【Here has the monthly election of Mar, come to vote your favorite photo and win the prize!】
【I want to give more encourage for the picked up photos everyday! Could you give me a hand? Just click the photo that got chosen, give them a comment or upvote! I am so appreciate some pet lovers already did it, it will create a great power of all pet lovers linkage!】 【我想給予每天被挑選中的照片更多的鼓勵! 你能幫我一下嗎? 只需要點擊被選中的照片,給他們一個評論或點贊! 我很高興有些參加者已經在進行這個行動,它會創造出所有寵物愛好者互動的巨大力量!】
Pet-Post Week #1 at here:
如果你的照片今天並沒有被選中,請不要放棄! 嘗試關注參加此次活動的其他steemian,其中一個目的就是製造更多機會與其他人互動!

Warning! We must use original photo in this event, if I find any entry was copied from the web, your entry will be disqualified!
【At the end of month, there will be a final election! Welcome for the sponsors to offer a big big pool! Thanks!】
謝謝 @vivia 贊助了 3 sbd 給四月的總選!
P.S.: The power was down in these few days, I need to change the encourage prize to 0.05 steem for each picked up!
I will turn it up a.s.a.p., so sorry, I hope you will keep to post the nice photos!
註: 這幾天的點贊力下降了很多,我要把鼓勵的獎金下調至每位被選中照片為 0.05 steem!
Today's pick up as followings: 今天的挑選作品如下:
雌雉埃及豔后簡稱 - Сlepa,非常好的善良的鳥!
Thank you for all participants, if you have pet, pick up your camera to take a nice shoot now!
Welcome to sponsor, upvote, resteem and follow this event! If you love pets, come to think about how can we do more things of them at steemit!
歡迎贊助、點讚、轉發及關注此活動! 如果你喜歡寵物,來一起想想怎樣可以在 Steemit 為它們做更多的事情!

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Loki 都在過復活節啵, 佢心諗「點解隻蛋裡面無零食既?」😂😂
No snacks in eggs, but she gets
plenty of other treats :-)Thank you @perlia! 🐱 🐾
👏🏻👏🏻 loki very cute cute ah =]
I like the eggs, so beautiful😎
yes, its really nice ....
tnx, @kona
You are welcome, the topic of #pet-post is pet toys at this week, welcome to post😎😎
Thank you @kona 🙂
You are welcome😎😎remember to vote the montly election, enjoy it~
Already done it. 🙂
Thanks once again @kona wish my voting power was stronger you deserve much more for your great work and support to these beautiful animals :)
Thanks a lot, waiting for your nice photo again👍👍
picking my little Loki for the very
Thank you very much @kona! for cool #dailypetphotography 🐾 Thank you also to @vivia!
so sweet! 🐱@libriya Sonka looks like loki's twin
that also very cute! 🐶@bigsambucca lol my dogs like to do
You are welcome, loki is as cute as sonka🤓🤓
Thank you for making this challenge event!
My favorite was @shasta's post with Loki and the nested eggs.
Thanks, you can go to the monthly election to vote three favorite photo😎
Aww, love Cleo the female pheasant. 😄 Thinking Cleo is a beautiful name too so I called her Cleo instead. And the cute little kitten Sonka along with other wonderful pets that made the list @kona. Thanks for being included as well!