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Thursday, November 29, 2018.
Shouts of Triumph
Revelation 19: 1 - 10
Qs. 1,5 See Questions HERE.
Sometimes when evil seems to intensify and the Church seems to find herself in the middle of it all, God appears to remain quiet. It seems to us that He is not doing anything about it. We need not fret for God has His set time for action. Ultimately, He gives His Church victory, causing heaven to rejoice (vs 1-2). There is jubilation and celebration that God and His saints have finally triumph over evil.
Notice the various groups that shared in this rejoicing in vs 3-5 and the different aspects of the victory as described in v. 2. Why should the saints rejoice according to vs 6b-7? The Bride of Christ is the Church which He redeemed with His life (Revelation 21:2 cf. Ephesians 5: 30-32). Salvation cannot be achieved through works of self-righteousness.
So what:
Give thanks to the Lord Jesus for having cleansed you with His blood.
I worship You, dear Lord, for You alone are worthy of my praise.
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