2018 - 2025 The Next 7 Years of Tribulation

in #debt7 years ago

Today's Topic: 2018 - 2025 The Next 7 Years of Tribulation

Today I like to talk about the next 7 years, which shall be modern history's most dramatic changes, that will cause many conflicts, wars and fall of many corrupt governments.

Since the last crisis during the year of 2007, the normal business cycle of rise, fall and renewal was prevented from happening by the global central banking system pumping trillions of dollars, backed by nothing but blind faith, into the global economy.

They had to do so as they control the global monetary supply and many large corporations are their friends whom tried to dominate the world and own everyone.

Lead by US whom printed 4.5 trillion US dollars, Europe, Japan & China central banks followed suit by printing as much as their own fiat currency possible to prevent the collapse of the global economy.

However, printing money out of thin air has it's own consequences as it cause inflation and hyperinflation as prices of everything rises especially in real estate worldwide.

History had shown that when this phenomena happens, it was usually indication of the coming fall of an empire, followed by war. Rome was one such great example.

Such situation happens when men of dishonour attempts to control the world.

Money is one major tool used to control the world, besides Education (Mind control), Sight (Movies), Sound (Music), Touch/Feel (Fear) and Food (GMO-DNA alteration).

However, one major component cannot be changed or control, which is Creation's FreeWill (Spirit) but it can be manipulated by falsehood to those unawakened, foolish or ignorance.

The global monetary system, in its present form started in 1913 and gradually is being taken down as it's usefulness and plots are increasingly being exposed by the awakened since it's objectives is to build more modern day slaves using the Debt based ponzi system to serve those in power or have first access to free money.

Next year 2018 is the year the debt based system finally run out of steam, having served it's usefulness for well over 100 years. We are being lied to, when debt is debt a liability, and not or never an asset.

Those whom are still enjoying life and living beyond your means as you party all nite to your debts, shall be having a rude awakening because 2018 next year many things will surface that falsehood shall be finally exposed as the old earth is left behind and the new earth moves in.

2018 to 2025 are the next coming 7 years of tribulation.

Thank you.

David Lim. 3 Sept 2017.