On average, people rack up as much debt as they possibly can. Making the minimum payment isn’t that difficult as long as they’re employed. Doing so allows them to maintain a particular image they desire. Carrying insane levels of debt allows these people to use things they technically can’t afford but instead pay them off over a very long period of time. This is a never-ending cycle that will result in massive levels of bankruptcy.
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Sources Used in This Video:
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We need to understand that debt is the weapon of the technocratic elite. They use it against us. It is a TRAP. Do not be fooled. Just like the rat is fooled. They meet their fate. Don't be a victim.
Do you believe people we will see a deleveraging of debt any time soon? Or will people consume until their go bankrupt?
Everyone having so much debt it is as if people have created their own inflation in their lives. Why make your money worthless voluntarily.
Debts are made up that rich can be richer and the poor more poor. It's never ending loop...
I started listing to part 2. I'm a ninja like that.
Dear moneygps, long time ago I have found (perhaps) on Zerohedge a chart that has shown the decreasing competition in the financial sector and how the overall share has over time gone to fewer and fewer banks. Do you possibly know where I can find this or a similar chart (competition in the financial sector over time)?