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Friday, November 16, 2018.

God's Judgement is Imminent

Hosea 8: 1-14

Qs. 3,5. See Questions HERE.


The trumpet sound, called for is synonymous to the pulpit preaching of God's clear word as it concerns the moral decadence that characterizes the lives of God's people. Paul made it his goal to "proclaim the gospel of Christ, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom..." to be able to present everyone perfect. (Col. 1:28). The prophet Hosea's life revealed God's passionate heart to save His people as His betrothed wife. But Israel had remained obstinate. Hence, judgement was imminent. Compare v. 7 with Galatians 6:7. Sowing and reaping as a principle applies in our spiritual life too. Find this out in Galatians 6:7-8. See the accusations the Lord labelled against His own people in vs 16,3a, 4-5 and their consequences (vs 7-10).

God's judgement does not come without warning and to disregard such warning has grave consequences. God's people remained insolent to His plea for restoration. (vs 1, 7, 13). Surely, there can be no escape from his wrath, hence, the urgent call to sound the trumpet. How often do we realise too late that God wants to help us (v. 2)?

God's people failed to keep their covenant relationship; they were unfaithful and despised God's laws. Do we see this playing out in our marriage relationships today? How do we choose our political leaders today? Compare v. 4. Our religious practices are not left out. We desecrate God's temple, even our own bodies. In what other way does v.14 point to our guilt?

So what:

To avoid God's judgement, we need to heed His warning before it becomes too late (v. 5).


Pray for your self along this line.

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No, God's judgment is NOT imminent.