Well I'm glad you feel that way about berniesanders. Ignorance truly is bliss. I suggest you take some time out to take a look at what exactly your beloved berniesanders has been doing recently.
You say you feel emboldened by this place because it let's you say your piece. But what about all the other minnows and little guys who can't because your dearly beloved has taken it upon himself to censor them?
I wrote up a nice little expose on Bernie sanders and how his censorship is affecting innocent steemians who have nothing to do with the beef between him and Dan and obviously I got silenced as well.
He claims he's the good whale but I believe he should just change his name to noganoo v2.0 seeing as how that's what he's become now with his bot army down voting everyone and upvoting his own comments.
If you do find the time, I request that you read what I posted and offer up some constructive criticism and tell me I'm wrong.
Educate and learn. Don't just cherry pick facts and become so oblivious to someone's wrongdoing that you support them through their most evil actions.
I think it is more about Dan bouncing out and only downvoting posts recently. EOS has its own cashflow why take more from all of us? It may be a case of underlying censorship but unless someone with more DPOS can compensate for the flags.. Plus without assholes the world would be out of balance.
How ever the STEEM is held in limbo until payout is proven. It reduces the entire reward pool. Pay attention when large accounts decline and what payouts turn into..