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RE: @dan you're a little bitch

in #danthecuck8 years ago (edited)

steemit6xtra-tiny.gifYou will become a millionaire because Dan created Bitshares and Steemit steemit5tiny.gif or did I miss some important things? It really sounds pathetic and makes me sad, because I like your active role in the community and photochallenges but how can you piss on the creator of all your millionaire opportunities. You should have a tiny little respect rather than puking out statements like this. I respect every optinion whithout running crazy like some good whales and the 100´s of sockpuppets swarming after.< They flag my posts: pure community services where people get STEEMITTOOLS FOR FREE. Bravo bernie ur all so clever and pathetic. You can all downflag me again for speaking out, I dont wanna be on a platform where these kind of "goodwhales" rule & piss on the godfather of bitshares and Steemit. I´m done. have a happy flagwar.
I will write a story about why I think about leaving a great patform with huge potential this genius Platform created by Dan Larimer.

anyway I wish you can find some minimum of respect and good luck with your great photochallenges.