
That last part of third parties messes up the whole project..Metamask,buy eth from exchange..all this is hard work for new users.

This below kills it all....people will just give up.

Once you've got your SPN, you have to watch a video to learn how to stake those SPN into Sapien Network

I was going to check it out but above reasons have discouraged me!!

i think your doubt is right and i fully agreed with your after read these 3 reasons ,,any way steemit is the best bcz when we started it we dont invest any one peny and started it without any diffifculty just with signup

Interesting thanks for the write up of the article

I waited ages for the launch of sapien beta. I thought this is another blockchain on social media which will pay users for posting just like steemit does. I wanted to be an early adopter of sapien but never had I thought that there will be that so called 'staking system'.
After realising that you need to pay first in order to earn and watch some tutorials to be able to stake, I gave up the idea to join it.

Well your review of Sapien seems fair enough

Thank I tried to's difficult when I have such a bias toward Steem.

Evidently it didn't show up in your review..... Keep up the good work!

This is a nice project sir

Yup its look fine all proof and evidence is defined