Lost Faith - Read or listen to the story

in #darkness7 years ago (edited)


(All work is my own)

Electricity was out. He looked out of the window. No streetlights. No stars. It didn’t matter, people were blind anyway. He went for a walk to clear his mind, as dark as the night. He couldn't stand it anymore.

No one seemed to understand. They didn’t want to understand. They didn’t want to reason, they didn’t even want to get along. All this ignorance, this closed-mindedness, this… these strange moral foundations. Irrational madness everywhere. He had lost hope, lost faith in humanity.

He went down to the river, the lights were still working down there. He sat down on a bench, watching the moving water. Rubbish floating by. People had no respect for anything. He stayed there, staring out into nothing.

-Such a beautiful night, is it not? It was a woman’s voice, just behind him.

-I guess it could be, he answered without turning around, kept looking apathetic at a bottle disappearing down the stream.

-May I sit? Her voice was metallic, but soft.

He thought he could hear a longing of lost loved ones, a deep, hidden sadness. Her accent he had never heard before.

He shrugged. -Sure, why not.

He didn't care.

-It doesn’t have to be this way, she said. -I can help you. He looked at her. She was looking straight forward, into thin air, as if she was talking to someone else.

-Er… He didn’t know what to say. She was beautiful. She looked young, yet wise. Childish but experienced. Her skin was pale, as if she hadn’t been in the sun for ages. She leaned towards him.

-Trust me, she whispered.

She touched his face, moved his head a little. Green eyes staring into his. She kissed him. Her lips were soft as cotton, her tongue smooth as silk. He met her. Her hand touched his chest, his heart. Her kisses reached his neck. He felt something sharp. Teeth piercing his skin. He moaned. A rush of pain and pleasure spread out through his body. Deeper, more real than anything he’d ever felt. Beyond sex. Beyond love. Beyond life. He let himself go, disappeared into darkness and beauty.

He came back. She looked different, more beautiful than anything he’d ever seen. A goddess. She bit her lip. Blood.

-Drink, she said, and kissed him again. It felt good. Tasted good. He was somewhere else. Someone else. Nothing mattered anymore. This time he didn’t come back.

-Come. She took his hand. The world had changed. The darkness was no longer dark, the world of humans no longer important. -Let’s find someone to eat.



(All rights reserved, please share)


Oh you Bloodsucking Bastards! Excellent story. Again!

Thanks a lot! Happy you liked it, doing the best I can :)

Once again, beautifully scripted sir!