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RE: Dance! Too much booty in yo’ pants!

in #dance7 years ago

I would have been very impressed if you had understood!

I felt it was a relevant gif, given the exuberance and joy your recount of dancing seemed to evoke. It's from a really obscure(ish) 1990s Science Fiction show, Babylon 5, where a great empire essentially falls to its knees, remaining rapt in its old delusion of grandeur.

In this scene, dancing is a metaphor for "feeling alive".

For me, with my large feet, I relate to this, because my shoes are always too tight, and I've never learnt to dance!

Also, my sense of timing is awful, so I would never be good at it anyway!


They pulled it off in a funny way, is it supposed to be funny. I guess not knowing the show, I can’t really take them seriously with those hair styles. I definitely want to watch it now! It’s still fun the dancing, there are some there that haven’t even got the basic step down properly and it’s ok, we still have fun