am passionate and intelligent, my motivation for all of this is I love the world genuinely and don't wish to see those I love suffer for no reason and worst for the benefit of others, I don't enjoy being called crazy but I am willing to follow facts were they lead instead of where I want them to go. That simple fact is of key importance.
I have some beautiful and wonderful things I have found in this whole process,it isn't all gloom and doom in fact there are beautiful "conspiracies" in fact free energy is not a myth and that I can prove pretty easily in fact I have some proof that is easily verifiable, as well as a cancer cure which can also be proven. I will end this comment with a simple comment I hope we can all ponder on, do cures make money? Who benefits from cancer? #conspirafact #hiddeninplainsite
Sorry for being long on the reply, non the less some interesting information you have put forward.
I have to disagree with your standpoint on vaccination as the autism debate is one that has to many other factors involved, there are know more autistic people than ever before people just understand autism better, in the 1920's if you would only be diagnosed if you had severe autism as less severe autism wasn't understood at all, people would be told to tie up their boot straps and keep going, their autism was overlooked it still existed.
You can't just say vaccines cause autism when there is no real information to say that, there is a very, very slim correlation between the two things, it's almost like me saying cars make people fat because over the years we have had cars people have got fatter, completely ignoring the fact the people now exercise less than ever and eat hugely worse diets and so on.
Maybe not the best example but I hope you understand my meaning for it.
I do agree with the view that medicines are put forward as a godly cure with no downsides and have written about the subject in recent times, covering things like how there are no 'side effects' of medicine just direct effects, some desirable and others not desirable but because they are marketed as 'side effects' they are looked over. Modern medicine is wonderful in many ways but needs to be questioned more and used less. People need to let their bodies fight some aliments on their own to get stronger and at times natural remedies are a good thing to use.
Its a difficult area to discuss as we are still learning so much about the body and DNA that we find out new information to work with constantly, but then there is the matter of finding the good info and the propaganda spread for the gain of money.
Having high ranking people being connected really means nothing, I mean if you were on of the most powerful people in the world would you not aim to work with other people of similar power to actually benefit from the situation. People also all have their individual goals so powerful people work with other powerful people to help realize these goals and if the relationship worked well why not continue it? I'm sure there are many people who are very powerful but don't get involved with other people of the same power because they feel no need to. Really I'm trying to say that people serve themselves over organizations, so powerful people may work together but that doesn't mean there is a great conspiracy, I see it as no different than 'normal' people working together.
don't be naive. why do we need large organisations directing things anyway? why not just leave people be to do business and live their lives?
you haven't even begun to scratch the surface. 'in the age of information ignorance is a choice.'
maybe it's too scary to believe. so much information out there for theose who are not afraid.
by the way, earth isn't a globe.
'In the age of information ignorance is a choice' A nice quote but one the does not apply to the world today. We are in an age of misinformation, what information exists that you know to be true? What do large organizations direct? Maybe they are in the same boat as everyone else, Thinking they are in control when they really have none.
You are saying a lot without really saying anything at all.
'what information exists that you know to be true?'
the sky is blue, earth is stationary, no sane person wants there to be war, only those in government seem to push it. all observable with my own senses every day of my life, without any outside information. rebut?
The sky is not blue, it appears to be during the day, it's looks black at night but really it is clear and picks up scattered light, earth is not stationary, you would have to argue what sanity is to say if a sane person wants war.
Things can often be different from what we see, We even see through our eyes upside down but the brain flips the image for us, our senses can often misguide us, outside information from as many sources as possible is the best way to gain perspective, is it not?
yes, and everyone says the sky is blue (during the day, when they're not chemtrailing.)
you feel earth moving do you? at 1038 mph? and 67,000 mph? and 490,000 mph?
I'm struggling to get your point, people don't feel the earth moving but that does not mean it doesn't move, have you ever been in a plane? When you up in the sky moving you don't feel the plane moving unless there is some turbulence, if you stand up and jump on a plane you aren't going to shoot to the back, the plane moves you don't.
so using that analogy you're saying that earth is enclosed like an airplane cabin?
The secret society so secret, that everyone knows its inner workings :-)
I saw that you upvoted my comment, thanks.
I checked out your page and that is an awesome line you have at the top there.
No worries, yeah it's a good one, I believe it was John F. Kennedy who said it first.
Ha I didn't recognize the quote lol. I am more of a flowery poetry quote type of guy I guess. You know like "Now Morn her rosie steps in th'eastern clime / Advancing sow'd the earth with Orient Pearle" type of stuff.
The intimate inner workings are not known but there are a few who were in those circles and for some reason or another grew a conscience and spoke out about it. Presidents have warned us, for fuck sake Eisenhower, Kennedy warned us about the CIA/deep state and a few weeks after he signed executive order 11110(essentially stripping the fed reserve of its power...go look it up if you don't believe me it's public record and again hidden in plain site) his head gets blown off and the narrative that somehow changed the laws of physics so that bullet could come back around and hit him a second time(wiki leaks emails show very clearly that the surgeon general concluded that there were TWO shooters, but hey conspiracy right) How many coincidences does it take before it slaps you in the face hard enough to wake up from the programming. If any one is still trying to act as though nothing is wrong and there isn't some larger narrative playing out then you are being willfully ignorant. Go read operation Gladio and see if you can still tell me the means and the motivation are not there for any one of these "conspiracies"
I would love to have a conversation about this as I have done years of research and have tried to hone by bullshit radar. So while not all "conspiracy" theories aren't true some aren't theories and are unfortunately a little more real than we would like to think. So I would like to open a dialogue on this as I believe there is some form of Elite that do indeed run the world that is outside what could be considered just ego driven humans. I look forward to your reply.
I agree that there is some form of the elite running things but not quite in the usual way and not necessarily sinister. Say for example we have lord Rothschild, He has his vision for the world and over the years has built up a group of people that he can rely on that share similar views, these people are also likely of some influence.
This group then work toward a goal and along the way run into lets say bill gates, who also has his group of close friends that have influence and share an similar vision.
During discussion Rothschild and Gates decide they want to work together on a project, they then have a gathering each bringing people of relevance, to discuss how to spearhead the project. They now have each other as connections and some of the people around them also now have more connections. They then complete said project and go on their separate ways knowing they now have each other as a contact.
So that's how I see it, many different groups all working toward their own goals that may occasionally collaborate or may occasionally clash on some areas they disagree on, some of these groups seem to have good intentions and others seem to have bad intentions.
So I don't think there is one centralized group but many groups all differing, maybe even some people secretly work with others from group to group and there would likely be a complex hierarchy in each group.
Then the people with the most influence in each group may organize to meet and discuss things with each other, like any form of parliament or at least along those lines. Where they could discuss anything and everything.
So to an extent I see a conspiracy hear but I don't see there being one centralized group that controls everything.
This could be how it is with no ill will but the actions they take and ethos they follow are not in any way "good for us" from my understanding. The elite I will call them as I believe the term fits, for the most part have the same core values and I have done as much digging as I can to corroborate this. There core values are Satanism, and eugenics,as well as "maintaining" the population at around 500 million. Hitler believed in eugenics it was the backbone of his actions for his "superior race" ideology. ie belief in the right to rule over others as a right they have because they have alien DNA from pre Atlantian(elongated skulls that have been found in many ancient sites and the elongation is not from head binding as in certain African cultures which as a side note they seem to be emulating some progenitor race(take a look at Akhenaten & wife negr); the Egyptians were a culture that prided themselves on accurate representation in there paintings and my reason for making this comment is that they did not take artistic license so there paintings should be taken as literal for example the photo at the bottom of this post as well as the geometry of Akhenatan's bone structure was "abnormal". Elongating the skull seems like an odd practice to pick up without any inspiration). As well there are several legitimate examples of alien artifacts, sites and races on this planet, I have tried to gather as much data to corroborate as I can on all this stuff and so far I have a fair amount so if you would like some of my material that makes me believe I am not coming from complete speculation I would be happy to provide.
Now whether or not you and I believe in what they believe is irrelevant as they whole heartedly believe it, and with there beliefs comes ritual sacrifice and blood magic, I know this sounds crazy I think it is too but if you take your beliefs and ego out of the situation and follow the actual facts of the matter,they only lead to a very bisar but unfortunately real situation.
So many examples of the hidden in plain site theme,it's hard to pick the best one. I hope to continue a lively and intelligent conversation. I have made an analogy I believe describes the situation of all the "random" data points. It's like a light bright(I'm sure this makes me seem old ;-)) one of the data points by itself seems crazy or makes no sense but when you get enough of these data points they create an unmistakable image, for me the "image" is uncomfortable and disgusting but seems to represent reality none the less.
Most are not willing to have the necessary dialogue to actually make any meaningful connections in this genre, I could keep going on this but don't want to make this one post as long as dickens haha
Im not so sure about ancient aliens and things around this area, I have spent a lot of time researching this topic but I think for me it is impossible to make my mind up as we know so little about human history, I mean you can barely even trust history from 500 years ago let alone 1000 years and beyond, the winners write history and tend to destroy the history of the defeated which leaves us with vast holes in history, the evolution of people, society and so much more. For all we know ancient aliens could be real it could be fake, humans may have just been vastly more advanced than we think or we are told.
Personally I lean toward the belief that ancient humans had advanced technologies but they used entirely different types of technology than we use, maybe they managed to harness sound or vibrations in a way we have not yet learned or were able to use simple things they had around them better than we can today. It is something we may never truly know but I sure would love to find out.