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RE: A Dash of Sult N Papper 05/30/20> “Houston we’ve had a problem”… sound familiar?

in #dailydose5 years ago

Enough is enough but burning buildings and looting stores isn't the answer either. We do have class warfare in this country and it isn't rich vs poor in my eyes. It is government vs people at all levels of government not just the police and courts.
Historically minorities are victimized the most by this war because they haven't (as a whole) been financially able to put up much resistance. O'Bama talked out three sides of his mouth, so he did speak out some about police violence but never did anything to try to put a stop to it. He was the typical politician; promises after promises and then blamed congress for what he couldn't do.
As for the protesters all of them are doing it right and within the law. I know that is hard to believe seeing what is taking place but I am speaking of the legitimate protesters. There are groups of folks posing as protesters that are nothing more than thugs and thieves who subscribe to the theory that some of our politicians subscribe to which is "never let a crisis go to waste".


So well put. There will be George Floyd protests in Scotland this weekend, and I expect a whole array of politicians will be lined up to speak, and bask in the glow of reflected virtue.