Just change the voter name to your user name, we will be more than happy to assist you :)
If you post the link in this format:
one actually does not have to edit the link at all ;-)
Hi @flugschwein
Thanks you so much. Updating the link now.
Let us know about your thoughts on the app and any suggestions.
Well your ideas and concepts really look appealing! Let's see what this turns into. I would really appreciate it if you made it open source as soon as that is possible and reasonable for you. Especially since you want to be funded by the SPS, this is even more important in my opinion.
Yes. Once we have a stabilized product after Phase 1 release. We will open source our code but it would be really hard for us to open source the Design assets and animations. So we are looking the areas where developers can benefit from our codebase.
Thanks for you you input.