I never said it should. I'm just wanting to understand if the current tax is good or bad for a new player to start on the game. If it's bad, I won't start. If it's good, I will start.
As I'm not currently invested on the game, I don't change the rules, I can just look at the current rules as an outsiders and see if it's currently good or bad to start on the game.
With the current taxes you will have a lower sim income for sure, but on the other hand you can find good deals on the market from players who see almost no return. There is still a return, but you will have a hard time going over 5 percent. But when taxes normalize (90 instead of 110) you profit from th0se deals i guess. Unless Jelly votes himself as president for life, in which case you are better of just buying sim and hold it. But starting the game is always a good idea.
I talked with some players in the last few days, and they all said that the price of Cards still increased over time, eg basic home were being sold for 130-140 and now is aroud 290-300 SIM.
But anyway, 5% is an incredibly small return when you compare with other P2E games like RisingStar or Splinterlands.
Yes, population cards went up a lot because of changes in the popularity algorithm, but income cards come relativily cheap now. Sim h0lding rewards are 24% atm, but when taxes drop you're better 0f with cards. Maybe just wait and see where it goes?
Oh, I didn't knew about this difference between pop/income cards. Thanks for your explanations; I'm honestly thinking about getting on the game by following one of your "newbie cities" that you posted in the past, but I'm actually worried that I'm getting on the game on the worst time ever and that I won't ever be able to reach the development of "Old Timers" who got into the game when everything was easy and tax was low.