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Saturday, May 26, 2018.
God Does Not Show Favoritism
Acts 10: 23b-48
Qs. 7, 2. See Questions HERE.
Note the prompt obedience of Peter to the heavenly vision (v. 23) first by hosting the men from Gentile Cornelius overnight and then going with them to Caesarea without hesitation (vs. 27-29). Peter's action is very significant because it did not only break the barrier between the Jewish Christians and Gentiles (Ephesians 2:11), but it also marked the coming of the gospel to the Gentiles. Such prompt obedience is required from us in order to fulfill the Great Commission.
Read vs. 34-43 again. Observe that Peter did not begin his sermon by emphasizing Cornelius' sinfulness and need for salvation. Instead, he began with a statement of God's righteous character; that Jews and Gentiles are equally sinners before God (cf. Galatians 6:15). He then presented the gospel by summarizing the life and mission of Jesus Christ. What a model evangelistic message. When evangelizing, we too must bear in mind that we are not to attack particular sins but to present the good news.
In validation of Peter's message and acceptance of gentiles into His kingdom, God, released the Holy Spirit On them, like on the day of Pentecost.
So what?
Treat everyone respectfully and without prejudice.
Lord, help me to overcome every form of prejudice that can hinder me from proclaiming the gospel to others.
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God have mercy on whom he will and compassion on whom he will. He doesn't look at our state before blessing us or filling us with his spirit if we desire it sincerely. His ways are always just and true. That's why he is GOD.
That is very true. Thanks for your input @resuscitate.