I'm a bit busy to make videos, but today I watched a video on youtube and it motivated me to record this video and to talk a bit about this topic.
I want do better in my life and become rich, that's why I watched the video to get rid of some mistakes I make in my life.
I watch tv sometimes, and I will do my best not to watch it at all.
I eat fast food sometimes and I will try to stop doing it at all.
I wake up sometimes late but I will try to wake up early regularly.
I take a shower once a day and I will try to do it twice at least.
I will try to never complain and not to blame anyone but myself.
I will try to keep saving money to use it only in an urgent situation.
I never buy for credit or loan, I try to buy only from what I earn.
I will try to visit doctors more often, at least to benefit from the insurance.
I will try to talk more with rich and successful people and build relations with them.
I will try to follow my dreams and do my best to help myself and others.
Let's think rich to get rich.
Thanks for watching and reading. ☺
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▶️ DTube
Very accurate -- thanks for sharing.
You are very welcome. Glad to see you back. ☺
It starts lol but after digging in the video you release that you should cry instead of laughing! The majority of our activities lead us to poorness but in the other hand all what we have to do is to follow some simple steps to change our thoughts first than we can become rich!( i hope you don't forget about me when you become rich....or i just have to become rich as well!! Lol)
We all have to become rich. That was the point. Follow those tips and you will be rich. You already can be rich from now. Being rich is not only having money, but acting like rich, thinking like rich. You will be rich for sure. You are talented, your talent will help you achieve your dreams. ☺
Aww!! You should give motivation classes!!
Lol, sad topic, funny delivery! Stay healthy clix!
Haha, thanks,I knew you will like it. Thanks for the feedback. :)
Well you are correct Clix !!
lol liked the edits of the points of the video.
Yeah, because I see a lot of people here doing the same mistakes. So I wanted to let them know about that in a fun form.
I sure hope your effort will bear the result !!
I think it is great message for the said people. Thanks for another nice topic.
Posted using Partiko Android
Welcome. :)
Haha :) this video is so good :)
Posted using Partiko Android
Yeah, I did my best. Let's all think rich and not to make mistakes of poor people. lol ☺
I saw the video, your list and it seemed like a commitment to New Year's resolutions..! I hope you can fulfill them all..! And, you now: Steem On..!
I will do my best to be better the next year. Yeah, you can consider it as a challenge for me for 2019. ☺
@clixmoney Very well done video. Yes I think it is true people who are poor wish to be rich. but many do shower and eat decent food and not always McDonald's burgers. keep up the great work. look forward to your next amazing video
Lolz so true @clixmoney .. Thanks 4 sharing.
😀I have stolen the first aid kit for me. Yes you have right and...motivation me today.. Yes. Thank you!
Posted using Partiko Android
You are welcome. :)
@clixmoney, funny video. I like the points about the poor people that you outlined.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks. :)
Some poor people didn't even have a chance to shower or some things you mentioned here. It would be more appropriate to talk about the system and people that are still accepting poorness as some kind of decision for some people.
Yes, some decided to be poor and to be lazy. But, NEVER FORGET those who didn't even have a chance to find a job or to take a shower.
I'm not raging against you. I just don't like how we treat poor people. :) Imagine creating a video about rich people - they are greedy, they are putting money before people, they are destroying others and planet for their own benefit, they are having way more than they need, etc.
So, both sides are shit. Let's just be people!
Have a great day.
They always can find a job. The video is made to motivate people. Not to keep them complaining that they don't have a job. In this world there are a lot of opportunities if they try hard. What you will tell about a man didn't even has hands and legs, but he found his way to survive.
How many of them did it what he did? Where is he born? Did he had family or friends? Was he born while bombs were dropping on his city? Was he born with some mental disorder so he can't talk?There are so many things that can change the course of your life.
Weather we like it or not, LUCK is a big factor. Not the biggest but we are lucky to live where we live. Are you telling me that you would have same financials if you were born in Africa in some village? No, that's why you and me are so lucky.
Anyway, I don't want to sound like I got something against you or that I'm raging. I'm not, really.
I just don't like categorization of people. We are individuals and should be treated and judged that way.
Peace, love and unity and sorry if it feels that I'm attacking you but I'm not, I think I understand who you're targeting. I just want to put mentality into people that poorness is something deeper than this and that some of us are lucky to have what we have.
I loved your expressions when you said they watch tv its like frustrated helpless guy...
Indeed a very good message in the end.....
Thanks, I'm glad you like it.