Tata [Decentralized social media]

in #dapp5 years ago (edited)


With no doubt, the next decade will be dominated with so many decentralized social media apps and will be a battle for the fittest and fastest since the flawlessness on the internet is been measured with speed.
Ever since the release of the steem social media chain which seems to be the first (I might be wrong), so many companies have bought the idea of developing there on blockchain and equally making it an interactive one where developers can build whatever they want on it especially social media apps which according to smartinsights social media has grown up to 3.4billion users worldwide.

Away from that fact, lets here into the topic of today; tata A decentralized social media built on the TTC blockchain



Just like every other decentralized social media app out there, tata makes no difference, every user has right to speak with no central/single authority governing them or deciding what to do and when to do, the whole decision is been done by the community members.
In lay-mans understanding, Tata is simply an Instagram kind of app that pays you for sharing your content on their platform, and since it's decentralized the community members get to decide the reward each user gets from a post.

Tata is built on the Acorn protocol and among the acorn alliance dapp, probably the newest to the ecosystem.
The acorn engine rewards users for there contributions on apps built on the system not just limited to publishing posts or growing communities.

Its a system been built on a protocol where everything counts, not minding the effort engineered in or how effortlessly it was done, the community gets to decide.
ACN is the standard currency which serves as a means of reward on the Acorn ecosystem which tata is part of, which can be used as a means of exchange, to purchase stuff and also withdrawn e.t.c

Getting started with tata

  • signing up on Tata requires a mobile phone (android or IOS), no webapp yet
    for android download here
    for IOS download here
  • Fill in your details, email, phone number (verify), set password and select user name
  • At first during sign up, you have to pick your interest(ranging from sports, style, food and so on..) and follow a minimum of 1 person

Now you're logged in is over to creating first post

  • click on the center lower icon that looks like "+" plus sign
  • and select and image from your gallery

images below

  • Write a caption, accompanied with hashtags and emojis (optional)
  • and publish, it'll automatically show up on your feed

Common stuffs on Tata everyone should know

  • In order to start monetizing your experience, a user must first complete the KYC process which can only be done by downloading the TTC apart
    read this post for how to successfully apply for KYC

  • Heat points determines the amount of ACN a user can earn from a certain post

  • Reputation on tata matters a lot as it determines the amount of heat point a certain user can give

  • The easiest way to increase your reputation is by being active on the tata app

  • At reputation 20 some features are being unlocked for the user

  • The higher the reputation, the higher the reward

  • Although being an app dominated by the Chinese, tata is free for everyone :-)


Overall i think tata is a great app and their UI is very sleek and easy to navigate through, definitely, the best app to relate with the Chinese. :-D


Where is the coin trading at and how much is it worth

Posted using Partiko Android

TDEX, an inbuilt exchange on TTC
$0.0046 last time i checked

meh, tell them to list on steem enegine, i thought this was a scot token but this looks lame, acorn protocal? lol if its not steem or eos related im bored

you should make a system like this but just do it on scot bot we just need a mobile app!

i have been trying to figure out it works thanks for making it easier

You're welcome dear😀

Hey there @camzy.
Thanks for your contribution to the realityhubs community. I appreciate the fact that you elaborated about Tata. Thanks for contributing.
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This is pretty interesting and great app. Looking forward to using it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Better do..😊

Never knew there was an app built on the TTC blockchain, i did the airdrop some months back
Nice of you bringing it up

Now you know😀

I’ve been using it for a while now. I think I should share my thoughts too 🤔


This is the kind of social media we envisage,one that gives us full control over our data.

Not just all about content

Oh....!, i remember doing the TTC airdrop
Read about the reward system and i think it's a plausible one when it comes to being prone to abusers
Nice write up mate

Hello, @camzy

Thanks for your contribution on Realityhubs. Hope you can improve your review next time.

[Realityhubs Curator]

Tried out the app for sometime now and it seems cool
Kudos to the developers, and the acorn rewarding system is cool too😃😃

Posted using Partiko Android

My first time of hearing about tata. Looks like ama give em a try.
Nice one

This is such a great/detailed review. Thanks much :)