Are Looks important in Dating?

in #dating8 years ago

Are Looks important in Dating?

Yes, and this article will delve into why. In the world we currently live in, we are very visual – both men and women. What we look like tells other people what is going on with our bodies and lives.

-An example of this would be acne on the face would signal that the person has a hormone imbalance.

Yellow teeth signals you don’t brush them or take care of your oral hygiene

Bad odor from your body signals you don’t wash.

A disheveled appearance would signal to someone that you don’t take care of your self/lazy

As you can see because we live in the world of appearances we can tell a lot by a person by just looking at them. When you meet a woman for the first time she will be judging numerous things about you. One of those things would include judging your appearance and how you present yourself.

Some of the things include:

Are you clean ( have you trimmed your beard, washed your face, brushed your teeth)

well presented (fashion, are you in jogging bottoms of in a blazer)

muscular(tells the girl you work out),


handsome(genetics and taking care of yourself)

Fat % ( eating habits, self control )

Now this article is about looks, and from reading that list above it is pretty clear that you can assume a lot of things about the way a person lives his life depending on how they look and dress. We live in a world of cliff notes and people judge us whether we like it or not, whether we think its fair or not.

Its just the truth. Accept it and move on.

Truth is though as a man, your in luck. There are numerous things that you can do to improve your appearance to become a better looking and more masculine looking man.

out of the 6 bullet points mentioned above possibly 5 out of those 6 can be improved up and will make significant improvements to your appearance.

Major changes come easily from lowering your body fat percentage and packing on a respectable amount of muscle here’s an example: As you can see the loss in body fat and addition of muscle not only made his upper body more lean and muscular, but it also added definition to his face, gave him a jaw line and a much healthier look.

Next up on the list which is a very achievable option which delivers instant results dressing better. In the famous movie CRAZY, STUPID, LOVE, Ryan Gosling takes it upon himself to help a cucked old man get back into the game and get laid. What’s the first thing he does.. make him spend a ton of cash on new properly fitting clothes that look great.

Ryan Gosling leading by example.

Fashion choices are major. You need to dress appropriate for your age, and calibrate to the type of style you like. And above all. It has to look good.

However I won’t be covering which clothes to wear in this article. However I will do in future posts.

This article was about the question of whether looks matter or not. And the answer is Yes they do, that said though it is not the only thing that matter. In fact, If a below average looking guy made the effort. He could look pretty good. It’s just retarded when guys get hung up on not being the best looking guy, or being average looking, and complaining about life. About how thing could be easier.

And then there’s the guys that believe looks don’t matter at all and run around chasing women during the day and getting no results because they look homeless.

If your not a tall, jacked, handsome dude is it going to be harder for you to attract women? Yes it is, BUT it doesn’t mean its that hard. The jacked dude has it easy. But all you have to do is meet more women, have better social skills and do more with your life to compensate. And you will surpass him.

It’s all about maximizing your value, while meeting women and being able to display your value(game + social skills) in the most efficient way.

Until next time,

Jason Spartan


To me it's all about confidence. And confidence comes is easier when you take care of yourself, train, have a purpose in life, dress clean and know how to talk with people...especially women.

i agree!
when your life is together and you have a purpose, you will definitely get confidence!

As long as you don't lie about how you really look like behind the screen...

hahaha yes :D

" all you have to do is meet more women, have better social skills and do more with your life to compensate. And you will surpass him." lol.
Seriously though, this article just encourages the comparative-mindset that is toxic and plagues the pua forums and other outlets since..well, forever.

After a point, there are so many other things that matter and what a quality person means has less and less to do with how they look. Sure, being CLEAN HEALTHY and actually dressing like an adult is important but I feel that's kind of normal. I rarely meet dirty people....

comparing yourself to what is out there, is what enables you to honestly evaluate yourself.
this is what results in a healthy self esteem, not this delusion of im fine the way i am, or im not good enough.

this is not about pick up forums. its much more evolved then that.
this article covers a very small topic, which is mens looks and how to improve them.
and what can be realistically be achieved,

do realise that, not every guy that reads my stuff is a pua,
im all about self acceptance, however at the same time, improvement as well.

bla bla bla alpha bla bla bla evolved bla bla bla redpill bla blaaaaaaah.
oh well, maybe.

Looks matter for a short term commitment aka a one night stand (literally it took me ten minutes to think an inoffensive word here). Men: all that matters is what's in your wallet currently and in the future and your skill in increasing it. Metrosexuals: (I'm assuming) all that matters is the woman's level of lesbianism because you're not a real man in the first place. Women: all that matters is how non-crazy they are.

Isn't Ryan Gosling the guy from The Notebook. That was horrible torture if a movie that was designed to horribly torture ever existed.

yes looks matter more for short term mating,
however at the same time, long term as well.
as what you wear, how you behave tells a person whether you are suitable for a long term partner or not.