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RE: DAN LARIMER: Visionary Programmer of BitShares, Steem and EOS

in #danlarimer8 years ago

Things like this interview are what scares me because I just moved 3/4 of everything I have into Ether. I have heard all over the place it is a scam! This interview with Dan Larimer shows they are hidding something.

Have you heard what Tone Vays has to say about Ethereum?




Tony Vays thinks that everything is a scam except Bitcoin..he is just in denial that the ONLY advantage that Bitcoin has over any other blockchain is that it has first mover advantage.

Tone Vays has no business spreading disinformation. I think he's full of paranoid delusions.

Thank God someone has made it clear, but I have seen so many hard questions ignored from the founders of Ether!! And why did they split? Something isnt right. I think this is ALL another ELITE scam, but if you look at it like this you can get in/out before the take down begins. Bet your but Ripple will survive so if it starts to go up grab 1000..

I have 3/4 of everything in Ether.....



you heard that Ethereum is a scam?

I do!!!! System of the Beast!! Although I own it....




I am. I couldnt refuse Digibyte at .18 so I sold 500 Vox to get it. I have what I want and its placed in things I dont plan on moving; PIVX, Bitshares, Blackcoin, Iconomi, 1,200 Steemit, and want more, Ubiq and Ethereum.
