Hello everyone!
Yes, maybe we are a bit late with Halloween announcement but we hope that you won’t mind us since we were pretty busy here at the office with our new update. Which is now LIVE!!! Woohoo! 🙂
We wanted to let you know, the ones who haven’t heard about our update, and tell you that you can now apply if you haven’t done that before. Once again, we will leave our Beta form link here, so if you want to participate – you know what to do! 🙂
Leave us your credentials and see you in Beta! 🙂
You will receive the game in next couple of days when you apply.
We want to encourage you to give your honest opinions, suggestions and feedback. We would appreciate that a lot!
Old iOS Beta testers - please check your inbox and other boxes, you'll find your invitation via Test Flight email. And old Android Beta testes - you can download the game via this link: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.horagames.cryptominer
If you experience any kind of difficulties, feel free to contact Vladimir on our Discord channel or write to support@horagames.com
All the best from Hora Games!
Website: https://cryptoidleminer.com
Discord: https://discord.gg/6UVGSRN
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/HsId9BD15Gv3Lj8pZOulyg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cryptoidleminer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cryptoidleminergame
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cryptoidleminer
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoIdleMiner