4/23 It is the end of the world as we know it if the deep state military intelligence cabal succeeds. Right now, synthetic humans are being created in underground military bases, doctors are injecting CRISPR synthetic genes into unsuspecting patients with vaccines that will alter their natural human genome and change the genetic make up of all future generations. If we don't stop these demonic transhumanists, the entire planet will continue towards irreversible entropy.
I will be airing a video later today with more information on the intentional control and destruction of humanity and our natural planet by the blood line elites on You Are Free TV. You can subscribe to You Are Free TV and watch my videos at:
Thanks to Moral Compass for editing this video with video-clips for You Are Free TV! If you have a Truth video channel or website that you would like to expand with video-edits and other upgrades, you can reach Moral Compass at: moralcompass579@gmail.com
Thank you for viewing my post, Stemians! The time is now to become unaddicted to the IoT and defend humanity and planet Earth! @dakini5d
anything I had to bring to the table, no matter how gently I tried to approach it. If the divisiveness is this strong with people you think care about you, we have a lot more work to do.@dakini5, I follow your work daily. My last post (Waking Up Is Hard To Do) proved to be especially true last night, when three friends I consider to be deeply spiritual literally said, "we have to change the subject" when I bared my vulnerable soul by saying I was learning good things about Trump. They did not want to hear
That experience pretty much showed me that we cannot "wake people up" because WE think they need to wake up NOW. You can lead a horse to water but ....... We will have to do the work without them - WE are the ones we are waiting for, not the 'normies.' I had to discover all on my own the evils of the world, at my own pace. I had no one to help me through it, and it is a lonely place. So my vow is to be there for them when/if they wake up, and only offer my viewpoint if I feel it will fall on listening ears. Otherwise, they just shut down.
I will do my best in bringing light to all this darkness. But in all honesty, I can only take so much dark news at a time. I respect and value ALL that you do, but I may have to take a break from watching. The darkness goes on in every direction for miles. I'm questioning how much I really need to know. If I get so bogged down in the crimes against humanity, I lose MY purpose.
I know you have so much news to cover and report, but it would great if you could squeeze in a 5-10 video of ONLY good news :)
As always, blessings to you.
Quantum Prayers
Sure thing, Quantum Prayers! I can definitely do a 10 minutes of good news segment! Sounds great! I personally have known about the dark evil so long that i am thrilled it is coming out into the light. I, too, have lost folks in my life bc of "daring to support Trump." It just proves how necessary we all are in spreading the Good News! Exposing the evil is imperative. Being the Light is imperative. We are in the Great Awakening and there really is nowhere to hide. Gird your loins, do your yoga, meditate, commune with nature and then keep on daring to speak up bc we are inches away from a hundredth monkey break through!! Chin up, my friend!
@dakini5d Thanks for the encouragement! I've been following David Wilcock for several years, so I feel a tiny bit seasoned, but the clincher for me was learning about our birth certificates last summer. I've always said I'm a late bloomer. Better late than never :) I love your outdoor walks with the dogs, I love how you own up, and love your extensive knowledge. Thank you. Ps - I have kept "S" in my prayers.
Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
Thanks so much for your curation powers @truthforce!!