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RE: SPS DAO - We Only Move Forward Through Compromise

in #dao11 months ago (edited)

Cyberblock, if you want me to say that you or @azircon or me (and countless others) are responsible for bad perceptions in the community at any one point in time, then I would say we all have been involved to various degrees at various times.

I don't think its important to assign a weighting though as all activity from us that creates a negative perception is not good. I believe we all know what we did, why we were triggered, what the consequences were, and whether or not it was worth it.

I also think its not important where or why it started, because it just did. I see the activity (including my own) and try to understand it. That doesn't mean I agree with it, it just means I try to understand the motivations.

I realize that AZ feels the need to deal harshly with people he feels deserve it. I also understand the impression many people have of him as a result.

I think AZ is a person who cares about the game and he gets frustrated by people's behavior much easier than I do. He's very direct and no-nonsense, and he reacts with lightning speed to what he perceives as a threat.

I also think that people that treat AZ with respect, get treated with respect in return. I have encouraged many people to have a direct dialogue with him and many have come back to me and said their perception of him has changed.

I encourage you to do so as well.

But having said that, I don't like to see the negativity that gets created. I hope we all try to work on doing things better. We can all improve and we can all contribute by setting good examples.

Hopefully one day we can be publicly positive towards each other too. I know that sounds far-fetched, but what can I say I'm a dreamer! :)


This isn't a singular event, it's an ongoing behavior problem that dozens of people have an issue with. It has nothing to do with AZ being harsh, direct, or passionate. It's an entire persona/perception that he's created to make everyone think that he and a few friends control the game. It's also the condescending tone he has with everyone he disagrees with.

Instead of attacking the dozens of people who are raising concerns and calling them, trolls, baseless claimers and various other names why don't you go to the SOURCE of the problem?

If you really want everyone to get along then this needs to stop. Otherwise, the narrative around (Oligarchy) and a few whales controlling the game will continue to foster.

Ok Cyberblock; what is the solution to this problem? How do you fix it at the source? :)

Its getting late and I'm heading to sleep CB so this is my last reply.

I think you missed the point of my post. I wasn't attacking anyone, I used the situation I saw raised recently and felt it was useful as an example of how things need to be going forward if we want proposals to pass.

People can stomp their feet and make baseless claims if they want, but if they want to be part of the process then they will need to compromise. Otherwise they will just get ignored (whales or small players alike). That goes for me, you, AZ, and even Matt and Aggy. Without compromise on difficult situations then nothing will pass, its just a fact.

I've seen several of your comments here today and it seems like you actually think AZ does control the game. I of course think that premise is nonsense. If you look at the votes for many things, people with big stake vote against each other all the time including AZ.

To my knowledge, only one person has roughly 2% and that's not AZ. So no one can make a vote go their way.

I know most all of the top guys (as you do), and I can't name one that will vote because ANYONE tells them to vote a certain way. There's not a pushover among them.

AZ takes the time to talk to people one on one, and has the interest in the outcomes. He follows all the chat going on and 'reads the room'. So sure he tries to gauge and handicap the outcome, many others do as well. Would I prefer that he use the disclaimer "my best guess is...", as opposed to "this will happen..."? Sure. It would clear up the mystique.

But you and others that know better, should realize that there is no "collusion" or puppetry going on. We all have too much stake to just proxy over our vote to anyone.

Having said all that, I do see how this happened, and AZ is in people's heads. Maybe that's even his strategy, I don't know. You of course can choose to believe it if you wish, its just my opinion that its not true based on my experience. I actually don't think you believe it though, as you are a smart guy and understand these things.

Whether AZ decides to put disclaimers in his prognostications, or whether people in the community will use his words as justification to push the narrative that he does control the community; I have absolutely no control over either.

Frankly I wish AZ would use disclaimers, and I wish veterans such as yourself would simply correct people that believe he's got this magical power, and explain to all that no one in the game has that kind of power.

But what I wish means nothing, its what everyone does that will make the difference.

Well, i have read the mavs chat from time to time, and i can say about 30/40% of the times i seen

'gonna nuke this'
'ill make sure this doesnt pass'
'dead from start'
'will downvote bomb you'
'i am going to discuss this privately with others bigs (stake holders, to choose if sink or not the proposal)'

Honestly that makes you Say, pfff elitist crap