Yes/Agree however when someone is investing 5-6 hours a day for 7 months from their heart. And then in the end no matter how much they give it all gets a slap in the face. You get told your crap, your nothing, your worthless.. your boring.. how much more can the person give with out feeling shit on. I am going to be honest with you. I am really not happy right now with how some of these creators are on a high horse and have their nose snubbed down on everyone else. I have never judged or attacked anyone. Even if they did have a boring video. I also know how to say my opinion with out being rude and insulting to people. I have given so much and have been treated like shit in return. Honestly Nathan I really appreciate your delegation. You said you would not judge. Well i am going to tell you, I do feel judged. In fact I feel like the people shitting on me and on the platform (saying its crap and no one is here watching) are treated nicer and with more respect, and have been rewarded for their abusive behavior. So please go ahead and remove all of the delegation. I will just make my "boring" "useless" videos with my little kid and grandma. And if people feel guilty and have a conscience it is not because "I" have made them feel that way. It is their gut reaction because they know what they did was not right.. and they are guilty of their own accord. So you can all just ignore me since I am so horrible. And I will spend those 7 hours a day with my family who loves and cares about me. Instead of trying to help people who shit all over me.
Take care Nathan.
I wish you all the best.
Sighs... What is this all about? I hope not about the DTube troll from last week. I thought we got past it? You did a very mature response to it and I thought you moved past it. I must be missing sth, other than that, I am always a text/call away if you need an ear. I don't think you're boring or find your videos useless, and I hope I never did make you feel so. Warm Hugs
Fuck that kind of people @kawaiicrush. The more attention you give, the more they will rejoice. You are not responsible for what the people think or say about you.
Any kind of success brings hating at some point. It only means you are doing it right.
It takes two for tango.
Take care honey
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Turning criticism into a personal attack is entirely unacceptable. If he didn't like your video he had complete freedom to watch some other video. Ignore him. He made some valid points, but he could have done so without going after specific DTubers and still made his point. Look forward to seeing your next video, take care and remember to have fun.