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Saturday, November 24, 2018.
Redeemed, Undefiled Followers
Revelation 14: 1 - 20
Qs. 2,5 See Questions HERE.
We resume reflection on Revelations. After the massive conflict, it seemed Satan was winning. Not so. Jesus reappears with the faithful. Contrasting chapter 13, Jesus' followers bear God's name on their foreheads. See other characteristics separating them (vs 3-5). Unlike Babylon which intoxicates and prostitutes (v. 8), Jesus first-fruits are chaste celibates, persevering even through the great persecution and attacks from demonic forces and their collaborators. Their songs too are unique. God still has witnesses despite widespread backsliding, apostasy, surge of evil and compromise. We must not be deceived; God won't lower His standards to fit modernity. Let us stand firm. Jesus knows where we live, our encounters and suffering companions. He helps us to stand apart from the world.
While sin increases, the eternal gospel spreads "to every nation, tribe language and people" (v. 6), since drastic judgment and earth's harvest are very near (vs 14-20). Those following the beast made really bad decisions. Note the consequences (vs 9-11) and the only way out (vs 7, 12-13).
First-fruits (v. 4) usually indicate what harvest to expect: taste, size, shape, quantity, stability, etc. Many believers are first-fruits, samples and models in their families, communities, schools, workplaces, even churches. People take them as representatives of Jesus/the gospel. Encourage them to stand firm and manifest Jesus.
I have decided to follow Jesus;
No turning back.
Though no one joins me, still INEILL follow;
No turning back.
The world behind me, the cross before me;
No turning back.
God is preparing another kingdom;
Will you be there? I will be there.
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