(Part 4) DataBlockChain Case Study Examples: Empowering Individuals and Companies Alike

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In the previous three parts of this review series on DataBlockChain, we have already analysed DataBlockChain’s disruptive vision of revolutionising the problem-riddled data space with their disruptive blockchain-powered platform.

Current problems are crippling the space, and the overall structure of the data industry in its fragmented and complex state is far from adequate to meet the needs of consumers in our increasingly data-powered digital world. DataBlockChain’s answer to the situation is utilising a mixture of cutting edge blockchain and AI-based technologies within decentralised platform to create a solution capable of delivering a data transacting experience more efficient, secure, and beneficial overall.

But what does this look like in practice? Here, we will examine some case studies in order to demonstrate how DataBlockChain’s solution can benefit both businesses and individuals in the real-world.


It is an unfortunate fact of our ruthless financial system that most start-up businesses end up failing within the first couple of years; many businesses realise their business practices are not ideal, there is not a big enough target market for their offering, or they become outcompeted when unable to keep up with the latest ever-changing consumer demands.

The truth is that, clearly, not all businesses are going to survive, and quite honestly many businesses just aren’t viable in the way they operate and quite simply don’t deserve to take custom over a well-prepared competitor. But many of these major crippling problems which start-ups face can be addressed with the use of accessible, reliable data.

Using DataBlockChain’s platform, a prospective business owner can first conduct in-depth, reliable research into many aspects of their potential business idea; from potential customer base demographics in a certain area to data regarding the most effective marketing strategies, start-ups can harness reliable data to optimise their business for their particular niche.

Whether a start-up or established business, data is key to acquiring new customers as well as effectively retaining those which you already have. The key to this is advertising, in whatever form, and the backbone of a successful advertising campaign is- without fail- effective, reliable data from which to craft your advertising strategy. Every niche is different, and has its own ecosystem of specific participants who are each more or less receptive to different advertising approaches and marketing strategies.

Using DataBlockChain’s platform, businesses both big and small will now be able to easily acquire the quality, reliable data for effective marketing- however large or small the data quantity request. What’s more, because an inherent part of the DataBlockChain platform is the Smart Indexing Engine, AI-powered reliability scores will allow businesses to prioritise data with confidence.

Especially in the competitive business world, quality data can be the difference between success and bankruptcy. Knowing their customers both existing and prospective is what keeps a business at the head of its game.

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Industries identified by DataBlockChain as increasingly requiring the type of data and transparency they are offering. Taken from the whitepaper: https://www.datablockchain.io/pdf/whitepaper.pdf


On an individual level, quality data can be useful for a variety of personal and social projects. As an example, let’s say you were a middle-aged lady looking to organise a local charity run for breast cancer. The idea is simple- organise a run in a certain location by reaching out to local potential participants, and a mechanism for collecting charity proceeds from local supporters- and the cause is noble.

You don’t need data to tell you young to middle-aged women are probably going to be your most receptive potential participants/ supporters of the run. However which groups exactly? How should you most effectively approach them, with what medium? Essentially, the golden question in any situation like this is how do you most effectively spread the word on a tight budget for outreach?

DataBlockChain could be used in such a situation for building an effective outreach strategy by utilising data about the local demographic: which types of people live in the local area; who might be most open to supporting or joining such an event; which mediums most effectively catch people’s attention for putting a message across (online advertising, flyers, personal visits for discussion), and so on. Quality data is a valuable resource, and can be extremely effective for any purpose if utilised in the right way.

Data being available to individuals in such a way is unprecedented in the traditional space, but DataBlockChain’s innovative solution strives to make data acquisition not only more efficient and reliable, but also more accessible to those whose lives can be enhanced by such data in any such way.


Information is power, as they say, and whatever your need for secure, trustworthy data, DataBlockChain are looking to make the experience of data selling and acquiring a seamless process which is maximally beneficial for all involved in their decentralised blockchain and AI-powered platform. The platform is striving to make quality data more accessible and open to businesses (of all sizes) and individuals alike.

The scope for the uses of reliable quality data is huge, and by making such data more easily accessible and more trustworthy through their decentralised, transparent platform, DataBlockChain is striving to make the overall experience more beneficial for all data consumers.

In our final instalment of our DataBlockChain we will be analysing the DBCC token itself and its utility within the ecosystem.

Take a look at the DataBlockChain website to dig deeper in your project research or to find out more

If you have questions you would like answered I'd suggest joining either their standard Telegram community, or their Bounty Telegram community depending on your query:
Telegram- https://t.me/dbcio
Bounty Telegram- https://t.me/joinchat/Ho-YFg8O26hIutf7R8A8BA