I can vouch that the content posted here is owned, was created by and posted by the same individual referenced in the Slideshare link. (Ref: I'm dating the guy, and was present for Joel's creation of the license agreement, as well as its posting on both Slideshare, and Steemit.)In regards to the comment posted by @cheetah -
I'm happy to see that this site has mechanisms in place to protect the intellectual property of others, and is exactly what this document aims to promote. :)
How does one validtate their ownership of content posted on this site that they have also shared via other means, in order to avoid being flagged? I've had some issues with this as well, but being new to the platform I've yet to figure out the best way to do this.
Thanks @cheetah (I realize you're a "bot", but still!)
#steemit-help #authentication #licencing #intellectualpropertyrights