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RE: GOLDEN GLOBES OPRAH FIASCO: Why Winfrey/Weinstein 2020 is An Affront to Our Intelligence, #NOPRAH!

in #dakini5d7 years ago

We are all being led down this path for a reason.

The biggest lesson, for me at least, is to discover what the "elite" are really saying just under the surface (and yes, the program of divide and conquer is being pushed constantly these days).

"They" are great at consolidating their wealth while dangling the carrot just in front of our noses with the idea/fairy tale of working harder to become rich and famous.

Not everyone can become president. That's a lie. You are selected and must be of the blue bloods and give your allegiance to someone other than God, the Father.

Thanks for this great post @dakini5d!

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions." This quote leads me to pause and reflect. There are so many wonderful people in the world that need to remove themselves from the constant propaganda campaign on the various corporate owned media outlets and just get to know their neighbors.