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RE: Are Looks important in Dating?

in #dating8 years ago

" all you have to do is meet more women, have better social skills and do more with your life to compensate. And you will surpass him." lol.
Seriously though, this article just encourages the comparative-mindset that is toxic and plagues the pua forums and other outlets since..well, forever.

After a point, there are so many other things that matter and what a quality person means has less and less to do with how they look. Sure, being CLEAN HEALTHY and actually dressing like an adult is important but I feel that's kind of normal. I rarely meet dirty people....


comparing yourself to what is out there, is what enables you to honestly evaluate yourself.
this is what results in a healthy self esteem, not this delusion of im fine the way i am, or im not good enough.

this is not about pick up forums. its much more evolved then that.
this article covers a very small topic, which is mens looks and how to improve them.
and what can be realistically be achieved,

do realise that, not every guy that reads my stuff is a pua,
im all about self acceptance, however at the same time, improvement as well.

bla bla bla alpha bla bla bla evolved bla bla bla redpill bla blaaaaaaah.
oh well, maybe.