A Dash of Sult N Papper 06/02/20> “Ignorance of the law is no excuse”…Really?

in #dailydose5 years ago (edited)


With all that...

With all that is going on in the USA right now with the protesting of the death (murder) of George Floyd I thought this might be a good time to take a look at our “system” and the affect that system has on our freedom.

First let me say that our “system” is broken. I haven’t clarified for you just what that ‘system’ is but there isn’t really any need to that because all of our government systems are broken in my opinion.

For the sake of some clarity though I am going to try to narrow it down a bit and try to focus on the “laws and courts”.

As I get...

As I get started I would like you to keep a few things in the forefront of your mind.

  • We live in the “land of free and home of the brave”.
  • Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
  • How did we get to where we are now?

I’m going to address each one of the items I’ve asked you to keep in mind, but if you have a difficult time with juggling three things just focus on the second one.

To even make this discussion less complex I’m only going to focus on what is applicable in all 50 states, so in our system these would be known as “federal”.

Our founding fathers...

Our founding fathers of the country came here for a “new life”; a life away from the tyranny of the Crown. Breaking away in such a manner led to the saying ‘land of free and home of the brave”. The bravery of those folks back then can’t be questioned.

Many a man gave his life for his belief that freedom was a God given right and no one man should rule over another. The signers of the Declaration of Independence knew that they could very well be signing their own “death warrant” but they signed it knowing it was the right thing to do. As we all know that signing took place on July 4th in 1776, which is now a national holiday which we celebrate each year.

Lets fast foward...

Lets fast forward to the year 1790; the country is up and running and while common law was the law of land.

The law varied somewhat from location to location since the people had the “say so” as to what was acceptable for the people in their local. In order to give some consistency when it came to the “collective of the states’ as to federal matters there needed to be “federal regulations’.

According to the history of the “Code of Federal Regulations” there were 20 regulations on the books in 1790.

Being a Christian man twenty regulations seems like a lot of regulation to me. Seeing that the bible tells the story of Moses going up the mountain where God gave him the Ten Commandments that Christians need to live by as a comparison.

Could that number of twenty been an indication of some sorts? Did the government think they were more powerful than the All Mighty?

But even with...

But even with twenty regulations the common man would have the mental capacity to read them and commit them to memory so he could abide by the law.

Chances are that some of those regulations wouldn’t ever even be of a concern for a common man leading his normal life. He would just read the regulation and then make note in his memory that if he found himself in a situation that one of those regulations may apply he would probably want to look more closely at the regulation.

So; was the saying, “ignorance of the law is no excuse” born from this?

No it wasn’t. It dates back to European and Roman law. In fact, this and other long held fundamentals in law are known as “maxim of law”.

Maxims are well established principals or propositions that are just in reason and universally accepted as such. Many of the maxims are rooted in common law.

There are 230...

There are 230 years of history to go through to get us up to date and neither I nor you need all the details right now. What is important is the number of federal regulations there are today.

Today there are 50 titles, not fifty regulations. The most current number I could find on the code of federal regulations doesn’t say exactly how many there are but it does tell the amount of pages it takes to print the entire list of them on.

The total number...

The total number of pages as of 2018 shows the number of pages to be in excess of 180,000 pages. Keep in mind that we are only talking about “federal” regulations here in that page count. I could see if we might have grown over that 230 year period from 20 to 50 regulations but that isn’t the case.

Now how in the hell can a person be expected to not be ignorant of the law?

Each of those regulations means that you aren’t allowed to do something. How “free” are we?

Now factor in...

Now factor in that states, counties, and cities all have their own sets of ordinances and codes that are commonly referred to as “law’ and tell me again just how free we are? Freedom is just an illusion here in the USA.

I know we...

I know we have it “better” than some folks in the world, (or at least we look like we do) to those on the outside looking in.

People all over the world risk life and limb to find a way to get here both legally and illegally. Maybe we wouldn’t have such an immigration problem if we just started telling folks the truth rather than perpetuating the falsehood of “freedom and liberty”.

How did we get here?

A better question would be; where in the hell are we?

Most people have seen the movie “The Wizard of Oz” where Dorothy and Toto get swept away in a tornado. A line from that movie says, “ Toto, I’ve a feeling were not in Kansas anymore”.

That film was released in 1939 and back then L. Frank Baum and Noel Langley, the writers of the movie, had already figured things out.

The Wizard of Oz is one of the all time great classic movies and most people never made the connection. Just like Dorothy and Toto were no longer in Kansas we are no longer in the constitutional United States of America.

History it is said...

History it is said is written by the “victors” so “true history” may be skewed as to what exactly may have happened. One thing I know for certain is that we haven’t had a constitutional republic of the United States of America since September 15, 1863.

“What happened on September 15th in 1863 Sult?” is a great question, thanks for asking it. That was the day that President Abraham Lincoln made the declaration of martial law in the United States of America.

Once martial law...

Once martial law is imposed the only way it can be lifted is by one of two things taking place. The first one is by a presidential proclamation rescinding the order or by a signed peace treaty ending the conflict for which it was imposed. As of today, 06/01/2020, neither of those two things has taken place.

The civil war here in the United States of America has never “officially” ended; no peace treaty was ever signed to end that war. The fighting stopped but the war is still ongoing as far as history is concerned. Martial law was never ended by presidential proclamation either.

President Lincoln ended...

President Lincoln ended up being the victim of an assassination before he could make the proclamation and no president since his time has done so either.

The rest of the story is “history”.

Everything that has...

Everything that has gone on in Washington D.C. since then has taken place under “color of law’ not the constitution. Keep in mind that martial law is military law not constitutional law.

The constitution is suspended under martial law and all courts are basically under control of the military. That American flag with the gold fringe around the flag is actually the flag of the United States Army.

Don’t believe me? Look it up for yourself AR840-10. Does it make more sense now why courts have “pretty gold fringe flags”?

Now some of you...

Now some of you may be thinking I’m just guzbucking crazy; but do you own research and then come back and then tell me that I’m wrong and guzbucking crazy.

The civil war end date is listed as April 9th,1865 when General Lee surrendered in Virginia but the last battle was fought here in Texas on May12,1865, that would be the battle of Palmito. That last part isn’t really relevant to the conversation; just a part of Texas history.

The closest thing...

The closest thing to a presidential proclamation that ever was made came from President Andrew Johnson in which he said “the insurrection is over” never did he say that martial law was ended.

There is a whole lot of history from back then until now and I don’t claim to know it all; so if you can tell where and when such a presidential proclamation ending martial law may have taken place I’d love to have you share it with me.

So where exactly are we?

I really can’t say for sure where you are at but I can assure you that I am not in Kansas with Dorothy and I’m not in the “The United States”. I’m also not in the USA, the US or any other similarly named “places”.

Those are all corporations that reside in Washington, D.C.

I can’t even be sure what state I live in. The deception and corruption has been so blatant that each state has at least two different identities.

The education system...

The education system tells us that 50 states make up our country. Of course that is very debatable because a recent president of the USA told us that there are 57 states. Who do you believe; the education system or the guy running the show? I don’t believe either of them, I contend that there are at least 100 states.

Where I live we have Texas but we also have the State of Texas. Every other state has a similar situation with the “name game”. The whole thing with our government is smoke and mirrors, just like the Great Oz in the movie.

Was there so much confusion over names and states that we had so start distinguishing them by putting “State of ….” in front of the name so we would know what place we were talking about?

I have failed....

I have failed to say how we’ve gotten here and time is running out. I will try to make this quick.

We gotten to over 180,000 pages of federal regulations because the constitution has been suspended and our so called “elected officials” are milking us for all we are worth while we try to figure out what has happened. Nowhere in the constitution is any authority granted to create laws other than to the congress.

Congress has been to busy being worried about getting themselves reelected so they created a bunch of government agencies and then allowed the agencies to make their own rules.

That is how we’ve come to be totally guzbucked. Also it is very convenient that the agencies are not run by elected directors, so we have "no say so" in how those agencies are run.

The whole system...

The whole system is broken. The country is in an uproar right now over the murder of George Floyd and rightfully so.

What is going to take to get people in an uproar over the way we have been lied to and stolen from is my question?

Ignorance of the law is no excuse and neither is the ignorance of history. Go study our history and start taking a stand for a constitutional government.
Until next time,

Note: In case the reference to the Wizard of Oz story may have lost you I suggest you check out this post from a couple of years ago by my friend Eric Vance Walton. He breaks the movie down to reveal the hidden meanings in the story. https://steemit.com/life/@ericvancewalton/what-is-the-wonderful-wizard-of-oz-really-about

Photo credits: Sult N Papper


Wow. I think there's a lot more to this than meets the eye. Reading your post, I was reminded of the David Bowie song "This is not America". I looked it up on Wikipedia. It was written as part of a movie score, for a film called "The Falcon and the Snowman" which was based on a true story related to the fall of the Gough Whitlam government, which was apparently engineered by the CIA, because Whitlam had proposed getting rid of US military bases. Apparently our Queen might have been in on it too, and Prince Charles. That song opens a can of worms! Hmmm... Makes you think.
And as for the Wizard of Oz - that interpretation sounds spot-on! I'll have to watch that film again.

Eric did a great job with that Wizard of Oz piece, no doubt about it. If you aren't following him I highly suggest you do. He is a very talented author and great person.
I remember that Bowie song but not word for word, I need to go listen to it and refresh my memory. Thanks for pointing that out to me.
It shouldn't surprise anyone that the Queen and Prince Charles would be in on that situation you mentioned, according to the Paris Treaty of Peace in 1783 the "The United States of America" is property of the Crown. King George was no fool, he gave up the "United States" and retained "The United States of America". The United States still owes literally tons of gold to the Crown's banks for war bonds from our civil war here.It is all written down , people just need to go and read it.
How is that for more than meets the eye?

Per normal you are just spot on.

There is pretty good evidence that Lincoln considered rescinding martial law the night that Richmond fell. He discussed it with Grant. It seems he decided not to rescind it because A He was newly re elected and felt he had time to 'tidy up' and B He wanted to maintain control over the prosecution of the Southern leaders.

It's a pity that Lincoln didn't have time. It would have delayed where we are today. Martial law is pretty strict and gives inordinate power to the President. So now, here we are with the President having the power to issue 'executive orders' that carry about 96% of the weight of legislation. I'd venture to guess that 30,000 pages of the 'code' are the direct result of executive orders.

Andy Johnson was an insufferable boob that liked the 'executive orders' part of his job. He wasn't going to kill that goose that literally lined his pockets with golden eggs.

Our probable best chance after Lincoln might have been Teddy Roosevelt but he really wanted a National Park system so the siren of executive order also caught him. Now it's PART OF THE CODE and a significant fraction of that 180,000 pages just buttresses 'the way things are'.

Sorta related. 114 people were arrested Saturday night in Phoenix over the protest/rioting. At least 100 had their cases thrown out Monday because the Phoenix PD used the exact same charges and statements of evidence on them. The judges said 'no probable cause'. Another good lesson about the evils of copy/paste in life.

Thanks Sult. Again. Needs to be said.

Thank you Tom. Nice to hear that at least one judge in Phoenix is not willing to rubber stamp approve of how the police are operating.

A local judge here responded to me when I inquired about the gold fringe flag in his court room. Rather than take the time to actually find out he did a quick Google search and then copied and pasted 4 paragraphs from the site into a word document , printed it out on court letter head, hand signed it and mailed it to me. Never once mentioning that he lifted the text off of copyrighted private website. I recognized it right away seeing that I done a whole bunch research prior to sending him the inquiry.

When I got that letter in the mail from him I promptly fired off an email reminding him that copy and pasting copyrighted material is theft, and punishable in a court of law. I never heard another word from that bastard but I guarantee you that if I ever have to go before him in that court he will be reminded of that indiscretion of his. His court is the local JP court where traffic tickets are tried, and I've actually been trying to acquire a traffic ticket lately just so I can have an appointment with that court.
That should be real fun when that happens!

Ahahahaha. To quote John Prine "Sweet revenge, sweet revenge will prevail, without fail."

There were at least two judges involved, and 14 lawyers in common. The lawyer that spoke up was 'duly outraged'.

Are you sure about that lawyer who spoke up? To be 'duly outraged' that would be saying he was required to be outraged, or proper to be outraged.
Quite possibly he was "dually outraged" which would mean he was outraged on two sides. Side one being that the cops acted in such a behavior and side two that the judge dropped the charges meaning he loses a bunch of revenue opportunity.

My guess is that he 'dually outraged', but just my guess.

Ignorance of the law is the only position you can hold.
No one alive can read all the palp the congress of The US has passed.
No one alive can read all the palp the Infernal Revolting Syndicate has created.

So, ignorance is all that can be.

If the we supposed to be in knowing of the law,
the law would be constricted to one book that most knowledgeable people would be able to read and understand. In fact, it would be a course in high school "Reading and Understanding the Law".

But reality is far different. Almost every govern-cement bureaucracy has "rules" that are contradictory.
They all have rules that make it easy to take, but almost impossible to retrieve.
(such as asset forfeiture)
Never a balanced system.

So, in the end, what do we do? Mostly we can just recognize that we have no rights, but where is the line when enough is too much and the old authority is condemned?

Educating ourselves on what has taken place is the first thing we need to do. Taking the position in life of "man" rather than citizen is the second thing. A whole new avenue opens up just by doing that second item.
The government systems aren't designed or capable of dealing with man. Man still has rights, citizens exchanged their rights for government controlled privileges that can be taken away at anytime. That is why nearly every government form you ever fill out asks if you are a US citizen.

Think about this for minute...there is no law that says a man (or citizen even) has to be able to read yet all the "laws" are written? Common law, which is the law of the land here in the United States of America, is unwritten law has never been outlawed. We can start by challenging every court as to the jurisdiction of the court. Another thing is jurisdiction of the agencies of the government.

You mentioned the IRS . There is a group of people who have been filing suits against the IRS and obtaining court orders from the courts saying the IRS lacks jurisdiction. The key factor is that when challenged from an offensive position the IRS backs down, the commissioner of the IRS knows that they operate way beyond their limits. He doesn't dare let one of those cases be decided and a record be recorded that can be cited in future cases, if that were to happen 'the cat would be out of the bag" so to say.
Short of another civil war all we can do is expose the problems, educate ourselves and attack the weaknesses that we are able to uncover such as the IRS and the courts.
The biggest problem is to get the congress and senate to operate within the Constitution, there is where the change needs to happen. I, just like you, don't know what we can do there... voting them out only replaces them with more of the same type of power hungry folks.
We might be better off trying to get the states to take a stand but most of them are relying on federal funds of sort or another so they aren't going to be willing to bite the hand of their master.
It won't be easy but we have to try to restore this country to its former being.