I know you are Spanish and I saw all your blogs now , and I saw all were bi lingual why not try one with the English text forst and than the Spanish to try to see if more readers will come by just as an experiment.
And also again the tags here are missing. Poem writing life love thoughtfuldailypost Spanish blog etc are tags you can use
#thoughtfuldailypost is a wonderful TAG to help spread positive energy on the Blockchain!!
Yep this would be an excellent choice tag to use let’s hope he will
Ayy thanks again @brittandjosie for so much help! I'm ashamed to be such a newbie 🤭😄
Yes, you're right! I'm going to experiment more with post in English first. And more #
Thanks also @wesphilbin nice to meet this initiative!
I will use the hashtags that you recommended!
That they are super good!
No reason to be ashamed my friend. We all start out learning and experimenting... in life, AND on the Blockchain.
We are both from THE TERMINAL we help