We started our RT and Dash financed Great American Pilgrimage (GAP) journey across America. And here are some photos from the set so far.
We began in Los Angeles and have driven through to Denver so far. All has been sunny along the way.
Here are some photos of me and Max on the first day of production taken by Peter Duke, who I call the 'David Bailey of Santa Monica.' (And Bailey is actually a friend of mine, so I should know).
Notice the DASH t-shirt!?
All has not, however, been fun and sun. Here is, for example, how cranky I look when having to wakeup at 4am for an early morning start time:
And we have managed to keep working on Keiser Report. Here's a still from an upcoming episode this week and recorded in Denver:
I feel so blessed to have been able to experience some of the most stunning scenery on earth. So far, what has really stood out is the parts of Arizona and New Mexico through Navajo Nation:
The iPhone just doesn't do it justice. The first photo was taken at the Arizona/New Mexico border. And the second photo was taken north of Gallup, NM heading toward Colorado. A journey worth putting on your bucket list.
Anyway, back to some production meetings. But remember, if you see the DASHmobile on the road, wave to us!
Unless Max is at the wheel and then you'll want to get out of the way really fast!
[Signed, Stacy]
We Love You Stacy @keiserreport even if you have to be awake at 4 AM. Life across America in the DASH Mobile...............
thank you for the journey and cross US.
Nice to see your new found love of your home country after living the nightmare that is UK! :)
Dashforce-1 looks great, it must be turning some heads and raising some questions as you drive district-to-district drumming up dialogue on democracy, dollars, and digital currencies.
Thanks for giving steemians a backstage pass on the Great American Pilgrimage with behind the scenes photos and anecdotes!
I made this from the Sputnik 'Double Down' photo of you both, because I could, and because nobody was here to stop me, hope it gives you a laugh:
Happy trails!
I love it!
Wow amazing post, beautiful pics, my friend greetings from México!
yes new mexico is one of my favorite spots
If you guys make it to the Northwest, come check out North Idaho! Great scenery, great people, and some Dash fans...There's also a great crypto group in Boise building a sizable community and turning Idaho into world crypto hub!..Max would love the guy that runs it. (It's called the Idaho Bitcoin Group if you're curious...) Enjoy the rest of the road trip!
Love it!! Thanks for spreading the word on DASH

Wave... unless Max is driving... Ha ha! Beautiful photos Stacy! Thank you for sharing with Steemit!
I'm not joking . . . lol, seriously, stay away from Max's driving.
Go on max love ur work mate
Upvoted, re$teemef & following!
awesome i was wondering when the great road trip would begin, am really looking forward to some great and amusing videos from your experiences. Upvoted -David E
Did you mean Sedona, Arizona Stacy???
Because i will adamantly agree!!!
No, we didn't make it to Sedona. Drove up 491 north of Gallup, NM through Navajo Nation. Then west on Indian Service Route 5 which was the very best part of the drive.
I see, i thought that orangy rock is from there. Have fun on the road!
Excellent! Great to see that you've started your journey. I'll be following your progress.
Great to see you guys living the dream!!! Keep up the awareness of cryptos!!!!
Good post
I 1st heard of Steemit from you guys on your show a while back & only just signed up yesterday.
All the best with GAP!
Looking forward to the insight & info which help me think critically / creatively. Ive Upvoted, resteemed & followed!
this is so great! looks like a fun adventure! thanks for sharing Stacy.
If only Jamie (small head) Dimon would slam Dash. Yes I remember that photo! Please JD, call it a fraud - gift me another great buying opportunity.
JD - call it a fraud...you fraud.
Thank you Dash masternode owners, for making this possible, looking forward to this Documentary.
Looking at the DASHmobile, isn't that wind generator on top a bit of a nuisance at low bridges? ;-)