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Wednesday, November 14, 2018.
Paul's Response
Acts 24: 10-21
Qs. 2. See Questions HERE.
Paul had the opportunity to present his defense before Governor Felix (vs 6-21). Note how he cautiously handled aspects of the Jewish religion so as not to offend his accusers; he did not compromise his Christian stand. "The way" in v. 14 was reference to followers of Jesus probably dream from John 14:6. To the Jews, Christianity was a sect or a "misguided" belief. Paul emphasized that he did not break Jewish religious laws in any way. How do you handle your religious life?
Note in v. 16 how Paul lived his Christian life? He made a deliberate effort to keep his conscience clear before God and people. He had no guilt before God and the people because he was not aware of any wrong he had committed to both. Guilt is God's room to remind us when we go wrong and that we need to deal with issues that cause us to feel guilty urgently. How do you handle guilt in your life? See how David did this in Psalm 51.
Paul's testimony is clear gospel presentation. How so we use available opportunity to bear witness of the gospel?
Help me Lord to keep my conscience clear.
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