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RE: Death’s Rocket

in #death7 years ago

I get so very frustrated. I am used to using my own keyboard instead of this laptop's measly keyboard. Nothing wrong with it, I am simply used to my own. So I had this profound reply, and now I will have to rewrite it.

Right, so I looked at all of the comments. All of us have no idea what happens in the afterlife. All of us only have some vague view that we will live forever in some form of energy.

I am not in the business of converting anybody. I would just love to have a conversation with all different theories. I know where I am going. I am not sure whence I am coming from. Do you get my drift?

I will have to get my children to show me how to have a live conversation, but it would be a pleasure to share each other's views, and seeing what we have in common, and where we disagree. I repeat: I am not in the business of converting. However, if I can show someone towards the Light, I would be deeply thankful.


I think I get your drift. I’ve always had a strange relationship with spirituality. I don’t quite know how to put it into words. While having many spiritual experiences and feeling like there is some kind of presence in this universe, I’ve never believed in established religions. I’ve found some of the stories associated with them interesting and some of the teachings helpful, but I can’t bring myself to worship in a particular fashion and I can’t accept any official story. That’s what I like about living in Japan. There are places to worship at and believe, even while doubting, and there are rituals that are light enough and infrequent enough to easily observe and be moved by, and there is enough privacy and freedom to worship as you wish. I don’t know. I’ve found myself feeling very connected to something over here quite a few times, often, I think that Sonething is nature, setting, and spirit, of some kind.

Another thought: you should write a post about this and invite discussion.

This is a good idea. Remember, I said I am going to print your entire article, read it through and comment in my own way. I will then post it with my own ideas, and then invite discussion. Ooh, this is going to be exciting. Just promise me that you will participate. I am still very small and do not get a lot of views.

Send me the link when it’s posted and I will definitely participate!